details |
Berriasian |
Early Valanginian |
W.Germany(Niedersachsen) |
Dжrhжfer,G. Palynology and stratigraphy of the Buckeburg Formation (Berriasian-Valanginian) in the Hilsmulde (northwest Germany). |
1977 |
details |
Neocomian |
Valanginian |
USSR(Yakut ASSR) |
Pokrovskaya,I.M. Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes Anabar-Kha Tanga interfluv, Khatanga and Pre-Verkhoyansk Synec Lises and Vilyuy Depression. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) |
1964 |
details |
Aptian |
Albian |
USSR(Yakut ASSR) |
Balabanova,T.F. On the size of the Khatyryksk Suite, Central Yakut. (In: Collected geological Article #8) |
1963 |
details |
Late Albian |
Turonian |
USSR(Yakut ASSR) |
Samoilovich,S.R. Palynological characterization of the Upper Cretaceous deposits in Western Yakutia. (In: Questions of Phytostratigraphy. S.R.Samoilovich et al, editors) |
1977 |
details |
Valanginian |
Albian |
USSR(Yakut ASSR) |
Lyubomirova,K.A. et al. Results of palynological studies of Lower Cretaceous deposits in the northern part of the Leno-Anabar Trough. (In: Palynological Investigations of Paleozoic and Mesozoic deposits of Northern USSR and Caspian Sea Region. N.A. Timoshina, editor) |
1985 |
details |
Albian |
USSR(Yakut ASSR) |
Fradkina,A.F. Spore-pollen complexes of the Mesozoic of Western Yakutiya (Vilyuysk Syneclise and Priverkhoyansk Depression). (In: Palynological characteristics of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits of Vakutia. A.I.Tomskayiya and V.F.Vozin, editors) |
1967 |
details |
Early Valanginian |
Middle Valanginian |
USSR(Yakut ASSR) |
Kara-Murza,E.N. Some data on the composition of spore-pollen complexes of the marine Lower Cretaceous of the Nordvik Region. |
1958 |
details |
Late Cretaceous |
USSR(Yakut ASSR) |
Bolkhovitina,N.A. Spore-pollen complexes from the Mesozoic deposits of the Vilyuy Basin and their importance for stratigraphy. |
1959 |
details |
Early Cretaceous |
USSR(Yakut ASSR) |
Bolkhovitina,N.A. Spore-pollen complexes from the Mesozoic deposits of the Vilyuy Basin and their importance for stratigraphy. |
1959 |
details |
Early Cretaceous |
USSR(Yakut ASSR) |
Bolkhovitina,N.A. Spore-pollen complexes from the Mesozoic deposits of the Vilyuy Basin and their importance for stratigraphy. |
1959 |
details |
Hauterivian |
Barremian |
Koltsova,T.T. et al. Description of spores and pollen in Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Western Siberian Lowland. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) |
1964 |
details |
Paleocene |
Danian |
Davies,E.H. The Anemiacean, Schizaeacean and related spores. An index to genera and species. |
1985 |
details |
Late Jurassic |
Medvedeva,A.M. et al. Microfossils in oils and condensates of the Jurassic deposits of West Siberia. (In: Problems of Modern Palynology. A.F.Chlonova, editor) |
1984 |
details |
Aptian |
Albian |
Voitsel,Z.A. et al. Aptian-Albian. (In: Stratigraphy of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of the Western Siberian Lowlands. V.F.Kozyreva, editor) |
1957 |
details |
Early Hauterivian |
Barremian |
Rovnina,L.V. et al. Lower Cretaceous deposits. (In: Complex examination of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of Western Siberia. L.A.Rovnina, editor) |
1978 |
details |
Hauterivian |
Turonian |
Ivanova,E.A. et al. Schizaeaceae. (In: Pyltsa i spory zapadnoi Sibiri, yura-paleotsen. S.R.Samoilovich and N.D.Mtchedlishvili, editors) |
1961 |
details |
Aptian |
Albian |
Pokrovskaya,I.M. Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of the Western Siberian Lowland. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) |
1964 |