Year First author Citations link
1974 Zagwijn,W.H. Zagwijn,W.H. (1974) The Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary in Western and Southern Europe. Boreas. 75- 97 details
1974 Fedotov,V.V. Fedotov,V.V. (1974) Paleofloristic assemblages and the stratigraphy of the Raychikhinsk Coal Basin. Akademiya Nauk SSR,Far East Science Centre.(Vladivostok),Biostratigraphic Problems of the Soviet Far East. 64- 68 details
1974 Canright,J.E. et al. Canright,J.E. et al. (1974) A Lower Permian flora from Promontory Butte, Central Arizona. Botanical Society of America,Paleobotany,Guidebook To Devonian,Permian and Triassic Plant Localities, East-Cal Arizona.. 57- 62 details
1974 Truyols,J. et al. Truyols,J. et al. (1974) The Silurian rocks of the Cantabrian zone and their fauna. Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France, 7e s©rie. 23- 35 details
1974 Lopukhin,A.S. Lopukhin,A.S. (1974) Acritarchs of the Proterozoic and Early Paleozoic of Tyan-Shan. (In: Palynology of Proterophyte and Palaeophyte.S.N.Naumova, editor) Materily Nauch Sbezdov i Konferentsii,Trudy III Mezhdunarodnoi Palinologicheskoi Nauka,Moscow USSR Konferenttsii. 28- 32 details
1974 Chlebowski,R. et al. Chlebowski,R. et al. (1974) Chitinozoa from the Ordovician Conglomerates at Miedzygorz in the Holy Cross Mountains. Acta Geologica Polonica. 221- 229 details
1974 Shugaevskaya,O.V. et al. Shugaevskaya,O.V. et al. (1974) Spores with Lacunae from the Bureinskiy Depression. Akademiya Nauk SSR,Far East Science Centre.(Vladivostok),Biostratigraphic Problems of the Soviet Far East. 136- 142 details
1974 Deunff,J. et al. Deunff,J. et al. (1974) New observations and details on Lower Paleozoic acritarchs with large polar apertures. Geobios. 5- 18 details
1974 Pittau Demelia,P. Pittau Demelia,P. (1974) Palynologic-stratigraphic study of the recovered drillhole lignite from the Sulcis Basin, Southwestern Sardinia. Bollettino della Societ  Geologica Italiana. 937- 943 details
1974 Bose,M.N. Bose,M.N. (1974) A palynological reconnaissance of the Mesozoic sediments of Zaire Koninklijke Academie Voor Overzeese Wetenschappen, Mededelingen der Zittingen. 618- 627 details
1974 Garcia-Loygorri,A. Garcia-Loygorri,A. (1974) General characteristics of the Central Basin of Asturias (Spain). CongrЁso Internacional de Estratigrafia y Geologia del Cafero,2nd,Ini Empresa Nacional Adaro de Investigaciones Mine Rassa Extractod,(Krefeld-1971).. 111- 127 details
1974 Chўteauneuf,J.-J. Chўteauneuf,J.-J. (1974) Palnology of the productive layers of the Central Basin of Asturias (Spain) CongrЁso Internacional de Estratigrafia y Geologia del Cafero,2nd,Ini Empresa Nacional Adaro de Investigaciones Mine Rassa Extractod,(Krefeld-1971).. 297- 321 details
1974 Ciuk,E. Ciuk,E. (1974) Lithostratigraphic Schemes of the Paleogene in Poland Except for the Carpathians and the Carpathian Foredeep. Biuletyn - Instytutu Geologiczny. 7- 48 details
1974 Gruzman,A.D. et al. Gruzman,A.D. et al. (1974) Paleontology characteristic of the Paleocene-Eocene deposits of the North Sloper of the Ukrainian Carpathians Paleontologicheskii Sbornik. 69- 74 details
1974 Kasahara,Y. et al. Kasahara,Y. et al. (1974) The geological age of the Oamamiyama Volcanic Rocks, Hida Plateau Central Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan(Chishitsugaku Zasshi). 239- 240 details
1974 Lefort,J.P. et al. Lefort,J.P. et al. (1974) A study of the Pre-Mesozoic basement samples of the northern part of the Channel Islands Gulf. Bulletin du Bureau des Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres (DeuxiЁme s©rie). 73- 83 details
1974 Grabowska,I. Grabowska,I. (1974) Stratigraphy of Palaeogene sediments in the Polish Lowlands in the light of research on microflora. Biuletyn - Instytutu Geologiczny. 67- 90 details
1974 Korallova,V.V. Korallova,V.V. (1974) Palynological characteristics of the Paleocene deposits of the North Prichernomorian Deporession Paleontologicheskii Sbornik. 81- 86 details
1974 Alekseeva,V.I. et al. Alekseeva,V.I. et al. (1974) On paleontological substantiation of the Border between Aptian and Albian deposits at the East of the North Fore-Caspian area Sovetskaya Geologiya. 146- 150 details
