Picea sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Liassic Luxembourg Hiltmann,W. On the spore-guides of the core profile of the borehole Contern Fg 11 1967
details Early Miocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Karlov,N.N. et al. New data on the Poltavian flora of Zmiyev. 1967
details Early Pliocene France(Puy-de-Dome) Brun,A. et al. Palynologic and geodynamic study of the Formation of the Bourboule (France). 1967
details Middle Sarmatian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Syabryaj,S.V. Palynological investigation of the Brown Coal of the Middle Sarmatian age in Began deposit. 1967
details Levantinian USSR(Carpathians) Syabryaj,S.V. Palynological investigation of Brown Coals in the Ilnitsa deposit in Transcarpathia 1967
details Danian USSR(Krasnoyarsk Kray) Bondarenko,N.M. Spores and pollen from deposits of the Datsk (?) Stage of the depression of the Yenisei Estuary and their stratigraphic significance. 1968
details Paleocene Miocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Rzhanikova,L.N. Palynological description of Paleogene and Neogene deposits in the Zaisan Basin 1968
original Jurassic USSR(Uzbek SSR) Lobanova,A.V. Jurassic flora of northern Fergana from palynological data. (In: The Paleobotany of Uzbekistan. T.A.Sikstel, editor) 1968
details Late Pliocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Barkova,M.V. Palynological basis for the Late Pliocene age of the deposits of the northern part of the Yano-Indigirsk Lowlands 1968
details Early Cenozoic USSR(Yakut ASSR) Vakulenko,A.S. Palynological characteristics of Lower Cainozoic deposits of the Lower Reaches of the Indigirsk River 1968
original Late Pliocene W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Benda,L. et al. The Pliocene of Allershausen (Solling, Niedersachen). 1968
details Early Jurassic USSR(Siberia) Ilyina,V.I. Comparitive analysis of spore-pollen complexes of Jurassic deposits of the Southern Part of Western Siberia. 1968
details Hauterivian Barremian USSR(Yakut ASSR) Dyuzhikova,Y.Y. et al. More information on the Lower Cretaceous in the northwest central Siberian Plateau. 1968
details Miocene USSR(Far East) Barbashinova,V.N. Pollen from Old angiosperms in Tertiary deposits in some Far eastern Districts. 1968
details Late Pliocene Europe Kvasov,D.D. et al. On the paleogeography of eastern Europe in the Akchagilsko-Apsheronsky Period 1969
details Volgian Early Valanginian USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Pavlov,V.V. On the question of palynological substantiation of the border of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous marine deposits of the Kheta River Basin, (Khatqangsk Depression). 1969
details Early Miocene USSR(Koryak Okrug) Vakulenko,A.S. Palynological characteristics of Miocene deposits of the western part of the Khatyrsk Depression, (Koryak Highlands). 1969