Year First author Citations link
1970 Prokopchuk,B.I. et al. Prokopchuk,B.I. et al. (1970) Discovery of remnants of Carboniferous sediments in the Anabar River Basin, Western Yakutia Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 91- 94 details
1970 Ilyina,V.I. Ilyina,V.I. (1970) On the age of Jurassic sediments of South-Eastern Margin of the West Siberian Lowlands Geologiya i Geofizika. 124- 130 details
1970 Utting,J. et al. Utting,J. et al. (1970) Palynology of the Lower Limestone Shale Group (Basal Carboniferous Limestone Series), and Portishead Beds, (Upper Old Red Sandstone), of the a Von Gorge, Bristol, England. (In: Colloqium on the Stratigraphy of the Carboniferous, Compte Rendus, 8th Reunion CIMP. M.Streel and R.H.Wagner, editors) Les Congres et Colloques de l'Universit© de LiЁge,(Colloque Sur la Stratigraphie du Carbonifere). 411- 422 details
1970 Kimyai,A. Kimyai,A. (1970) Plant microfossils from the Raritan Formation (Cretaceous) in Long Island. Pollen et Spores. 181- 204 details
1970 Thomas,B.A. Thomas,B.A. (1970) A new specimen of Lepidostrobus binneyanus from the Westphalian B of Yorkshire. Pollen et Spores. 217- 234 details
1970 Jachowicz,A. et al. Jachowicz,A. et al. (1970) Palynological study of Carboniferous Salt Waters and Brines in Upper Silesia Kwartalnik Geologiczny (Instytut Geologiczy). 457- 466 details
1970 Laveine,J.P. Laveine,J.P. (1970) Some Pecopteridians of the Coal Measures in the light of palynology. 2. Paleobotanic and stratigraphic implications. Pollen et Spores. 235- 297 details
1970 Boulouard,C. et al. Boulouard,C. et al. (1970) New data on the Upper Aptian and Albian in the Lower Aragon and Meastrazgo, (Spain). Soci©t© nationale des p©troles d'Aquitaine, Centre de recherches de Pau, Bulletin. 453- 463 details
1970 Neves,R. et al. Neves,R. et al. (1970) Some observations on Namurian and Visean spores from Nova Scotia, Britain and northern Spain. International Congress on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology,Compte Rendu,6th. 1233- 1248 details
1970 Liabeuf,J.J. et al. Liabeuf,J.J. et al. (1970) The coal deposit of Decise. Palynological study. International Congress on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology,Compte Rendu,6th. 1083- 1101 details
1970 Kotanska,H. Kotanska,H. (1970) A new genus of sporomorphs from the Zechstein deposits of Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 153- 158 details
1970 Schulz,E. Schulz,E. (1970) The spores of the genus Stereisporites Thompson and Pflug,1953 from the Early Mesophytic of the German Basin Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. Palaobotanik. 683- 709 details
1970 Umnova,N.I. et al. Umnova,N.I. et al. (1970) Acritarchs from the Yaroslavskoi series of the northern part of the Russian Platform Trudy Ministerstvo Geologii RSFSR,Terr.Geol.Upr.Cent.Rayno.Nauch Gor.Ob.. 92- 112 details
1970 Gгrka,H. Gгrka,H. (1970) Dinoflagellate cysts from Callovian of Lukow (Poland). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 479- 498 details
1970 Cramer,F.H. Cramer,F.H. (1970) Arcitarchs and chitinozoans from the Silurian Ross Brook Formation, Nova Scotia Journal of Geology. 745- 749 details
1970 Teteryuk,V.K. Teteryuk,V.K. (1970) Correlation of the Middle Carboniferous of the Donetzs Basin and the Westphalian of Western Europe by microspores. (In: Carboniferous Stratigraphy Problems. S.V. Semichatova, editor) Trudy Ministerstvo Geologii SSR,Akademiya Nauk SSR.Mezhvedomstvennyi Stratigraficheskii Komitet SSSR. 139- 146 details
1970 KalibovЎ,M. KalibovЎ,M. (1970) Spores from the Upper Red Formation (Late Paleozoic) in the Klado-Rakovnik Basin and beneath the Bohemian Cretaeous. Vestnik Ustredniho љstavu Geologickeho,(Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Prague). 7- 16 details
1970 Milakovic,B.B. Milakovic,B.B. (1970) Note on the remains of Lower Pontian fossil flora near Uba, western Siberia. Glasnik Prirodachkog Muzeia u Beogradu. 97- 100 details
1970 Graham,A. Graham,A. (1970) The role of Myxomyceta spores in palynology (With a brief note on the morphology of certain algal zygospores) Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 89- 99 details
