Year First author Citations link
1976 Jansa,L.F. et al. Jansa,L.F. et al. (1976) Stratigraphy of the Amoco-Ioe Murre G-67 Well, Grand Banks, Newfoundland. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper. 1- 14 details
1976 Marcinkiewicz,T. Marcinkiewicz,T. (1976) Distribution of megaspore assemblages in Middle Bundsandstein of Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 191- 200 details
1976 Shepeleva,E.D. Shepeleva,E.D. (1976) The acritarch Minuscula, Naumova and the relations to the facies character of the host rock Paleontologiya Dokembriya i Rannego Kembriya. 102- 105 details
1976 Soper,N.J. et al. Soper,N.J. et al. (1976) Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary stratigraphy of the Kangerdlugssuaq area, East Greenland, and the age of Opening of the Nort Atlantic. Journal of the Geological Society, London. 85- 104 details
1976 Martin,H.A. Martin,H.A. (1976) Cyathea Paleospora and Cyathidites subtilis. Australian Journal of Botany. 595- 596 details
1976 Chepikova,I.K. et al. Chepikova,I.K. et al. (1976) Microfossils of the Late Precambrian of the Volga-Ural Regions and their stratigraphic importance and the relationship of the facies character of the host rock Paleontologiya Dokembriya i Rannego Kembriya. 105- 106 details
1976 Eisenack,A. et al. Eisenack,A. et al. (1976) Catalog of fossil dinoflagellates, hystrichospheres and related microfossils. Acritarchs. E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany.. 1- 863 details
1976 Taylor,T.N. Taylor,T.N. (1976) The ultrastructure of Schopfipollenites American Journal of Botany. 857- 862 details
1976 Pamkyavichene,L.T. Pamkyavichene,L.T. (1976) Distribution of microphytofossil of the Vendian-Cambrian Pogranichnykh deposits of the West Part of the eastern European Platform Paleontologiya Dokembriya i Rannego Kembriya. 106- 108 details
1976 Viswanathiah,M.N. et al. Viswanathiah,M.N. et al. (1976) Primitive microstructures in Sargur Schists (Precambrian) near Mysore, Karnataka. Journal of the Geological Society of India. 112- 113 details
1976 Maithy,P.K. et al. Maithy,P.K. et al. (1976) Microbiota from the Suket Shales, Ramapura, Vindhyan System (Late Pre-Cambrian), Madhya Pradesh. The Palaeobotanist. 176- 188 details
1976 Rothwell,G.W. Rothwell,G.W. (1976) A new Pteropsid fructification from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Kansas. Palaeontology. 307- 315 details
1976 Herngreen,G.F.W. Herngreen,G.F.W. (1976) Palynological investigation. (In: Palaeobotanical and palynological investigation with notes on microfaunal of some core samples from the Lower Cretaceous in the Western Netherlands Basin by Amerom et al .,1976 Mededelingen Rijks Geologische Dienst, Nieuwe Serie. 56- 60 details
1976 Timofeev,B.V. Timofeev,B.V. (1976) Discovery of Vendian microfossils in the Flysch Zone of the Ukrainian Carpathians, (Zacarpathians). Paleontologiya Dokembriya i Rannego Kembriya. 108- 109 details
1976 Pant,D.D. et al. Pant,D.D. et al. (1976) Compressions of a new type of Pteridophyll, Asansolia, gen.nov., from the Lower Gondwanas of the Raniganj Coalfield, India. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 129- 139 details
1976 Singh,R.Y. Singh,R.Y. (1976) Stratigraphy and palynology of the Tura Formation in the Type Area: Part 2. (Descriptive palynology.) The Palaeobotanist. 189- 204 details
1976 Cross,A.T. et al. Cross,A.T. et al. (1976) Palynology and petrography of some solid hydrocarbons of Utah. Brigham Young University Research Studies, Geology Series. 157- 173 details
1976 Iliescu,V. et al. Iliescu,V. et al. (1976) Specification of the Silurian age of the Repedea series S.S. of the Rodna Mountains (East Carpathians) relying on palynological data Dari de Seama ale Sedintelor. 3- 10 details
1976 Mikhailova,N.S. Mikhailova,N.S. (1976) Microphytofossils of the Udokanskoi i Bodaibinskoi series Paleontologiya Dokembriya i Rannego Kembriya. 111- 112 details
1976 Amerom,H.W.J.Van et al. Amerom,H.W.J.Van et al. (1976) Palaeobotanical and palynological investigation with notes on the microfauna of some core samples from the Lower Cretaceous in the West Netherlands Basin. Mededelingen Rijks Geologische Dienst, Nieuwe Serie. 42- 79 details
1976 Pojeta,J. et al. Pojeta,J. et al. (1976) Silurian-Devonian pelecypods and Paleozoic stratigraphy of subsurface rocks in Florida and Georgia and related Silurian Pelecypods from Bolivia and Turkey. United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper. 1- 29 details
1976 Nautiyal,A.C. Nautiyal,A.C. (1976) Devonian acritarch distribution and paleolatitudes. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy. 297- 302 details