1974 da Costa,N.M. da Costa,N.M. (1974) New species of chitinozoas from the Trombetas Formation, the State of Para. Anais da Academia Brasileira de CiЄncias. 287- 301 details
1974 Visscher,H. Visscher,H. (1974) The Impact of palynology on Permian and Triassic stratigraphy in Western Europe. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 5- 19 details
1974 Buvalkin,A.K. et al. Buvalkin,A.K. et al. (1974) Triassic deposits of the Irtysh-Zaysan Fold area Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya = Khabarlary Kazakh SSR, Fylym Akademiyasynyn. 18- 30 details
1974 Doubinger,J. Doubinger,J. (1974) Palynological studies in the Autunian. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 21- 38 details
1974 KonzalovЎ,M. KonzalovЎ,M. (1974) The signification of microorganisms for the stratigraphy of the Precambrian (Bohemian Massif). (In: Pr©cambrien des zones mobiles de l'Europe.V.Zoubek, editor) Pr©cambrien des zones mobiles de l'Europe.(V.Zoubek,editor). PICG.Geologicky Ustav.. 297- 299 details
1974 Bykadorov,V.A. et al. Bykadorov,V.A. et al. (1974) Stratigraphy of Lower Paleogene deposits of eastern Kyzyl-Kum and South-West Karatai Foothills Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya = Khabarlary Kazakh SSR, Fylym Akademiyasynyn. 59- 74 details
1974 Darby,D.G. Darby,D.G. (1974) Reproductive modes of Huroniospora microreticulata, from Cherts of the Precambrian Gunflint Iron-Formation Geological Society of America Bulletin. 1595- 1596 details
1974 Visscher,H. et al. Visscher,H. et al. (1974) Palynological assemblages from "Saxonian" deposits of the Saar-Nahe Basin (Germany) and the Dome De Barrot (France). An approach to chronostratigraphy. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 39- 56 details
1974 DybovЎ-Jachowiczowa,S. DybovЎ-Jachowiczowa,S. (1974) Palynological analysis of the Red Halitic sediments of the Upper Zechstein (Red "Zuber") of Klodawa, Poland. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 57- 61 details
1974 Clement-Westerhof,J.A. Clement-Westerhof,J.A. (1974) In Situ pollen from Gymnospermous Cones from the Upper Permian of the Italian Alps -a preliminary account. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 63- 73 details
1974 Egorova,V.L. Egorova,V.L. (1974) New species of spores from Middle Devonian Depo Sits of the Kuybyshev Oblast Geologiya i Geochimiya. 31- 35 details
1974 Harris,W.K. et al. Harris,W.K. et al. (1974) Stratigraphy and palynology of the Polda Basin Eyre Peninsula Mineral Resources Review,Department of Mines,South Australia. 56- 78 details
1974 Jardin©,S. Jardin©,S. (1974) Microfloras from formations in Gabon attributed to the Karroo. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 75- 112 details
1974 Taugourdeau-Lantz,J. Taugourdeau-Lantz,J. (1974) Palynology and Continental Drift in the Triassic Period. Sciences G©ologiques, Bulletin. 59- 67 details
1974 Navale,G.K.B. Navale,G.K.B. (1974) On the nature and composition of the Neyveli Lignite, South India. Geophytology. 95- 101 details
1974 Kmiecik,H. et al. Kmiecik,H. et al. (1974) Application of statistics in the microfloral-Petrographic analysis used in the study of Coal-Seam genesis. Przeglad Geologiczny. 552- 554 details
1974 Volkova,N.A. Volkova,N.A. (1974) Acritarchs from boundary layers of Lower-Middle Cambrian of West Latvia. Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Trudy Institut Geologii i Geofiziki, Akademiya Nauk SSSR. (Moscow). 194- 294 details
1974 Kremp,G.O.W. Kremp,G.O.W. (1974) A re-evaluation of global plantgeographic Provinces of the Late Paleozoic. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 113- 132 details
1974 Tran,D.N. Tran,D.N. (1974) Palynological investigation of Neogene deposits in the Nowy Targ-Orawa Basin (West Carpathians, Poland). Acta Palaeobotanica. 45- 87 details
1974 Warrington,G. Warrington,G. (1974) Studies in the palynological biostratigraphy of the British Trias. 1. reference sections in West Lancashire and North Someret. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 133- 147 details
