
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Oligocene Miocene USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Brattseva,G.M. Spores and pollen. (In: Atlas of fauna and flora of the Neogene sediments of the Far East. V.V.Menner, editor) 1984
details Late Paleogene Late Tertiary Europe Hochuli,P.A. Correlation of Middle and Late Tertiary sporomorph assemblages. (In: Comptes Rendus: Interim Colloq sur les Paleoenvironements Continentaux en Mediterranee au Neogene et l'Evolution Paleoclimatique) 1984
details Late Pliocene Early Pleistocene France(Ain) Farjanel,G. Flora and climate of the Neogene and Pleistocene of Bresse from pollen analysis.Chronostratigraphic consequences (Rs 1747) 1984
details Aptian USSR(WSL) Strepetilova,V.G. et al. The role of palynological investigations in the stratigraphy and correlation of Lower Cretaceous Oil-Gas deposits of northern West Siberia. (In: Recent Problems of Paleontology and Biostratigraphy in the Development of the Raw-Mineral Base. A.V.Lapo, editor) 1984
details Early Pliocene Middle Pliocene Poland Jahn,A. et al. The site of Pliocene deposits in the Klodzko Basin, Central Sudetes. 1984
details Late Neogene W.Germany(Hesse) Herter,G. Palynological research in the Horloff-Graben/ Wetterau in Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary Layers and a (?Prae-Elesterian) Interglacial 1985
details Early Tortonian Greece Ioakim,C. et al. A radiometrically dated pollen flora from the Upper Miocene of Samos Island, Greece. 1985
details Reuverian Tiglian France(Normandie) Clet-Pellerin,M. et al. Palynology and paleogeography Reuverian and Tiglian marine sediments of Brittany and Normandy 1985
details Reuverian Tiglian France(Normandie) Clet-Pellerin,M. et al. Palynology and paleogeography Reuverian and Tiglian marine sediments of Brittany and Normandy 1985
details Early Miocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Fradkina,A.F. A palynological study of Neogene flora from some areas in the northeast of the USSR. (In: Beringia in the Cenozoic Era. V.L.Kontrimavichus, editor) 1985
details Late Miocene Early Pliocene USSR(Magadan Oblast) Fradkina,A.F. A palynological study of Neogene flora from some areas in the northeast of the USSR. (In: Beringia in the Cenozoic Era. V.L.Kontrimavichus, editor) 1985
details Eocene Oligocene USSR(Siberia) Aleksandrova,A.N. et al. Palynoflora of Central Siberia at the Eocene-Oligocene Border 1985
details Cretaceous USSR(Urals) Papulov,G.N. et al. Correlation of the Cretaceous sediments in the Urals and in the West Siberian Plate 1985
details Cretaceous USSR(Siberia) Papulov,G.N. et al. Correlation of the Cretaceous sediments in the Urals and in the West Siberian Plate 1985
details Berriasian Albian USSR(Yakut ASSR) Lyubomirova,K.A. et al. Results of palynological studies of Lower Cretaceous deposits in the northern part of the Leno-Anabar Trough. (In: Palynological Investigations of Paleozoic and Mesozoic deposits of Northern USSR and Caspian Sea Region. N.A. Timoshina, editor) 1985
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene USSR(Siberia) Fradkina,A.F. Paleogene and Lower Neogene of Kolymy and the palynological data. (In: Palynostratigraphy of the Mesozoic and Cainozoic of Siberia. V.S.Volkova and A.F.Khlonova, editors) 1985
details Late Miocene USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Brattseva,G.M. et al. Palynologic characteristics of Paleogene-Neogene in Karaginsky Island (East Kamchatka). 1985