Year First author Citations link
1963 Timofeev,B.V. Timofeev,B.V. (1963) Phytoplankton and dispersed spores of the Ordovician, Silurian and Lower Devonian of the Baltic Region, the Gory Switokrzyskie and Podolia. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 158- 161 details
1963 Wilson,L.R. et al. Wilson,L.R. et al. (1963) An emendation of Vestispora Wilson and Hoffmeister,1956. Oklahoma Geology Notes. 94- 100 details
1963 Manum,S.B. Manum,S.B. (1963) Some new species of Deflandrea and their probable affinity with Peridinium. Norske Polarinstitutt. 55- 67 details
1963 Levet-Carrette,J. Levet-Carrette,J. (1963) Study of the Lower Liassic microflora of a drilling made in the sub-soil of Boulogne-sur-Mer, (Pas-de-Calais). Annales de la Soci©t© G©ologique du Nord. 101- 128 details
1963 Tasch,P. Tasch,P. (1963) Hystrichosphaerids and dinoflagellates from the Permian of Kansas. Micropaleontology. 332- 336 details
1963 Tsukada,M. Tsukada,M. (1963) Umbrella Pine, sciadopitys Verticillata. Science. 1680- 1681 details
1963 Agrali,B. Agrali,B. (1963) Study of the Namurian spores at Tarla-Agzi (Amasra Coal Basin, Turkey). Annales de la Soci©t© G©ologique du Nord. 145- 160 details
1963 Bharadwaj,D.C. Bharadwaj,D.C. (1963) Pollen grains of Ephedra and Welwitschia and their probable fossil relatives. Memoirs of the Indian Botanical Society. 125- 135 details
1963 Combaz,A. Combaz,A. (1963) Presentation of the Laboratory of Palynology of the French Petroleum Company-Activities and results. Travaux des Colloques Francais de Palynologie Appliquee (Bordeaux). 28- 38 details
1963 Loboziak,S. Loboziak,S. (1963) The genus Colisporites, Pot. and Kr., in the Coal Basin of the North of France. Annales de la Soci©t© G©ologique du Nord. 231- 236 details
1963 Sommer,F.W. et al. Sommer,F.W. et al. (1963) Chitinozoans of Well 56, Itaituba, Para. Anais da Academia Brasileira de CiЄncias. 571- 573 details
1963 Potter,D.E. Potter,D.E. (1963) An emendation of the sporomorph Arcellites Miner,1935 Oklahoma Geology Notes. 227- 230 details
1963 Mathur,Y.K. Mathur,Y.K. (1963) Studies in the fossil microflora of Kutch, India. I. On the microflora and the Hystrichosphaerids in the Gypseous Shs (Eocene) of Western Kutch, India. Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences of India. 356- 371 details
1963 Horak,L. et al. Horak,L. et al. (1963) New information on the stratigraphy of Tertiary sediments Northeast of Banska Bystrica. Geologicke Prace,Spravy. 124- 130 details
1963 Doubinger,J. et al. Doubinger,J. et al. (1963) Discovery of a chitinozoan fauna of Devonian age from Treh, (Markstein Region, Southern Vosges). Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 2894- 2896 details
1963 Playford,G. Playford,G. (1963) Miospores from the Mississippian Horton Group, eastern Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin. 1- 47 details
1963 M©dus,J. et al. M©dus,J. et al. (1963) Initial palynological results on a Cyey horizon associated with the Pereille Bauxite (Ariege) Compte-Rendu Sommaire et Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France. 224- 225 details
1963 Zakowa,H. et al. Zakowa,H. et al. (1963) Lower Carboniferous Culm facies in Substratum of the Carpathian Fore-Deep. Kwartalnik Geologiczny (Instytut Geologiczy). 197- 213 details
1963 Doubinger,J. et al. Doubinger,J. et al. (1963) Discovery of chitinozoans of Silurian age in the Steige Shales, (L'Andlau Valley, Vosges). Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 469- 471 details
1963 Dettmann,M.E. et al. Dettmann,M.E. et al. (1963) Sections of some spores from the Lower Carboniferous of Spitsbergen. Palaeontology. 679- 681 details
1963 Koleshikov,C.M. Koleshikov,C.M. (1963) Stratigraphy of Mesozoic Coal deposits. (In: The History of Upper Mesozoic Coal Accumulation in the Territory of Buryat ASSR and the Southeast Part of the Lensk Basin.) Trudy Laboratoriya Geologii Uglya,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 13- 55 details
1963 Srivastava,S.K. Srivastava,S.K. (1963) Application of palynology to problems of stratigraphy in India Oil and Natural Gas Commision,Reporter. 10- 16 details
1963 Sommer,F.W. Sommer,F.W. (1963) Devonian microfossils from Aragarcas, Goias. PhD Thesis, Universidade Estado Guanabara. 1- 27 details
1963 Schaarschmidt,F. Schaarschmidt,F. (1963) On the change in the spore flora in the German Permian Natur und Museum (Frankfurt am Main). 231- 236 details
1963 Graham,A. Graham,A. (1963) Systematic revision of the Sucker Creek and Trout Creek Miocene floras of southeastern Oregon. American Journal of Botany. 921- 936 details
1963 M©dus,J. et al. M©dus,J. et al. (1963) First results of pollen analyses at the Puentes de Garcia Rodriguez, (Galicia Region, Spain), and the geomorphological conclusions which follow. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 1570- 1572 details
