details |
Hauterivian |
Barremian |
USSR(Siberia) |
Markova,L.G. Spore and pollen assemblages of the Lower Cretaceous from Western Siberia. |
1967 |
details |
Aptian |
Albian |
Markova,L.G. et al. Spores and pollen of the Lower Cretaceous layers of the Turukhansk borehole. |
1960 |
details |
Barremian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Orlova-Turchina,G.A. The Hauterivian and Barremian spore-pollen complexes of the West and central parts of the Crimea Plain. |
1966 |
details |
Hauterivian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Orlova-Turchina,G.A. The Hauterivian and Barremian spore-pollen complexes of the West and central parts of the Crimea Plain. |
1966 |
details |
Neocomian |
USSR(Far East) |
Chlonova,A.F. Palynological characteristics of Cretaceous Layers in Siberia and the Far East. |
1971 |
details |
Hauterivian |
Turonian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Ivanova,E.A. et al. Schizaeaceae. (In: Pyltsa i spory zapadnoi Sibiri, yura-paleotsen. S.R.Samoilovich and N.D.Mtchedlishvili, editors) |
1961 |
details |
Middle Albian |
Late Albian |
Canada(Ontario) |
Richardson,M.L. et al. Grant 19. Palynostratigraphic working standard for intra-basinal correlation of Albian Lignitic strata, Moose River Basin, Ontario. |
1981 |
details |
Cenomanian |
Turonian |
USSR(Koryak Okrug) |
Korotkevich,V.D. Toward questions about palynological characteris Tics of Melovykh deposits of the central part of Koryanskogo Nagorya |
1967 |
details |
Albian |
Cenomanian |
USSR(European) |
Kopytova,E.A. The spore pollen complex of the central part of Kyzylkumov and its stratigraphic significance. (In: Fossil Spores and Pollen of Plants and their Significance for their Stratigraphic Subdivivision of Oil and Gas Bearing Series of Precambrian, Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks in the European and Central Asian Regions of the USSR. S.V.Semikhatovoi, V.P.Grichuka, and K.A.Bolkhovitina, editors) |
1967 |
details |
Early Valanginian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Shramkova,G.V. Discovery of the pollen Spheripollenites scrabratus Couper in the Lower Valangingian in the Obayan Region, (KMA). |
1972 |
details |
Berriasian |
Albian |
China(Kirin) |
Li,W. Palynology of Early Cretaceous of Jiaohe Basin, Jilin Province |
1984 |
details |
Paleocene |
Danian |
Davies,E.H. The Anemiacean, Schizaeacean and related spores. An index to genera and species. |
1985 |
details |
Aptian |
Albian |
USSR(Yakut ASSR) |
Balabanova,T.F. On the size of the Khatyryksk Suite, Central Yakut. (In: Collected geological Article #8) |
1963 |
details |
Neocomian |
USSR(Turkmen SSR) |
Barkhatnaya,I.N. et al. Spore-pollen complexes in Jurassic deposits of Central Karakumov. (In: Fossil Spores and Pollen of Plants and their Significance for their Stratigraphic Subdivivision of Oil and Gas Bearing Series of Precambrian, Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks in the European and Central Asian Regions of the USSR. S.V.Semikhatovoi, V.P.Grichuka, and K.A.Bolkhovitina, editors) |
1967 |
details |
Aptian |
Albian |
USSR(Kazakh SSR) |
Aristova,K.E. Spore-pollen complexes of support well Kylandy 1 and its significance to stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Mesozoic of northern Pre Aral. (In: Fossil Spores and Pollen of Plants and their Significance for their Stratigraphic Subdivivision of Oil and Gas Bearing Series of Precambrian, Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks in the European and Central Asian Regions of the USSR. S.V.Semikhatovoi, V.P.Grichuka, and K.A.Bolkhovitina, editors) |
1967 |
details |
Hauterivian |
Barremian |
Koltsova,T.T. et al. Description of spores and pollen in Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Western Siberian Lowland. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) |
1964 |
details |
Barremian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Voronova,M.A. et al. Stratigraphic subdivision of the Cretaceous deposits in the Middle Ingul River Region |
1972 |