1976 Shchekina,N.A. Shchekina,N.A. (1976) Evolution of vegetation in the Odessa Province at the end of the Miocene and the beginning of the Pliocene. (In: Palynological Studies of Sedimentary Deposits in the Ukraine and adjacent Regions. Y.V.Teslenko, editor) Trudy Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk Institut Botaniki Izdatelstvo,Naukova Dumka,Kiev,Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. 64- 77 details
1976 Bharadwaj,D.C. Bharadwaj,D.C. (1976) A revised Fit for Gondwanaland. Biological Memoirs. 41- 55 details
1976 Nautiyal,A.C. et al. Nautiyal,A.C. et al. (1976) Lower Triassic Argillaceous sequence of Pahlgam (Kashmir Himalaya) and palaeoecological observations Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy. 364- 371 details
1976 Zosimovich,V.Y. et al. Zosimovich,V.Y. et al. (1976) The Zmiyevskiy spore-pollen assemblage in the Paleogene of the Region. (In: Palynological Studies of Sedimentary Deposits in the Ukraine and adjacent Regions. Y.V.Teslenko, editor) Trudy Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk Institut Botaniki Izdatelstvo,Naukova Dumka,Kiev,Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. 59- 64 details
1976 Soper,N.J. et al. Soper,N.J. et al. (1976) Palynological evidence for the age of Tertiary Basalts and post-Basaltic sediments at Kap Dalton, Central East Greenland. Grиnlands Geologiske Undersиgelse, Rapport. 123- 127 details
1976 Bharadwaj,D.C. et al. Bharadwaj,D.C. et al. (1976) Palynostratigraphy of Lower Gondwana deposits in Parana and Maranhao Basins, Brazil. Biological Memoirs. 56- 103 details
1976 Taylor,T.N. et al. Taylor,T.N. et al. (1976) Achlamydocarpon varius, comb.nov. Morphology and reproductive biology. American Journal of Botany. 1257- 1265 details
1976 Parishkura,S.I. Parishkura,S.I. (1976) Paleogeographic conditions of the Lower Dnieper Region during the Upper Pliocene and Quaternary based on the spore-pollen analysi. (In: Palynological Studies of Sedimentary Deposits in the Ukraine and adjacent Regions. Y.V.Teslenko, editor) Trudy Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk Institut Botaniki Izdatelstvo,Naukova Dumka,Kiev,Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. 77- 86 details
1976 Pirozynski,K.A. Pirozynski,K.A. (1976) Fungal spores in fossil record. Biological Memoirs. 104- 120 details
1976 Bjaerke,T. et al. Bjaerke,T. et al. (1976) Microplankton from the Janusfjellet Subgroup, (Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous), at Agardhfjellet, Spitsbergen. A preliminary report. Norske Polarinstitutt. 63- 68 details
1976 Semenova,E.V. et al. Semenova,E.V. et al. (1976) Comparison of spore-pollen complexes in boundary strata of the Lower and Upper Jurassic in the Donets Basin and Yakutia. (In: Palynological Studies of Sedimentary Deposits in the Ukraine and adjacent Regions. Y.V.Teslenko, editor) Trudy Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk Institut Botaniki Izdatelstvo,Naukova Dumka,Kiev,Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. 33- 40 details
1976 Lukin,A.Y. et al. Lukin,A.Y. et al. (1976) Bobrikovskiy Unit of the Visean Stage in the Dnieper-Donets Basin Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 939- 942 details
1976 Yanovskaya,G.G. Yanovskaya,G.G. (1976) Palynological evidence for age determination of the Vishnevskay Series in the Dniester-Prut Interfluve. (In: Palynological Studies of Sedimentary Deposits in the Ukraine and adjacent Regions. Y.V.Teslenko, editor) Trudy Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk Institut Botaniki Izdatelstvo,Naukova Dumka,Kiev,Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. 44- 49 details
1976 Tschudy,R.H. Tschudy,R.H. (1976) Stratigraphic distribution of species of the megaspore genus Minerisporites in North America. United States Geological Survey, Professional Paper. 1- 10 details
1976 Kar,R.K. et al. Kar,R.K. et al. (1976) Algal and fungal microfossils from Matanomadh Formation (Palaeocene) Kutch, India. The Palaeobotanist. 1- 15 details
1976 Sergeeva,L.A. Sergeeva,L.A. (1976) New forms of acritarchs of the Devonian of the Ukrain. (In: Palynological Investigation of the Sedimentary deposits of the Ukrain and Adjacent Regions) Trudy Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk Institut Botaniki Izdatelstvo,Naukova Dumka,Kiev,Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. 21- 26 details
1976 Batten,D.J. Batten,D.J. (1976) Aptian and Albian palynomorph assemblages from Southern England International Palynological Conference,4th,Proceedings, Lucknow, 1976-1977. 11- 11 details
1976 Laing,J.F. Laing,J.F. (1976) The stratigraphic Setting of Early angiosperm pollen Linnean Society of London Symposium Series. 15- 23 details