1970 Verbitskaya,Z.I. Verbitskaya,Z.I. (1970) Correlation of sections of Coal-bearing deposits and Coal Seams of the Rubin and Aban Districts. (In: Methods of correlating the Profiles of Continental Coal Measures exemplified by some Mesozoic Basins in Siberia. N.F.Karpov, editor) Geologichesk Institut,Otdelenie Geologii Uglya i Goryuchikh Slantsev,Akademiya Nauk SSR,VNIGI. 19- 27 details
1970 Lefeld,J. et al. Lefeld,J. et al. (1970) Cretaceous microorganisms; dinoflagellate, Hystrichosphaeridea Geology of Poland. Catalogue of Fossils. Mesozoic. 160- 161 details
1970 Flicoteaux,R. et al. Flicoteaux,R. et al. (1970) Paleoclimatic interretation of Lower Senonian palynological associations of the Aix Basin Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 820- 823 details
1970 Timoshina,N.A. Timoshina,N.A. (1970) Wormwood-like forms of the Ciscaspian Pliocene. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 216- 218 details
1970 Semenova,E.V. Semenova,E.V. (1970) Spore and pollen assemblages of deposits of the Jurassic and Triassic Boundary of the Don Basin. Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR, Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk, "Naukova Dumka", Kiev, USSR. 1- 142 details
1970 Rakotoarivelo,H.J. Rakotoarivelo,H.J. (1970) Palynostratigraphical comparison in the coal bearing basin of Sakoa-Sakamena, Madagascar. PhD Thesis, Faculte des Sciences de Paris. 1- 404 details
1970 Orlowska-Zwolinska,T. et al. Orlowska-Zwolinska,T. et al. (1970) Flora of the Triassic microflora Geology of Poland. Catalogue of Fossils. Mesozoic. 17- 18 details
1970 Olaru,L. Olaru,L. (1970) Palynological research in the Paleogene of the Outside Flysch of the Bistrita Valley (Piatra Neamt--Roumania). Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "Al. I. Cuza" din Iasi (serie noua), Sectiunea IIb, Geologie-Geografie. 127- 134 details
1970 Burmann,G. Burmann,G. (1970) Further organic microfossils from the Lower Ordovician. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. Palaobotanik. 289- 332 details
1970 Herbst,R. Herbst,R. (1970) Palynological study of the Ischigualasto-Villa Union Basin (Triassic), Provinces San Juan-La Rioja. Ameghiniana. 83- 97 details
1970 Harris,W.K. Harris,W.K. (1970) An Upper Jurassic microflora from the Western Margin of the Great Artesian Basin. South Australia. Geological Survey of South Australia, Quarterly Geological Notes. 3- 8 details
1970 M©dus,J. M©dus,J. (1970) First contribution to the study of a few classical Lower Creaceous Beds of Haute Provence Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de Marseille. 137- 142 details
1970 Antonescu,E. Antonescu,E. (1970) Some preliminary data on the palynological content of the Lower Triassic of the Bucea Seisian in the Padurea Craiului Mts. Dari de Seama ale Sedintelor. 87- 96 details
1970 Millay,M.A. et al. Millay,M.A. et al. (1970) Studies of living and fossil saccate pollen grains Micropaleontology. 463- 470 details
1970 Pocock,S.A.J. Pocock,S.A.J. (1970) Palynology of the Jurassic sediments of Western Canada, Part 1. Terrestrial species. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 12- 136 details
1970 Sladkov,A.N. Sladkov,A.N. (1970) Types of tetrads, hexads and spores. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya 4, Geologiya. Moscow.. 82- 98 details
1970 Loeblich,A.R.III Loeblich,A.R.III (1970) Morphology, ultrastructure and distribution of Paleozoic acritarchs. Proceedings of the North American Paleontological Convention. Field Museum of Natural History. Chicago, September 1969. 705- 747 details
1970 Hills,L.V. et al. Hills,L.V. et al. (1970) Reworked Devonian megaspores from the Triassic Bjorne Formation Melville Island, Arctic Canada Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology. 113- 114 details
1970 Leisman,G.A. et al. Leisman,G.A. et al. (1970) Rhetinotheca tetrasolenata, sp.nov., an Aulacotheca-like fructification from Illinois. American Journal of Botany. 758- 758 details
1970 Reyre,Y. Reyre,Y. (1970) Stereoscan observations on the pollen genus Classopollis, Pflug,1953. Palaeontology. 303- 322 details
1970 Paris,F. et al. Paris,F. et al. (1970) The Llanvirnian paleoplankton of La Roche-Au-Merle Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique et Min©ralogique de Bretagne, S©rie C. 25- 43 details
1970 Hall,F.W. et al. Hall,F.W. et al. (1970) Development of pollen in the genus Vesicaspora. American Journal of Botany. 758- 758 details
1970 M©dus,J. M©dus,J. (1970) A palynological method for stratigraphical correlations. Grana. 149- 158 details
