Year First author Citations link
1964 Taylor,T.N. et al. Taylor,T.N. et al. (1964) The Paleozoic seed Mitrospermum in American Coal Balls. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 51- 58 details
1964 Evans,P.R. Evans,P.R. (1964) Palynology of samples from Cabawin No.1 Well. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Australia. Petroleum Search Subsidy Acts Publication. 35- 38 details
1964 Doubinger,J. et al. Doubinger,J. et al. (1964) The presence of Numerous chitinozoans in the Lower Devonian (Siegenian) of Cotentin Compte-Rendu Sommaire et Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France, Serie 7. 104- 105 details
1964 Clendening,J.A. et al. Clendening,J.A. et al. (1964) Characteristic small spores of the Pittsburgh Coal in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy of Science. 141- 150 details
1964 Ilavska,Z. Ilavska,Z. (1964) Spores and Hystrichosphaerids from the Carboniferous of the Lower Tatra Geologicky Zbornik(Geoligica Carpathica). 227- 232 details
1964 Cookson,I.C. et al. Cookson,I.C. et al. (1964) Microplankton from the Cambridge Greensand (Mid-Cretaceous) Palaeontology. 37- 59 details
1964 Sullivan,H.J. Sullivan,H.J. (1964) Miospores from the Drybrook Sandstone and associated measures in the forest of Dean Basin, Gloucestershire. Palaeontology. 351- 392 details
1964 Fokina,N.I. Fokina,N.I. (1964) Spore-pollen complexes of the Upper Aptian of Southern Turkmen Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (Paleontological Journal). 111- 114 details
1964 Brattseva,G.M. Brattseva,G.M. (1964) Spore-pollen complexes of the Tsagayan deposits and their age. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1111- 1113 details
1964 Sarjeant,W.A.S. Sarjeant,W.A.S. (1964) New name and diagnosis for an Upper Jurassic species of Gonyaulacysta (Dinophyceae). Palaeontology. 472- 473 details
1964 Shimakura,M. Shimakura,M. (1964) Pollen stratigraphic studies of Japanese Cenozoic formation VIII Ange, Soni and Tsugena Groups (Tertiary). Journal Nara Gakugei University. Natural Science. 38- 50 details
1964 Barbashinova,V.N. Barbashinova,V.N. (1964) Pollen of ancient Conifers in Neogene deposits of northeastern Sakhalin. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 92- 93 details
1964 Eisenack,A. Eisenack,A. (1964) A discussion of recent Hystrichospheres Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Monatshefte. 108- 113 details
1964 Eisenack,A. Eisenack,A. (1964) Discussions on some genera of fossil dinoflagellates and on the Incorporation of the genera into the system Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Monatshefte. 321- 336 details
1964 Zhuravlev,B.Y. et al. Zhuravlev,B.Y. et al. (1964) Some species of spores from the Middle Devonian Cos in the Southwestern Spurs of the Chingiz Ridge. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya 4, Geologiya. Moscow.. 22- 26 details
1964 Szafer,W. et al. Szafer,W. et al. (1964) The decline of Tertiary plants before the time of maximal glaciation in the West Carpathians. INQUA Congress,6th,Warsaw. 479- 482 details
1964 Deflandre,G. Deflandre,G. (1964) On the preservation of pollen and spores in Oligocene Chert of Haute-Provence Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 2369- 2372 details
1964 Venozhinskene,A.I. Venozhinskene,A.I. (1964) Spore assemblage of the Stonishk'ay, sh'ashuvis and Viesite Formations of Lithuania. (In: Questions on the stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Devonian of the Baltic Region) Trudy Institut Geologii Gosgeolkomiteta(Vilnius). 42- 45 details
1964 Hacquebard,P.A. et al. Hacquebard,P.A. et al. (1964) A depositional study of the Habour Seam, Sydney Coalfield, Nova Scotia. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper. 90- 91 details
1964 Takahashi,K. Takahashi,K. (1964) Microplankton from the Asagai Formation in the Joban Coal Field. Palaeontological Society of Japan, Transactions and Proceedings, New Series. 201- 214 details
1964 Sen,J. Sen,J. (1964) The megaspores of the Ayrshire Coalfield and their stratigraphic value. Micropaleontology. 97- 104 details
