
Citations total:
Author - title
details Pliocene France(Bretagne) Pons,A.H. Palynologic contribution to the study of the Pliocene flora and vegetation of the Rhodanian Region 1964
details Late Neogene Quaternary France(Bretagne) Durand,S. et al. Study of the Plio-Quaternary Sediments of the Valley of Vilaine in the Region of Redon. (1 and 5) 1963
details Late Pliocene Quaternary USSR(Caucasus) Vronskiy,V.A. Results of the palynological analysis of Quaternary and Upper Pliocene deposits near the village of Zel'ma, Astrakhask District. 1963
details Late Eocene Early Oligocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Gapochka,G.P. Palynologic study of Maykopian Sediments in the Bol'shoy Tokmak District, Zaporozh'ye Oblast. 1963
details Oligocene Miocene Romania Filipescu,M.G. et al. The stratigraphic characteristics of the Cornu Beds in the Subcarpathians. 1963
details Late Miocene Early Pliocene Japan(Nara Pref.) Shimakura,M. Pollenstratigraphic studies of Japanese Formation VII. The Jigokudani Formation. 1963
details Middle Miocene Japan(Hokkaido I.) Tokunaga,S. Neogene Tertiary of Japan and the fossil pollen assemblages. 1963
details Neogene Czechoslovakia PacltovŠŽ,B. Some observations resulting from palynological investigations of the Cretaceous and Tertiary in the USSR. 1963
details Late Miocene Oregon Graham,A. Systematic revision of the Sucker Creek and Trout Creek Miocene floras of southeastern Oregon. 1963
details Turonian USSR(WSL) Lebedev,I.V. et al. The development of the Upper Cretaceous flora of the Western Siberian Lowlands. 1962
details Reuverian W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Chanda,S. Investigations of the Pliocene and Pleistocene flora and vegetational history of the Leine Valley and the southwestern foothills of the Harz Mountains, (Untereichsfeld). 1962
details Helvetian Hungary Nagy,E. Reconstructions of vegetation from the Miocene sediments of the eastern Mecsek Mountains on the Strength of palynological Nvestigations. 1962
details Sarmatian Hungary Nagy,E. Reconstructions of vegetation from the Miocene sediments of the eastern Mecsek Mountains on the Strength of palynological Nvestigations. 1962
details Tortonian Hungary Nagy,E. Reconstructions of vegetation from the Miocene sediments of the eastern Mecsek Mountains on the Strength of palynological Nvestigations. 1962
details Reuverian France(Seine-Maritim) Bobrowska,J. et al. A new tetrad and the grains of Najas Marina in the Pliocene of Normandy. 1962
details Miocene USSR(Primorsk Kray) Barbashinova,V.N. et al. Main features of Miocene flora in the South of Soviet Far East according to spore and pollen analysis data. 1962
details Paleocene Danian USSR(Amurskaya Oblast) Brattseva,G.M. New data on the fossil flora from Beds Corresponding to the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in the Zeya-Burey Depression. 1962