
Citations total:
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details Early Miocene Middle Miocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Baranova,Y.P. et al. New data on the Miocene of Mount Mamontovaya (Aldan) 1970
details Pleistocene Japan(Iwate Pref.) Takeuti,S. Palynological studies on the Late Cenozoic rocks distributed in the vicinity of Ichinoseki City, Iwate Prefecture, Northern Japan. Part 2. 1970
details Tortonian Pleistocene Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. Palynological characteristics of Neogene sediments in the area of the West Carpathians, Slovakia (CSSR). 1970
details Early Triassic USSR(Siberia) Mikheenko,V.I. Genesis and age of traps in the eastern part of the Tunguska Syneclise 1970
details Late Paleogene Late Neogene USSR(Kirghiz SSR) Fortuna,A.B. The results of spore and pollen researches of Paleogene-Neogene complete section in the east part of the Issyk-kul Basin. (In: Dispersed Remains of Plant Fossils of Kirghizia.V.G.Korolev, editor) 1971
details Late Pliocene Pleistocene USSR(Kirghiz SSR) Azykova,E.K. The vegetation and climate devolopment of Issyk-Kul Basin in the Late Pliocene and Pleistocene. (In: Dispersed Remains of Plant Fossils of Kirghizia.V.G.Korolev, editor) 1971
details Eocene Hungary Gidai,L. The facies of the Eocene in the Region of many Szomor-Zsambek and of Bajna 1971
details Late Miocene Early Pliocene USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Biske,S.F. et al. The age of Ehrman Series as determined by palynological and carpological studies of a stratotypical section at Cape Nepropusk, (western Kamchatka). 1971
details Late Senonian Paleocene Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Hopkins,W.S. Report No.K-9 WSH 1969. (In: Appendix: Reconnaissance Geology, Southern Great Bear Plain, District of MacKenzie. H.R.Balkwell, editor) 1971
details Paleocene Holocene Surinam Amstelveen,A.L.E. A palynostratigraphical correlation of seven test wells in the Coastal Plain of Surinam (In: Contributions to the Geology of Surinam. 2) 1971
details Late Neogene Turkey Benda,L. Principles of the palynologic subdivision of the Turkish Neogene 1971
details Pleistocene Wales(Merioneth) Herbert-Smith,M. Palynology of the Tertiary and Pleistocene deposit deposits of the Llanbedr (Mochras Farm) Borehole. (In: The Llanbedr (Mochras Farm) Borehole. W.Woodland, editor) 1971
details Late Neogene USSR(Carpathians) Rybakova,N.O. Flora and vegetation of the Trans-Carpathians in the Pliocene. (In: Spore-Pollen Analysis used in Geomorphical Research. S.S.Voskresenskogo and M.P.Grichuk, editors) 1971
details Miocene USSR(Baltic) Katinas,V. Amber and Amber-bearing deposits of the Southern Baltic area 1971
details Early Oligocene Middle Oligocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Panova,L.A. The Oligocene of the West Siberian Lowland. (In: Cenozoic Flora of Siberia According to Palynological Data. V.N.Sacks and V.S.Volkova, editors) 1971
details Late Neogene Pleistocene USSR(Amurskaya Oblast) Malaeva,E.M. The application of the palynological method in the appraisal of climate changes of South-Eastern Zabaikal in the Late Cainozoic. (In: Spore-Pollen Analysis used in Geomorphical Research. S.S.Voskresenskogo and M.P.Grichuk, editors) 1971
details Late Oligocene Miocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Fradkina,A.F. et al. Late Oligocene and Miocene flora of the Aldan Basin and its comparison with floras of North-East USSR and Alaska. (In: Cenozoic Flora of Siberia According to Palynological Data. V.N.Sacks and V.S.Volkova, editors) 1971