1964 Edgell,H.S. Edgell,H.S. (1964) The correlative value of microplankton in the Cretaceous of the Perth Basin, Western Australia. Report of the Department of Mines,Western Australia,1963. 100- 105 details
1964 Leopold,E.B. et al. Leopold,E.B. et al. (1964) Studies of Pre-Selma Cretaceous core samples from the outcrop area in Western Alabama. E: A preliminary report on the pollen and spores of The Pre-Selma Upper Cretaceous strata of Western Alabama. United States Geological Survey, Bulletin. 71- 95 details
1964 Michael,E. Michael,E. (1964) Microplankton and sporomorphs of the Barremian of northwest Germany. Hannover, Technische Universit¤t, Mitteilungen Geologisches Institut. 22- 48 details
1964 Dikenshteyn,G.K. et al. Dikenshteyn,G.K. et al. (1964) A major discontinuity at the boundary between Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods in Central Kara Kum Geologiya Nefti i Gaza. 279- 284 details
1964 Nazarenko,A.M. Nazarenko,A.M. (1964) A characterization of the spore assemblages of the Middle Devonian Beds of the Province of Volgograd Trudy Volgo.Nauchno-Issled.Inst.Neft.Gaz.Promysh. (Vniing)(Canadian .Of State Translation). 39- 47 details
1964 Sergeyeva,L.A. et al. Sergeyeva,L.A. et al. (1964) Establishment of the age of the Paleozoic Salts in the South-Eastern Part of the Dnieper-Donets Depression according to the spore-pollen analysis. Geologicheskii Zhurnal. 96- 98 details
1964 Sullivan,H.J. Sullivan,H.J. (1964) Miospores from the Lower Limestone Shales (Tournaisian), of the Forest of Dean Basin, Gloucestershire. CongrЁs International de Stratigraphie et de G©ologie du CarbonifЁre,Compte Rendu,5th. 1249- 1259 details
1964 Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Venkatachala,B.S. et al. (1964) Sporological study of the coals from Falkenberg (Faulquemont) Colliery, Lothringen (Lorrain) France. The Palaeobotanist. 159- 207 details
1964 Bachmann,A. et al. Bachmann,A. et al. (1964) Microfossils from the Austrian Silurian. Verhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt. 53- 64 details
1964 Abramova,S.A. et al. Abramova,S.A. et al. (1964) The application of palynological investigation in the study of Salt Domes of the Precaspian Trudy VNIGNI. 122- 137 details
1964 Sullivan,H.J. et al. Sullivan,H.J. et al. (1964) Triquitrites and related genera. CongrЁs International de Stratigraphie et de G©ologie du CarbonifЁre,Compte Rendu,5th. 1079- 1093 details
1964 Bharadwaj,D.C. Bharadwaj,D.C. (1964) Potoniesporites, Bharadwaj, its morphology, systematics and stratigraphy. Fortschritte in der Geologie von Rheinland und Westfalen. 45- 54 details
1964 Barbashinova,V.N. Barbashinova,V.N. (1964) Pollen of ancient Conifers in Neogene deposits of northeastern Sakhalin. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 92- 93 details
1964 de Jersey,N.J. et al. de Jersey,N.J. et al. (1964) Palynological report on samples from Cabawin No.1 Well. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Australia. Petroleum Search Subsidy Acts Publication. 53- 78 details
1964 Shcherbakov,O.A. et al. Shcherbakov,O.A. et al. (1964) Stratigraphy of the Tournaisian-Visean boundary Beds in the Central Urals Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 112- 115 details
1964 Varentsov,M.I. et al. Varentsov,M.I. et al. (1964) Age of halite in the diapiric structures of the Chu-Sarysu Trough. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 327- 329 details
1964 Eller,E.R. Eller,E.R. (1964) Article 21; Scolecodonts of the Delaware Limestone Devonian of Ohio and Ontario Annals of the Carnegie Museum. 229- 275 details
1964 Portnyagina,L.A. Portnyagina,L.A. (1964) Possibility of distinguishing the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene flysch of the Soviet Carpathians by means of data from spore-pollen analysis. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 814- 816 details
1964 Taugourdeau,P. Taugourdeau,P. (1964) Sporulation or encystment of an Ancyrochitina (Chitinozoa) Compte-Rendu Sommaire et Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France. 238- 238 details
1964 Venkatachala,B.S. Venkatachala,B.S. (1964) Lower Carboniferous miospore from Boneparte Gulf Basin, Australia. The Palaeobotanist. 109- 114 details
