Triletes rimosus

Citations total:
Author - title
details Permian Brazil Trindade,N.M. et al. Synopsis of the classification of Brazilian Gondwana megaspores. 1966
details Early Permian Brazil(Rio Grande Sul) MenĀ©ndez,C.A. Palynology of Permian and Triassic strata from South America. 1979
details Early Permian Brazil(Santa Catarina) MenĀ©ndez,C.A. Palynology of Permian and Triassic strata from South America. 1979
details Aalenian Bathonian Worldwide Kovach,W.L. et al. Worldwide stratigraphic occurrences of Mesozoic and Tertiary megaspores. 1989
original Middle Jurassic USSR(Kazakh SSR) Faddeeva,I.Z. Megasmegaspores from the Jurassic of Western Kazahstan. 1960
details Early Jurassic USSR(Kazakh SSR) Faddeeva,I.Z. Part 5. Lower Mesozoic megaspores of the Or-Ilek Region and their stratigraphic significance. (In: Palynological validation of the stratigraphic division of the Lower Mesozoic Coal-bearing deposits of Or'-Ilek Region.) 1965
original Early Permian Brazil(Santa Catarina) Dijkstra,S.J. Some Brazilian megaspores, Lower Permian in age, and their comparison with Lower Gondwana spores from India. 1955
details Middle Jurassic USSR(W.Kazakh Oblast) Batten,D.J. et al. Catalog of Mesozoic and Tertiary megaspores 1990