Year First author Citations link
1972 Onoe,T. Onoe,T. (1972) New knowledge on the Neogene flora from Gogoshima, Matsuyama City Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan (Chishitsu Chosajo Geppo). 23- 25 details
1972 Ilchenko,L.N. Ilchenko,L.N. (1972) Acritarchs of the Late Pre-Cambrian and Early Cambrian of the Pre-Kolymsk Rise. (In: The Riphean deposits of the Central Sector of the Arctic (Collected Articles). V.Y.Kabankova, editors) Nauchno-Issledovatelskii Institut Geologii Arktiki (NIIGA) Ministerstva Geologii SSR. Leningrad. 52- 57 details
1972 Prosviryakova,Z.P. et al. Prosviryakova,Z.P. et al. (1972) Spore and pollen assemblages of Mesozoic deposits Western Desert Geological Society of Egypt, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 10th Annual Meeting,(Cairo,April,1972). 31- 31 details
1972 Kannegieser,E. et al. Kannegieser,E. et al. (1972) Micropalaeontology of the Schilfsandstone (Karnian). Geologie. 185- 215 details
1972 Klaus,W. Klaus,W. (1972) Preparation technique and stratigraphy of Triassic spores. Mitteilungen der –sterreichische Geologischen Gesellschaft. 424- 435 details
1972 Prosviryakova,Z.P. et al. Prosviryakova,Z.P. et al. (1972) Spore and pollen assemblages of the Paleozoic Desposits, Western Desert. Geological Society of Egypt, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 10th Annual Meeting,(Cairo,April,1972). 32- 32 details
1972 Chaiffetz,M.S. Chaiffetz,M.S. (1972) Functional interpretation of the Sacs of Ancyrochitina fragilis Eisenack, and the paleobiology of the Ancyrohitinids Journal of Paleontology. 499- 502 details
1972 Rakotoarivelo,H.J. Rakotoarivelo,H.J. (1972) Palynological study of Gondwanian Coal of the Sakoa-Sakamena Basin, southwest of Madagascar. International Geological Congress,24th Session,(Montreal),Section 7. 237- 238 details
1972 Beju,D. Beju,D. (1972) Zoning and correlation of the Paleozoic of the Moesian Platform on the basis of palynoprotistological assemblages.1. Petrol si Gaze. 714- 722 details
1972 Wilson,G.J. Wilson,G.J. (1972) Age of the Garden Cove Formation, Campbell Island. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 184- 185 details
1972 Sweet,A.R. Sweet,A.R. (1972) Palynologic study of coals and associated clastics of the Kootenay Formation, Crowsnest area. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper,Report of Activities,Part B. 23- 23 details
1972 Dickson,M. Dickson,M. (1972) First records of Annulispora folliculosa (Rogalska) de Jersey, and Polycingulatisporites mooniensis, de Jersey and Paten, from the Upper Triassic of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 169- 172 details
1972 Shkrebta,G.P. et al. Shkrebta,G.P. et al. (1972) New evidence for the exsistance of Late Proterozoic and Lower Paleozoic formations in the Dnieper Donets Depression (DDD). Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi RRS,Seriya B. Geologichi Khimichi ta Biologichni Nauki. 699- 702 details
1972 de Jersey,N.J. de Jersey,N.J. (1972) Triassic miospores from the Esk Beds. Geological Survey of Queensland, Publication. 1- 40 details
1972 Gidai,L. Gidai,L. (1972) The Eocene in the Region of Dorog A Magyar Allami Fжldtani Int©zet ‰vi Jelent©se, ‰vrжl. 3- 140 details
1972 Myannil,R.M. Myannil,R.M. (1972) The Zonal distribution of chitinozoans in the Ordovician of the East Baltic area. International Geological Congress,24th Session,(Montreal),Section 7. 231- 231 details
1972 Durand,S. et al. Durand,S. et al. (1972) Geologic study of the Cassel (Nord) Boring. Palynologic analysis. Bulletin d'Information des G©ologues du Bassin de Paris. 41- 49 details
1972 Fairchild,W.W. Fairchild,W.W. (1972) Time-stratigraphic significance of Lower Tertiary dinoflagellates Part 1. Paleoc-Middle Eocene Esso Production Research Company.(Unpublished Report). 1- 135 details
1972 Herngreen,G.F.W. Herngreen,G.F.W. (1972) Some new pollen grains from the Upper Senonian of Brazil. Pollen et Spores. 97- 112 details
1972 Emiliani,C. et al. Emiliani,C. et al. (1972) Neogene sedimentation on the Blake Plateau and the Emergence of the Central American Isthmus. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 1- 10 details
1972 Naqvi,H. Naqvi,H. (1972) The Belloy Formation (Permian), Pease River area, northern Alberta and northeastern British Columbia Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology. 58- 88 details
