
Citations total:
Author - title
details Oligocene USSR(Krasnoyarsk Kray) Kulkova,I.A. et al. New data on the palynology of Oligocene formations of the Balsko-Rybinka Basin (Lower Angara). (In: Palynology of the Cenozoic of Siberia. V.S.Volkova, editor) 1975
details Eocene USSR(Kirghiz SSR) Baybulatova,R.B. Eocene spore and pollen assemblages of the Tyan-Shan Valley. 1980
details Late Senonian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Nesterova,E.V. et al. Palynological and microfaunistic characteristics of the Upper Senonian deposits of East Pre-Aralsk. 1976
details Early Miocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Panova,L.A. Flora and vegetation on the border of the Paleogene and Neogene of the South USSR, (on palynological data). (In: Life on Ancient Continents: Its Establishment and Expansion.) 1981
details Senonian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Verbitskaya,Z.I. et al. Detailed separation of Mesozoic deposits northern boundry Kazakhistan Fold Area, (from miospores). (In: Contemporary Significance of Paleontology for Stratigraphy.) 1982
details Late Paleocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Sotnikova,M.A. et al. Stratigraphy and palynology of marine Paleogene deposits of Southern Kazakhstan. (In: Palynology in the USSR. A.F.Chlonova, editor) 1988
details Late Paleocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Blyakhova,S.M. New information on the Late Paleocene flora of the Arys Trough (Southern Kazakhstan). 1964
details Cretaceous USSR(Kazakh SSR) Gladkova,A.N. Fragments of the history of the Myricaceae Family 1962
details Early Tertiary USSR(Kazakh SSR) Gladkova,A.N. Fragments of the history of the Myricaceae Family 1962
details Danian Paleocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Polumiskova,K.A. et al. Changes in floras during the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene Tim the Territory of Kazakhstan. (In: The Importance of Palynological Analysis for the Stratigraphic and Paleofloristic Investigations. M.I. Nejshtadt, editor. Papers for the Second International Palynology Conference., Utrecht,1966) 1966
details Late Miocene Early Pliocene USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Biske,S.F. et al. The age of Ehrman Series as determined by palynological and carpological studies of a stratotypical section at Cape Nepropusk, (western Kamchatka). 1971
details Oligocene USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Fradkina,A.F. Paleogene and Neogene palynology of the Northeastern Asia. (In: Palynology in the USSR. A.F.Chlonova, editor) 1988
details Middle Miocene USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Fradkina,A.F. Question of the palynological characteristic of the Miocene Medvezhkinskoi Suite deposit of Korfa Bay in Kamchatka Oblast. (In: Palynology of the Cenozoic of Siberia. V.S.Volkova, editor) 1975
details Early Tertiary USSR(Irkutskaya Oblast) Pakhomov,M.M. et al. States of Cenozoic vegetation evolution in North Baikal 1983
details Paleocene USSR(Irkutskaya Oblast) Kondratev,G.K. Spore-pollen complexes from Buaxite sediments of the Soviet Priangarie and its stratigraphical significance. 1973
details Oligocene USSR(Irkutskaya Oblast) Laukhin,S.A. et al. Yenisei-Ridge sediments near the mouth of the Angara River. 1976
details Tarkhanian USSR(Georgian SSR) Ananiashvili,G.D. et al. Palynological features of Tarkhanian deposits of Western Georgia, (Racha-Lechkhumi Snycline). 1976