details |
Middle Albian |
Late Albian |
Canada(British Columbia) |
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1992 |
details |
Maastrichtian |
Japan(Gifu Pref.) |
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1982 |
details |
Danian |
USSR(Urals) |
Takahashi,K. et al. Maestrichtian microflora of the Miyadana-Gawa Formation in the Hida District, Central Japan. |
1982 |
details |
Late Hauterivian |
Barremian |
USSR(Uzbek SSR) |
Tarasova,L.O. et al. Cretaceous spores and pollen assemblages of Western Uzbekistan; Kara-Kalpakskaya, (Ustyurt). (In: Spore and pollen of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous from Central Asia. N.A. Bolkhovitina and N.I. Fokina, editors.) |
1971 |
details |
Cenomanian |
USSR(Uzbek SSR) |
Tarasova,L.O. et al. Cretaceous spores and pollen assemblages of Western Uzbekistan; Kara-Kalpakskaya, (Ustyurt). (In: Spore and pollen of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous from Central Asia. N.A. Bolkhovitina and N.I. Fokina, editors.) |
1971 |
details |
Aptian |
USSR(Lithuanian SSR) |
Venozhinskene,A.I. Palynologic complex in Lower Cretaceous Uzhup Formation in Lithuania. (In: Palynology in Continental and marine geologic investigations) |
1976 |
details |
Hauterivian |
Late Cretaceous |
USSR(Koryak Okrug) |
Verbitskaya,Z.I. The spore-pollen complexes in Cretaceous deposits of the Suchan Coal Basin. |
1958 |
details |
Aptian |
USSR(Primorsk Kray) |
Verbitskaya,Z.I. Stratigraphical subdivision of Cretaceous sediments of Suchan Coal Basin based on palynology. |
1962 |
details |
Aptian |
Albian |
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1957 |
details |
Tithonian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
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1979 |
details |
Barremian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Voronova,M.A. et al. Stratigraphic subdivision of the Cretaceous deposits in the Middle Ingul River Region |
1972 |
details |
Barremian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
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1984 |
details |
Albian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
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1982 |
details |
Berriasian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Voronova,M.A. et al. New data about the Sea Berraisian deposits in the northern part of Dneiper-Donets Depression |
1981 |
details |
Valanginian |
USSR(European) |
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1966 |
details |
Hauterivian |
Barremian |
USSR(European) |
Voronova,M.A. Subdivision of Lower Cretaceous deposits in the northwestern part of the Dnieper-Donetsk Depression on the ground of resuts of sporopollen analysis. (In: The Importance of Palynological Analysis for the Stratigraphic and Paleofloristic Investigations. M.I. Nejshtadt, editor. Papers for the Second International Palynology Conference., Utrecht,1966) |
1966 |
details |
Valanginian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Voronova,M.A. et al. Comparison of spore-pollen assemblages of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary of Dnepr-Donets Depression and Prutdnestr interfluve. (In: Mikrofossilii Drevneishikh Otlozhenii. T.F.Vozzhennikova and T.B.Timofeev, editors) |
1973 |