1976 Oshurkova,M.V. Oshurkova,M.V. (1976) Miospore assemblages of the Coalbearing Carboniferous deposits of Central Kazakhstan. VSEGEI,Leningrad),Series.Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Carboniferous. 138- 157 details
1976 Voronova,M.A. Voronova,M.A. (1976) Paleofloristic reconstructions of Bauxite bearing areas in the Territory of the Ukrainian SSR. (In: Palynological Investigation of the Sedimentary deposits of the Ukrain and Adjacent Regions) Trudy Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk Institut Botaniki Izdatelstvo,Naukova Dumka,Kiev,Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. 40- 44 details
1976 Faddeeva,I.Z. Faddeeva,I.Z. (1976) Miospore complexes of the Carboniferous-Permian boundary Layers of type sections of Southern Pre-Urals. VSEGEI,Leningrad),Series.Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Carboniferous. 158- 171 details
1976 Rotman,R.N. Rotman,R.N. (1976) Some characteristic forms of angiosperm pollen in Paleocene deposits of the Ukrainian metamorphic shield. (In: Palynological Investigation of the Sedimentary deposits of the Ukrain and Adjacent Regions) Trudy Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk Institut Botaniki Izdatelstvo,Naukova Dumka,Kiev,Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. 50- 58 details
1976 Christopher,R.A. Christopher,R.A. (1976) Morphology and taxonomic status of Pseudoschizaea, Thiergart and Frantz ex R.Potonie emend. Micropaleontology. 143- 150 details
1976 Stanichnikova,M.S. Stanichnikova,M.S. (1976) Terrigenous spore complexes of the Early Carboniferous deposits Western Chernysheva. (In: Palynological Studies. Collected Articles. S.R.Samoilovich, editor) Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Neftyanogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologorazvedochnogo Instituta, Leningrad(VNIGRI). 21- 25 details
1976 Chi,B.I. et al. Chi,B.I. et al. (1976) Biostratigraphy and taxonomy of Devonian Imegaspores, Arctic, Canada. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology. 640- 673 details
1976 Alexander-Marrack,P.D. et al. Alexander-Marrack,P.D. et al. (1976) Devonian sediments of East Greenland III. The eastern sequence, Vilddal Supergroup and part of the Kap Kolthoff Supergroup. Meddelelser om Grиnland. 1- 121 details
1976 Sarjeant,W.A.S. Sarjeant,W.A.S. (1976) English Jurassic dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs: a re-examination of some type and figured specimens. Geoscience and Man. 1- 24 details
1976 Tiwari,R.S. Tiwari,R.S. (1976) Palynological succession through Raniganj Formation, (Upper Permian), Raniganj Coalfield, India. The Palaeobotanist. 16- 24 details
1976 Pierce,S.T. Pierce,S.T. (1976) Morphology of Schizosporis reticulatus Cookson and Dettmann 1959. Geoscience and Man. 25- 33 details
1976 Tokunaga,S. Tokunaga,S. (1976) Paleopalynology and its history Palaeontological Society of Japan, Transactions and Proceedings, New Series. details
1976 Vakhrameev,V.A. et al. Vakhrameev,V.A. et al. (1976) The border between Middle and Upper Jurassic -an important division line in the history of the development of the climate and vegetation of thee northern Hemisphere. Sovetskaya Geologiya. 12- 25 details
1976 Wiggins,V.D. Wiggins,V.D. (1976) Fossil Oculata pollen from Alaska. Geoscience and Man. 51- 76 details
1976 Christopher,R.A. Christopher,R.A. (1976) Palynologic correlation of Cenomanian-aged coastal plain deposits from New Jersey, South Carolina, and Alabama. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, Annual Meeting. 151- 152 details
1976 Harris,W.K. et al. Harris,W.K. et al. (1976) Eocene microfloras from the eastern Murray Basin, New South Wales. Geological Survey of New South Wales, Quarterly Notes. 1- 6 details
1976 Felix,C.J. et al. Felix,C.J. et al. (1976) Age of microplankton studied by Manum and Cookson from Graham and Ellef Ringes Islands. Geoscience and Man. 83- 86 details
1976 Avkhimovich,V.I. Avkhimovich,V.I. (1976) New spore species from Famennian saliferous deposits of the Pripyat Depression. (In: New Species of Fossil Fauna and Flora of Belorussia.) Akademiya nauk BSSR, Belorusskoe Otdelenie Vsesoyuznogo Paleontologicheskogo Obshchestva, Minsk, Izdatelstvo Nauka I Tekhnika. 171- 184 details
1976 Oleynik,E.S. Oleynik,E.S. (1976) Some new and little studies species peridineae and green algae from Paleogene deposits of Tadjikistan. Paleontologicheskii Sbornik. 84- 84 details
1976 Dzhabarova,K.S. Dzhabarova,K.S. (1976) Palynological characteristics of Late Pliocene deposits of Azerbaizan. (In: Paleontology and Stratigraphic Studies of Azerbiazan.) Institut Geologii Im Gubkina Azerbaidzhanskoe Paleontologichesk Obshchestvo Akademiya Nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR. 198- 200 details