1974 Herngreen,G.F.W. et al. Herngreen,G.F.W. et al. (1974) Palynology of Rhaetian, Liassic and Dogger strata in the eastern Netherlands. Geologie en Mijnbouw. 343- 368 details
1974 Bless,M.J.M. et al. Bless,M.J.M. et al. (1974) Excursion D.- Guidebook. (J.Bouckaert and M.Streel, editors) International Symposium on Namur 1974,Geological Survey of Belgium.Belgium Micropaleontogical Limits,(From Emsian To Visean). details
1974 Belozerova,V.N. Belozerova,V.N. (1974) Variability of spores of the Jurassic fern Dictyophyllum Nilsso from Kirghizia Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (Paleontological Journal). 136- 137 details
1974 Taugourdeau-Lantz,J. Taugourdeau-Lantz,J. (1974) First study of the spores from the Middle Triassic of Gabian (Southern Margin of the Montagne Noire, France). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 149- 159 details
1974 Herngreen,G.F.W. Herngreen,G.F.W. (1974) Middle Cretaceous palynomorphs from Northeastern Brazil. Sciences G©ologiques, Bulletin. 101- 116 details
1974 Alberti,H. et al. Alberti,H. et al. (1974) The stratigraphical significance of the Protognathodus fauna from Stockum (Devonian/Carboniferous Boundary, Rheish Schiefergebirge). Newsletters on Stratigraphy. 263- 276 details
1974 Suc,J.-P. Suc,J.-P. (1974) Pollen attributable to the Agavaceae from the Pliocene of Languedoc. Pollen et Spores. 493- 498 details
1974 Morbey,S.J. et al. Morbey,S.J. et al. (1974) A Scheme of palynologically defined Concurrent-Range zones and Subzones for the Triassic Rhaetian Stage (Snsu Lato). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 161- 173 details
1974 Clayton,G. et al. Clayton,G. et al. (1974) Miospore assemblages from the Devonian Sherkin Formation of Southwest County Cork, Republic of Ireland. Pollen et Spores. 565- 588 details
1974 Elsik,W.C. Elsik,W.C. (1974) Fossil Auriculate pollen. Pollen et Spores. 507- 534 details
1974 Warrington,G. Warrington,G. (1974) Appendix 1-Mesozoic microfossil assemblages. (In: The Geology of the Sea of Hebrides, P.E.Binns, R.McQuillin et al, editors) Institute of Geological Sciences,Report. 35- 36 details
1974 Dunay,R.E. et al. Dunay,R.E. et al. (1974) Late Triassic palynofloras of North America and their European correlatives. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 179- 186 details
1974 Wiseman,J.F. et al. Wiseman,J.F. et al. (1974) Palynological investigation of samples from Sites 259, 261, and 263, Leg 27, Deep Sea Drilling Project. Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington, Initial Reports, (U.S.Gov't Print.Office). 915- 924 details
1974 Scheuring,B.W. Scheuring,B.W. (1974) Kraeuselisporites, Leschik and Thomsonisporites, Leschik--A revision of the type material of two disputed genera. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 187- 203 details
1974 Poncet,J. Poncet,J. (1974) The stratigraphic series in the Syncline of Montm Artin-sur-Mer, (Manche). Bulletin de la Societe Linneenne de Normandie. 59- 69 details
1974 Scheuring,B.W. Scheuring,B.W. (1974) On the type material of Accinctisporites, Leschik, Succinctisporites, Leschik, Rimaesporites, Leschik and Sahnisporites, Bharadwa. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 205- 216 details
1974 Rasul,S.M. et al. Rasul,S.M. et al. (1974) The stratigraphic distribution of Tremadoc acritarchs in the Shineton Shales succession, Shropshire, England. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 1- 9 details
1974 Karaszewski,W. Karaszewski,W. (1974) New biostratigraphic data concerning subdivision of the Lower Jurassic in Poland, exclusive of the Carpathians. Przeglad Geologiczny. 327- 328 details
1974 Anderson,H.M. Anderson,H.M. (1974) A brief review of the flora of the Molteno Formatiom, (Triassic), South Africa. Palaeontologia Africana. 1- 10 details
1974 Sokolov,B.S. Sokolov,B.S. (1974) The problem of the boundary between the Precambrian and the Cambrian Geologiya i Geofizika. 3- 29 details
1974 Thusu,B. et al. Thusu,B. et al. (1974) Middle Silurian acritarchs in the Upper type Clinton Group, East-Central New York. Journal of Paleontology. 840- 843 details