1970 Alpern,B. Alpern,B. (1970) Palynological Divisions of the Upper Westphalian and the Westphalian-Stephanian boundary; Report and Synthsis of Project a of The3 Rd C.I.M.P. Meeting on Paleozoic Stratigraphy. (In: Colloqium on the Stratigraphy of the Carboniferous, Compte Rendus, 8th Reunion CIMP. M.Streel and R.H.Wagner, editors) Les Congres et Colloques de l'Universit© de LiЁge,(Colloque Sur la Stratigraphie du Carbonifere). 91- 97 details
1970 Pavlov,V.V. Pavlov,V.V. (1970) Palynological substantiation of the boundry of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Urkyuk-Khaya Promatory, (Pakhsa Peninsula, Anabar Gulf). Uchenye Zapiski(Science Notes), Paleontologiya i Biostratigrafiya (NIIGA) Ministerstvo Geologii SSR. 32- 35 details
1970 Stidd,B.M. et al. Stidd,B.M. et al. (1970) The reproductive organs of Callistophyton. American Journal of Botany. 757- 757 details
1970 Dolby,G. Dolby,G. (1970) Spore assemblages from the Devonian-Carboniferous transition Measures in South-West Britain and Southern Eire. (In: Colloqium on the Stratigraphy of the Carboniferous, Compte Rendus, 8th Reunion CIMP. M.Streel and R.H.Wagner, editors) Les Congres et Colloques de l'Universit© de LiЁge,(Colloque Sur la Stratigraphie du Carbonifere). 267- 274 details
1970 Baxter,R.W. Baxter,R.W. (1970) A new Lycopod cone genus from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Kansas. American Journal of Botany. 756- 756 details
1970 KalibovЎ,M. KalibovЎ,M. (1970) The significance of megaspores for the stratigraphic zoning of the Plzen Basin. (In: Colloqium on the Stratigraphy of the Carboniferous, Compte Rendus, 8th Reunion CIMP. M.Streel and R.H.Wagner, editors) Les Congres et Colloques de l'Universit© de LiЁge,(Colloque Sur la Stratigraphie du Carbonifere). 289- 297 details
1970 Zaklinskaya,V.A. Zaklinskaya,V.A. (1970) Late Cretaceous and Early Paleogene flora, based on palynological data. Paleozoic and Mesozoic Floras of Eurasia and Phyto Geography of This .Transactions,Nauka,(Moscow). 302- 331 details
1970 Laveine,J.P. Laveine,J.P. (1970) Preliminary note on the spores in situ, of Coal Pecopterids; paleobotanic and stratigraphic implications. (In: Colloqium on the Stratigraphy of the Carboniferous, Compte Rendus, 8th Reunion CIMP. M.Streel and R.H.Wagner, editors) Les Congres et Colloques de l'Universit© de LiЁge,(Colloque Sur la Stratigraphie du Carbonifere). 299- 307 details
1970 Griggs,P.H. Griggs,P.H. (1970) Stratigraphy and palynology of the Frontier Formation, Big Horn Basin, Wyoming PhD Thesis, Michigan State University. 1- 233 details
1970 Praglowski,J.R. Praglowski,J.R. (1970) The pollen morphology of the Haloragaceae with references to taxonomy. Grana. 159- 238 details
1970 Hart,G.F. Hart,G.F. (1970) The stratigraphic subdivision and equivalents of the Karroo sequence as suggested by palynology. International Symposium on Gondwana Stratigraphy,1st,Proceedings. 23- 45 details
1970 Koch,B.E. et al. Koch,B.E. et al. (1970) Geological and paleobotanical investigations of the Miocene Brown Coal near Fasterholt, Jutland, Denmark. Geological Society of Denmark, Bulletin (Meddelelser Fra Dansk Geologisk Forening). 169- 191 details
1970 Hart,G.F. Hart,G.F. (1970) Comments on "A nomenclatural problem concerning reworked fossil spores and pollen". Louisiana State University, School of Geoscience, Geoscience Institute Series. 2- 2 details
1970 Mcleroy,C.A. et al. Mcleroy,C.A. et al. (1970) Upper Cretaceous, (Campanian-Maastrichtian), angiosperm pollen from the western San Joaquin Valley, California. PhD Thesis, Stanford University. 1- 382 details
1970 Germeraad,J.H. et al. Germeraad,J.H. et al. (1970) A computer-based numerical coding system for the description of pollen grains and spores. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 175- 202 details
1970 Gгrecka,T. Gгrecka,T. (1970) Results of microfloristic research of Permo-Carboniferous deposits found in the area between Jawor and Luban. Kwartalnik Geologiczny (Instytut Geologiczy). 52- 64 details
1970 Menendez-Amor,J. Menendez-Amor,J. (1970) A spore-pollen study of the Una Lignites, (Cuenca). Bolet­n de la Real Sociedad Espaбola de Historia Natural: Secciгn Geolog­a. 275- 281 details
1970 Muir,M.D. et al. Muir,M.D. et al. (1970) A Rhaeto-Liassic flora from Airel, Northern France. Palaeontology. 433- 442 details