1972 Medvedeva,A.M. et al. Medvedeva,A.M. et al. (1972) Aplication of polymers for palynology Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (Paleontological Journal). 127- 130 details
1972 Staesche,U. Staesche,U. (1972) The geology of the Neogen Basin of Elbistan-Turkey and its Surrounding Geologisches Jahrbuch. 3- 52 details
1972 Taugourdeau-Lantz,J. Taugourdeau-Lantz,J. (1972) Palynological methods applied to the Mesozoic. M©moires du Bureau des Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres (BRGM). Colloque Sur Les Methodes et Tendances de la Stratigraphie. 243- 248 details
1972 Srivastava,S.K. Srivastava,S.K. (1972) Taxonomic notes on pollen genera Callistopollenites, Tricolporites and Carpinites. Canadian Journal of Botany. 9- 12 details
1972 Sauvage,J. Sauvage,J. (1972) Palynologic methods applied to the Neogene and the Quaternary. M©moires du Bureau des Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres (BRGM). Colloque Sur Les Methodes et Tendances de la Stratigraphie. 263- 267 details
1972 Deb,U. Deb,U. (1972) Some pollen grains from the Neyveli Lignite Seminar on Paleopalynology and Indian Stratigraphy.Proceedings, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.(A.K.Ghosh et al.,editors.). 220- 228 details
1972 Nemejc,F. Nemejc,F. (1972) Fossil flora of the Diatomaceous Beds at Dubravica near Banska Bystrica Casopis pro Mineralogii a Geologii. 301- 304 details
1972 Doubinger,J. et al. Doubinger,J. et al. (1972) Stratigraphic palynology Viewed from the Angle of botany and paleobotany. M©moires du Bureau des Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres (BRGM). Colloque Sur Les Methodes et Tendances de la Stratigraphie. 271- 282 details
1972 Srivastava,S.K. Srivastava,S.K. (1972) Systematic description of some spores from the Edmonton Formation (Maestrichtian), Alberta, Canada. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 1- 46 details
1972 Wall,J.H. et al. Wall,J.H. et al. (1972) Paleogeographic significance of Late Cretaceous microfossil assemblage from Buffalo Head Hills, northern Alberta AAPG, Bulletin. 660- 660 details
1972 Urban,J.B. Urban,J.B. (1972) A reexamination of chitinozoa from the Cedar Valley Formation of Iowa with observations on their morphology and distribution. Bulletin of American Paleontology. 5- 43 details
1972 Freile,C. Freile,C. (1972) Palynologic study of the Cerro Dorotea Formation (Maestrichtian-Paleocene), of Santa Cruz Province.1. Revista del Museo de la Plata,(Nueva Serie),Seccion Paleontologia. 39- 63 details
1972 Mildenhall,D.C. Mildenhall,D.C. (1972) Fossil pollen of Aracia type from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany. 485- 494 details
1972 Kondratenko-Zavyalova,E.A. et al. Kondratenko-Zavyalova,E.A. et al. (1972) New data on the Devonian deposits of the northern Marginal zone, Dnieper-Donetz Basin. Tektonika i Stratigrafiya,Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR,Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk. 75- 80 details
1972 Bykov,I.N. et al. Bykov,I.N. et al. (1972) On the age of Basalts in the South-East Voronezh Anticline Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Geologiya i Razvedka. 32- 38 details
1972 Chўteauneuf,J.-J. et al. Chўteauneuf,J.-J. et al. (1972) Palynology, major mineral Components, and the Argillaceous Phase of the Blue Marls of Argenteuil contribution to the reconsruction of depositional environment. M©moires du Bureau des Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres (BRGM). Colloque Sur Les Methodes et Tendances de la Stratigraphie. 329- 336 details
1972 Makedonov,A.V. Makedonov,A.V. (1972) Correlations of Coal bearing sedimentary rocks and Coal Seams in the Donets Basin--An attempt to use various methods VSEGEI,Izdatelstvo Nauka. 1- 111 details
1972 Tikhiy,V.N. Tikhiy,V.N. (1972) What does really belong to the Eifelian Stage on the Russian Platform? Sovetskaya Geologiya. 33- 44 details
1972 Carbonnel,G. et al. Carbonnel,G. et al. (1972) The contributions of paleontology, (spores and pollen, charophytes, ostracods, mammals), to the stratigraphy and paleogeogaphy of the Upper Oligocene Molasses of Barreme, (Alpes, Hautes-Provence). Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 2599- 2602 details
1972 KonzalovЎ,M. KonzalovЎ,M. (1972) Paleotropic and stratigraphically important plant remains, (spores and pollen), from the Early Tertiary of the northwestern Bohemia. Vestnik Ustredniho љstavu Geologickeho,(Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Prague). 239- 242 details
