Echitriletes hispidus

Citations total:
Author - title
details Sinemurian Toarcian Poland Marcinkiewicz,T. Otozamites falsus, (Bennettitales), from the Upper Liassic of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. 1973
details Liassic Dogger Poland Dadlez,R. et al. Results obtained in Bore-Hole Mechowo Ig 1. 1964
details Late Pliensbachian Bathonian Worldwide Kovach,W.L. et al. Worldwide stratigraphic occurrences of Mesozoic and Tertiary megaspores. 1989
details Toarcian Bajocian Canada(Arctic) Sweet,A.R. Jurassic and Cretaceous megaspores. 1979
details Late Pliensbachian Bajocian Denmark Seidenkrantz,M.S. et al. Biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental analysis of a Lower to Middle Jurassic succession on Anholt, Denmark. 1993
details Liassic Bajocian Poland Marcinkiewicz,T. Rhaetian and Lias megaspores from Bore-Hole Mechowo, near Kamien Pomorski, and their stratigraphical value 1962
details Toarcian Bajocian Poland Marcinkiewicz,T. The stratigraphy of the Rhaetian and Liasin Poland based on megaspore investigations 1971
details Toarcian Poland Rogalska,M. et al. Lower Jurassic microflora. (In: Atlas Skamienialosci Przewodnich i Charakterystycznych. L.Malinowska, W.Bielecka and M.Rogalska, editors.Warsaw) 1980
details Early Jurassic China(Sinkiang Uighur) Yang,J. et al. The discovery of Early and Middle Jurassic megaspores from the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang and their stratigraphic significance. 1982
details Early Jurassic China(Sinkiang Uighur) Yang,J. et al. The discovery of Early and Middle Jurassic megaspores from the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, and their stratigraphic significance. 1982
details Early Toarcian Poland Dadlez,R. General Columnar section of Mechowo Ig1 Bore Hole in results obtained in borehole Mechowo Ig1 by Dadlez et al. 1964
details Late Liassic Poland Marcinkiewicz,T. The stratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic in the Mechowo Ig1 Bore Hole on the basis of megaspore research in results obtained in Bore Hole Mechowo Ig1 by Dadlez et al. 1964
original Late Liassic Poland Marcinkiewicz,T. Megaspore analysis of Jurassic sediments near Gorzow Slaski-Praszka, (Cracow-Wielun Region). 1960
details Late Toarcian Poland Jurkiewiczowa,I. The Lias of the western part of the Mesozoic Zone Surrounding the Swietokrzyskie (Holly Cross) Mountains and its correlation with the Lias of the Cracow-Wielun Range. (In: Stratigraphical-Palaeontological Investigations in Poland Vol.2) 1967
details Jurassic China(Sinkiang Uighur) Yu,J. et al. Palynological assemblage sequence from Late Permian to Tertiary in northern Xinjian 1986
details Early Jurassic China Yang,J. et al. Recent advances of megaspores studies in China. 1987
details Early Triassic China(Sinkiang Uighur) Yang,J. et al. The discovery of Early and Middle Jurassic megaspores from the Junggar Basin, Xingjiang and their stratigraphic significance 1986