Podocarpus lutea

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Aptian Albian USSR(Primorsk Kray) Agranovskaya,I.A. et al. A list of plant, spore and pollen of the Aptian-Albian deposits of some districts of the USSR. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) 1964
details Neocomian Albian USSR(Uzbek SSR) Barkhatnaya,I.N. et al. Cretaceous spore and pollen assemblages;Central Turkmenskaya. (In: Spore and pollen of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous from Central Asia. N.A. Bolkhovitina and N.I. Fokina, editors.) 1971
details Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous USSR(Siberia) Barkhatnaya,I.N. et al. Cretaceous spore and pollen assemblages;Central Turkmenskaya. (In: Spore and pollen of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous from Central Asia. N.A. Bolkhovitina and N.I. Fokina, editors.) 1971
original Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous USSR(Siberia) Bolkhovitina,N.A. Atlas of spores and pollen from Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Vilyuysk Basin. 1956
details Aptian Albian USSR(Siberia) Chlonova,A.F. Palynological characteristics of Cretaceous Layers in Siberia and the Far East. 1971
details Aptian Albian USSR(Far East) Chlonova,A.F. Palynological characteristics of Cretaceous Layers in Siberia and the Far East. 1971
details Albian USSR(Yakut ASSR) Fradkina,A.F. Spore-pollen complexes of the Mesozoic of Western Yakutiya (Vilyuysk Syneclise and Priverkhoyansk Depression). (In: Palynological characteristics of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits of Vakutia. A.I.Tomskayiya and V.F.Vozin, editors) 1967
details Middle Jurassic USSR(Yakut ASSR) Fradkina,A.F. Spore-pollen complexes of the Mesozoic of Western Yakutiya (Vilyuysk Syneclise and Priverkhoyansk Depression). (In: Palynological characteristics of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits of Vakutia. A.I.Tomskayiya and V.F.Vozin, editors) 1967
details Late Jurassic USSR(Yakut ASSR) Fradkina,A.F. Spore-pollen complexes of the Mesozoic of Western Yakutiya (Vilyuysk Syneclise and Priverkhoyansk Depression). (In: Palynological characteristics of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits of Vakutia. A.I.Tomskayiya and V.F.Vozin, editors) 1967
details Bathonian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Genkina,R.A. et al. Bathonian deposits of Southern Fergana 1980
details Bajocian Bathonian USSR(Lithuanian SSR) Grigelis,A. The stratigraphy of Jurassic deposits of the Southern Prebaltic based on micropaleontological data 1960
details Jurassic USSR(Siberia) Gutova,L.N. et al. Solution of problems of taxonomy and nomenclature obtained from the study of spores and pollen occurring in Jurassic Depoits of the Siberian Platform. (Taxonomy and Methods for the Study of Fossl Pollen and Spores. V.N. Saks and A.F. Khlonova, editors) 1964
details Early Jurassic USSR(Irkutskaya Oblast) Gutova,L.N. et al. Vegetation of Early and Middle Jurassic Epochs of the Irkutsk Coal Basin. 1969
details Aptian Albian USSR(WSL) Koltsova,T.T. et al. Description of spores and pollen in Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Western Siberian Lowland. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) 1964
details Middle Jurassic USSR(Kazakh SSR) Kondratev,G.K. et al. Spore-pollen spectra from Middle Jurassic Beds of Zyryanovsk Basin 1965
details Early Jurassic Middle Jurassic China(Hupei) Li,W.-B. et al. Sporo-pollen assemblages from the Mesozoic Coal Series of western Hubei. 1980
details Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous USSR(Siberia) Li,W.-B. et al. Sporo-pollen assemblages from the Mesozoic Coal Series of western Hubei. 1980