1972 Maslov,V.M. Maslov,V.M. (1972) First discovery of marine fauna in the "Nadrudnoi Sand and Clay Layers" of South Komi ASSR. Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Geologiya i Razvedka. 26- 31 details
1972 Alpern,B. et al. Alpern,B. et al. (1972) Palynology and stratigraphy of the Middle and Upper Paleozoic. M©moires du Bureau des Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres (BRGM). Colloque Sur Les Methodes et Tendances de la Stratigraphie. 217- 240 details
1972 Zosimovich,V.Y. Zosimovich,V.Y. (1972) Oligocene deposits of the South-Eastern Part of the Dnieper-Donetes Depression Tektonika i Stratigrafiya,Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR,Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk. 48- 56 details
1972 Sato,S. Sato,S. (1972) Palynological consideration on Tertiary marine sediments of Hokkaido, compared with animal faunas Journal of the Faculty of Science Hokkaido University,Series IV,Geology and Mineralogy. details
1972 Semenova,E.V. et al. Semenova,E.V. et al. (1972) Comparison of the Triassic deposits of the Sahara and eastern Ukraine Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi RRS,Seriya B. Geologichi Khimichi ta Biologichni Nauki. 414- 417 details
1972 Knomenko,V.A. Knomenko,V.A. (1972) Stratigraphical separation and correlation of the Devonian deposits of the Dnieper-Donets Depression Tektonika i Stratigrafiya,Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR,Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk. 31- 41 details
1972 Pitulea,G. Pitulea,G. (1972) Paleozoic metamorphic Formations of the Extreme North West of the Maramures Mountains (Bistra Valley Basin). Studii si Cercetari de Geologie, Geofizica, Geografie. Seria Geologie. 3- 12 details
1972 Sato,S. Sato,S. (1972) On the occurrence of Micryhstridium in the Poronai Formation and its significance, Memoirs of the National Sciences Museum,(Tokyo). 245- 256 details
1972 Khoga,I. Khoga,I. (1972) Palynological investigation on Upper-Triassic (Kurashine-Dolomit) deposits of northeastern part of Syria. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. 32- 32 details
1972 Men©ndez,C.A. et al. Men©ndez,C.A. et al. (1972) Ancistrospora, a new genus of miospores from the Carboniferous of Argentina. Revista Espaбola de Micropaleontolog­a. 157- 168 details
1972 Olivella,J.B. Olivella,J.B. (1972) A contribution to the palynological knowledge of Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia, South America. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. 53- 57 details
1972 Voronova,M.A. Voronova,M.A. (1972) On stratigraphical position and paleogeographical importance of the Sphagnumsporites, Raatz, genus spores Tektonika i Stratigrafiya,Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR,Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk. 46- 54 details
1972 Kavary,E. Kavary,E. (1972) Significant Upper Triassic microspores from Bleiberg, Austria. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. 87- 104 details
1972 Grodzicka-Szymanko,W. et al. Grodzicka-Szymanko,W. et al. (1972) Stratigraphy of the Upper Triassic in the northeast Margin of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Kwartalnik Geologiczny (Instytut Geologiczy). 216- 232 details
1972 Combaz,A. Combaz,A. (1972) Stratigraphy of the chitinozoans. M©moires du Bureau des Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres (BRGM). Colloque Sur Les Methodes et Tendances de la Stratigraphie. 311- 319 details
1972 Andrews,J.T. et al. Andrews,J.T. et al. (1972) An Early Tertiary outcrop in North-Central Bassin Island, Northwest Territories, Canada; environment and significance. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 233- 238 details
1972 Ercegovac,M. Ercegovac,M. (1972) Paleopalynological complexes from the Eocene of eastern Majevica. Annales Geologiques de la Peninsule Balkanique. 121- 129 details
1972 Blazey,E.B. et al. Blazey,E.B. et al. (1972) The fossil flora of the Mogollon Rim, Arizona. American Journal of Botany. 659- 659 details
1972 Jachowicz,A. Jachowicz,A. (1972) A microfloristic description and stratigraphy of the productive Carboniferous of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Prace Instytut Geologiczny,(Warsaw). 185- 277 details