1964 Rossignol,M. Rossignol,M. (1964) Hystrichospheres of the Quaternary of the eastern Mediterranean, the Pleistocene sediments and recent marine muds. Revue de Micropal©ontologie. 83- 99 details
1964 Taugourdeau,P. et al. Taugourdeau,P. et al. (1964) Dimorphism in the chitinozoans Compte-Rendu Sommaire et Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France. 674- 677 details
1964 de Jersey,N.J. et al. de Jersey,N.J. et al. (1964) Palynology of samples from Union-Kern-A.O.G. Cabawin East No.1. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Commonwealth of Australia Petroleum Search Subsidy Acts Publication. 28- 43 details
1964 Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Venkatachala,B.S. et al. (1964) Schizopollis, Venkatachala and Kar, a new pollen genus from the Permian of North Karanpura Cofield, Bihar, India. Grana Palynologica. 413- 424 details
1964 Evans,P.R. Evans,P.R. (1964) Palynological observations on Union-Kern-A.O.G. Cabawin East No.1 Well. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Commonwealth of Australia Petroleum Search Subsidy Acts Publication. 44- 50 details
1964 Sommer,F.W. et al. Sommer,F.W. et al. (1964) Devonian chitinozoans from Goias Anais da Academia Brasileira de CiЄncias. 423- 431 details
1964 Umnova,N.I. Umnova,N.I. (1964) Distribution of chitinozoa in the Ordovician of the Russian Platform Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (Paleontological Journal). 326- 340 details
1964 Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Venkatachala,B.S. et al. (1964) Nomenclature notes on Striatopodocarpites Sedova,1956. The Palaeobotanist. 313- 314 details
1964 de Jersey,N.J. et al. de Jersey,N.J. et al. (1964) Palynology of samples from Union-Kern-A.O.G. Moonie Nos.1 and 3 wells. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Commonwealth of Australia Petroleum Search Subsidy Acts Publication. 30- 51 details
1964 Pokrovskaya,I.M. Pokrovskaya,I.M. (1964) Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes Anabar-Kha Tanga interfluv, Khatanga and Pre-Verkhoyansk Synec Lises and Vilyuy Depression. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) Trudy VSEGEI. Novaya Seriya. 102- 115 details
1964 GгczЎn,F. GгczЎn,F. (1964) Standard palynology of Senonian deposits of the Bakony Mountains A Magyar Allami Fжldtani Int©zet ‰vi Jelent©se, ‰vrжl. 253- 261 details
1964 Sedova,M.A. Sedova,M.A. (1964) Neocomian spore-pollen complexes in the Vitimsk Plateau and Trans-Baikal. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) Trudy VSEGEI. Novaya Seriya. 116- 124 details
1964 Benes,K. et al. Benes,K. et al. (1964) Carboniferous fossil fungi from the Upper Silesian Basin (Ostrava-Karvina Coal District). Sbornik Geologickych Ved: Paleontologie. 65- 90 details
1964 Voevodova,E.M. Voevodova,E.M. (1964) Lower Cretaceous spore pollen complexes of North-East USSR-Zyrgansk and Khasynsk Coal Fields. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) Trudy VSEGEI. Novaya Seriya. 125- 130 details
1964 Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Venkatachala,B.S. et al. (1964) The spore-pollen flora of the Hungarian "Kossen Facies" Acta Geologica. 203- 228 details
1964 Ibrahim,A.C. et al. Ibrahim,A.C. et al. (1964) The microspores of the Bituminous Domuzcu and Cay Coal Seams (Westphalian A) in the Zonguldak area (Turkey). Fortschritte in der Geologie von Rheinland und Westfalen. 271- 284 details
1964 Sedova,M.A. Sedova,M.A. (1964) Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of South Primorsk-Suchansk Coal Fields. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) Trudy VSEGEI. Novaya Seriya. 131- 136 details
1964 Henry,J.L. Henry,J.L. (1964) The presence of Spherical Inclusions (Acritarchs") in an Ordovician chitinozoan from Brittany. Comptes Rendu des S©ances de l'Academie des Sciences. 150- 151 details
1964 Zauer,V.V. Zauer,V.V. (1964) Description of spores and pollen in Aptian Deposits of the middle reaches of the South Bug Basin. (In: Atlas of Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen complexes of some regions of USSR. I.M.Pokyovsksys and N.K.Stel'mak, editors) Trudy VSEGEI. Novaya Seriya. 143- 155 details