
Citations total:
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details Middle Albian Late Albian USSR(Caucasus) Aliev,M.M. et al. On characteristic Albian deposits of southeast greater Caucasus. (In: Cretaceous deposits of eastern Caucasus and adjacent Regions. M.M.Aliev, editor) 1967
details Early Jurassic USSR(Siberia) Romanovskaya,G.M. Triassic and Jurassic spore-pollen assemblages of the Asiatic Part of the USSR (from the Urals to Yenesie). (In: Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Mesozoic and Paleogene-Neogene Continental deposits of the Asiatic Part of the USSR.) 1967
details Toarcian Maastrichtian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Bolkhovitina,N.A. et al. Devolopment of vegetation in the Southern Region of Central Asia during the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods (from palynological data). (In: Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Mesozoic and Paleogene-Neogene Continental deposits of the Asiatic Part of the USSR.) 1967
details Albian USSR(Kirghiz SSR) Korsakova,N.V. et al. On the biostratigraphy of Continental Mesozoic sections of Central Asia. (In: Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Mesozoic and Paleogene-Neogene Continental deposits of the Asiatic Part of the USSR.) 1967
details Valanginian Barremian USSR(Irkutskaya Oblast) Sedova,M.A. et al. Palynological complexes of the Continental Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of the Transbaikal and the importance of their stratigraphy. (In: Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Mesozoic and Paleogene-Neogene Continental deposits of the Asiatic Part of the USSR.) 1967
details Middle Jurassic Barremian USSR(Irkutskaya Oblast) Sedova,M.A. et al. Palynological complexes of the Continental Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of the Transbaikal and the importance of their stratigraphy. (In: Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Mesozoic and Paleogene-Neogene Continental deposits of the Asiatic Part of the USSR.) 1967
details Rhaetian Liassic USSR(Kirghiz SSR) Dubrovskaya,E.N. Spore pollen complexes of Lower Mesozoic deposits of some areas of the Issyk-Kul' Basin. (In: Mesozoic Oil and Gas bearing Regions of Central Asia. Biostratigraphy and Paleogeography. M.M.Aliev, editor) 1967
details Early Cretaceous USSR(Primorsk Kray) Verbitskaya,Z.I. Towards detailed stratigraphic separation of Cretaceous deposits of Southern Primorsk from palinological data. (In: Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Mesozoic and Paleogene-Neogene Continental deposits of the Asiatic Part of the USSR.) 1967
details Cenomanian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Filina,N.I. Palynological characteristics of Cenomanian deposits of some regions of the southeastern Caucasus, Mangushlak and the Aral Region. (In: Mesozoic Oil and Gas bearing Regions of Central Asia. Biostratigraphy and Paleogeography. M.M.Aliev, editor) 1967
details Cenomanian USSR(Caucasus) Filina,N.I. Palynological characteristics of Cenomanian deposits of some regions of the southeastern Caucasus, Mangushlak and the Aral Region. (In: Mesozoic Oil and Gas bearing Regions of Central Asia. Biostratigraphy and Paleogeography. M.M.Aliev, editor) 1967
details Liassic Dogger USSR(Altai Kray) Adamenko,O.M. et al. Principal outlines of structure and conditions of forming of second structural (Lower-Middle Jurassic) Stage of Kulundinskaya Depression 1967
details Paleocene USSR(Primorsk Kray) Bolotnikova,M.D. On question of distinguishing of Paleocene sediments on South of Primorye Territory. 1967
details Barremian Aptian USSR(Caucasus) Gurova,A.D. et al. Stratigraphy and spore-pollen complexes of the Lower Cretaceous of the northern part of Prikumya (Eastern Pre-Caucasus). (In: Fossil Spores and Pollen of Plants and their Significance for their Stratigraphic Subdivivision of Oil and Gas Bearing Series of Precambrian, Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks in the European and Central Asian Regions of the USSR.S.V.Semikhatovoi, V.P.Grichuka, and K.A.Bolkhovitina, editors) 1967
details Aquitanian W.Germany(N.Rhine) Sittler,C. Evidences of Temperature Increase at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary. 1967
details Aquitanian France Sittler,C. Evidences of Temperature Increase at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary. 1967
details Neocomian USSR(Chitinskaya Oblast) Blokh,A.M. et al. An approach to the stratigraphic subdivision of the Continental deposits in Upper Mesozoic Depressions of the Transbaikal Region. 1967
details Malm Turonian USSR(WSL) Neyshtadt,M.I. Situation of palynological research in the USSR. 1967