
Citations total:
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details Aptian Albian USSR(Kalmyr ASSR) Agranovskaya,I.A. et al. A list of plant, spore and pollen of the Aptian-Albian deposits of some districts of the USSR. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) 1964
details Aptian Albian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Agranovskaya,I.A. et al. A list of plant, spore and pollen of the Aptian-Albian deposits of some districts of the USSR. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) 1964
details Aptian Albian USSR(Urals) Agranovskaya,I.A. et al. A list of plant, spore and pollen of the Aptian-Albian deposits of some districts of the USSR. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) 1964
details Aptian Albian USSR(Primorsk Kray) Agranovskaya,I.A. et al. A list of plant, spore and pollen of the Aptian-Albian deposits of some districts of the USSR. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) 1964
details Aptian Albian USSR(Kalmyr ASSR) Agranovskaya,I.A. et al. A list of plant, spore and pollen of the Aptian-Albian deposits of some districts of the USSR. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) 1964
details Aptian Albian USSR(Primorsk Kray) Agranovskaya,I.A. et al. A list of plant, spore and pollen of the Aptian-Albian deposits of some districts of the USSR. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) 1964
details Barremian USSR(Primorsk Kray) Grossgeim,D.A. et al. List of plant, spore and pollen of the Barremian deposits of some districts of the USSR. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) 1964
details Albian USSR(Tadzhik SSR) Boytsova,E.P. et al. List of plant, spore and pollen of the Albian deposits of some districts of the USSR. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) 1964
details Albian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Boytsova,E.P. et al. List of plant, spore and pollen of the Albian deposits of some districts of the USSR. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) 1964
details Albian USSR(Primorsk Kray) Boytsova,E.P. et al. List of plant, spore and pollen of the Albian deposits of some districts of the USSR. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) 1964
details Albian USSR(Tadzhik SSR) Boytsova,E.P. et al. List of plant, spore and pollen of the Albian deposits of some districts of the USSR. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) 1964
details Albian USSR(Sverdlovskaya) Boytsova,E.P. et al. List of plant, spore and pollen of the Albian deposits of some districts of the USSR. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) 1964
details Late Jurassic Albian USSR(Primorsk Kray) Shugaevskaya,O.V. et al. Spore-pollen complexes of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Maritime Region and their significance for stratigraphy and flora studies. 1964
details Miocene Poland Stuchlik,L. Pollen analysis of the Miocene deposits at Rypin, (northwest of Warsaw). 1964
details Oligocene Middle Pliocene Poland Stuchlik,L. Pollen analysis of the Miocene deposits at Rypin, (northwest of Warsaw). 1964
details Aptian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Pokrovskaya,I.M. Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of the Russian Platform and the Crimea. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) 1964
details Aptian Albian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Pokrovskaya,I.M. Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of the Russian Platform and the Crimea. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) 1964