
Citations total:
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details Miocene Late Neogene India(Jammu & Kashmir) Roy,D.K. Stratigraphy and palaeontology of the Karewa Group of Kashmir. (In: Recent Geological Studies in the Himalayas. Part 1.) 1975
details Sarmatian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Kravchuk,V.N. et al. New finds of Middle and Upper Miocene deposits in East-Caspian 1975
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene Canada(British Columbia) Hopkins,W.S. Palynological study of Shell Anglo Harlequin D-86 Well (Nts 102-0), offshore British Columbia 1975
details Middle Miocene Late Miocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Muzis,A.I. Late Cenozoic section of R.Sedidem (Kolyma River Lowland) 1975
details Miocene Late Neogene USSR(Siberia) Volkova,V.S. et al. Palynological characteristic of Neogene deposits of the Western Siberian Plain. (In: Palynology of the Cenozoic of Siberia. V.S.Volkova, editor) 1975
details Miocene USSR(Siberia) Belova,V.A. The palynologic characteristics of Neogene formations of the Baikal Basin. (In: Palynology of the Cenozoic of Siberia. V.S.Volkova, editor) 1975
details Middle Miocene USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Fradkina,A.F. Question of the palynological characteristic of the Miocene Medvezhkinskoi Suite deposit of Korfa Bay in Kamchatka Oblast. (In: Palynology of the Cenozoic of Siberia. V.S.Volkova, editor) 1975
details Late Neogene Middle Pleistocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Tereshchenko,R.A. Palynological characteristics of Pliocene and Middle Pleistocene deposits of Central Kazakhstan. (In: Palynology of the Cenozoic of Siberia. V.S.Volkova, editor) 1975
details Chattian Sarmatian Europe Pflug,H.D. Spore-stratigraphic correlation of the Vogelsberg-Area with the neighbouring Tertiary Basin. (The North-West Geran Tertiary Basin, Contribution No. 13) 1975
details Late Miocene France(Ardeche) Naud,G. et al. Contribution to the paleofloristic study of Coirons (Ardeche) 1975
details Middle Miocene Late Miocene Poland Sadowska,A. Results of palynological investigations in Neogene sediments of Southwest Poland. 1975
details Late Neogene Poland Sadowska,A. Results of palynological investigations in Neogene sediments of Southwest Poland. 1975
details Late Neogene USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Skiba,L.A. The history of the Deveolpment of Kamchatka vegetation during the Late Cenozoic. 1975
details Late Neogene Pleistocene USSR(Georgian SSR) Shatilova,I.I. Climatic changes of western Zacaucasus (Eastern coast of the Black Sea) in Upper Neogene time. 1975
details Late Pliocene Pleistocene USSR(Khabarovsk Kray) Alekseev,M.N. et al. New data bearing on the age of the Sovganin Suite Plateau-Basalts in the eastern Sikhote-Alin 1975
details Miocene Idaho Smiley,C.J. et al. Preservation of Miocene fossils in Unoxidized Lake deposits, Clarkia, Idaho 1975
details Tarkhanian USSR(Georgian SSR) Ananiashvili,G.D. et al. Palynological features of Tarkhanian deposits of Western Georgia, (Racha-Lechkhumi Snycline). 1976