1963 Neviani,I. Neviani,I. (1963) The stratigraphic value of conifer pollen in the Mesozoic Natura.Revista di Scienze Naturall,(Milan). 19- 31 details
1963 McGregor,D.C. McGregor,D.C. (1963) Palaeobotanical evidence for the age of Basal Devonian strata at Ghost River, Alberta, Canada. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology. 299- 303 details
1963 Erika,K.H. Erika,K.H. (1963) Carbon Hydroxide Producing planktonic algae of the Paleogene of the Dorog Basin Fжldtani Kжzlжny (Bulletin of the Hungarian Geological Society). 231- 234 details
1963 Thiergart,F. et al. Thiergart,F. et al. (1963) Some spores and pollen grains from the Tertiary Brown Coal of Neyvli. The Palaeobotanist. 43- 45 details
1963 Pykhova,N.G. Pykhova,N.G. (1963) The use of the method of spore analysis for the correlation of the Pashiya deposits in the Upper Zaitov Field. (In: Oil Field geology and Reservoir Capacity) Gosudarstyy Komi.Po.Topl.Irom.Iri.Gosi.SSSR (GSC Trans #2698). 201- 211 details
1963 de Jekhowsky,B. de Jekhowsky,B. (1963) Quantitative repartition of the large groups of "microorganics", (spores, hystrichospheres, etc.), in marine sediments of the Continental Plateau.) Compte-Rendu Sommaire des S©ances de la Societe de Biogeographie.(Paris). 29- 47 details
1963 Roblot,M.-M. et al. Roblot,M.-M. et al. (1963) The Precambrian sporomorphs are of vegetatonal origin. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 4944- 4946 details
1963 Sol© de Porta,N. Sol© de Porta,N. (1963) Spore-pollen association found in a series belonging to the Cira Formation in the Magdalena Valley (Colombia). Boletin Geologico,(Bogota). 5- 16 details
1963 Eisenack,A. Eisenack,A. (1963) Information concerning the biology of the Hystrichospheres and about new genera. Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Abhandlungen. 207- 216 details
1963 Duchesne,J.C. Duchesne,J.C. (1963) A bed of Pyritosphaera barbaria in the Cambrian of Bayehon Valley, (Belgium, Ardennes). Annales de la Soci©t© G©ologique de Belgique. 123- 131 details
1963 de Jekhowsky,B. et al. de Jekhowsky,B. et al. (1963) Palynologic outline of the Permian, Triassic and Jurassic of the Morondava Basin of Madagascar. Annales Geologiques de Madagascar. 0- 0 details
1963 Eisenack,A. Eisenack,A. (1963) Cordosphaeridium n.g., ex Hystrichosphaeridium, Hystrichosphaeridea Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Abhandlungen. 260- 265 details
1963 Cridland,A.A. Cridland,A.A. (1963) A Glossopteris flora from the Ohio range, Antarctica American Journal of Botany. 186- 195 details
1963 Kuprina,N.P. et al. Kuprina,N.P. et al. (1963) New information on the flora and vegetation of Blue Diatom Clays in the Central Kamchatka Basin. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 904- 905 details
1963 Depape,G. et al. Depape,G. et al. (1963) Triassic flora of France. M©moires du Bureau des Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres (BRGM). 507- 523 details
1963 Krut,I.V. et al. Krut,I.V. et al. (1963) On the Devonian age of the Karachai Series of the northern Caucasus. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1142- 1144 details
1963 Srivastava,S.K. Srivastava,S.K. (1963) Polospores from Jurassic of Rajasthan, India. Nature. 1323- 1324 details
1963 Kossovoy,L.S. et al. Kossovoy,L.S. et al. (1963) Upper Devonian spore-pollen complexes of the eastern Slope of North Timan and their biostratigraphic significace. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1404- 1406 details
1963 Wilson,L.R. Wilson,L.R. (1963) Type species of the Paleozoic pollen genus Florinites Schopf, Wilson, and Bentall,1944. Oklahoma Geology Notes. 29- 29 details
1963 Timofeev,B.V. Timofeev,B.V. (1963) Traces of life in Meteorites.Results of a microphytological analysis Grana Palynologica. 92- 99 details
1963 Mchedlishvili,N.D. Mchedlishvili,N.D. (1963) Flora and vegetation of the Cimmerian age as revealed by palynology. Akademiya Nauk Georgian SSR. 1- 196 details
1963 Rade,J. Rade,J. (1963) Permian microspores and tracheids from the Narrabri-Curlewis area, New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales. 130- 136 details
1963 Balme,B.E. Balme,B.E. (1963) Palynological reports on samples from BMR 4A Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics.Strat.Drlg.,Canning Basin,Western Australia,(Henderson,Condon and Bastian). 71- 74 details
1963 Stevenson,I.M. et al. Stevenson,I.M. et al. (1963) Cretaceous sediments in Central Nova Scotia, Canada Geological Society of America Bulletin. 355- 356 details
1963 Evans,P.R. Evans,P.R. (1963) Preliminary notes on microplankton from BMR 4 and 4A. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin. 69- 70 details
1964 M¤dler,K.A. M¤dler,K.A. (1964) Noteworthy spore forms from the Keuper and Lower Lias. Fortschritte in der Geologie von Rheinland und Westfalen. 169- 200 details
1964 Glushenko,N.V. et al. Glushenko,N.V. et al. (1964) Support sections of the Asselian Stage, Lower Permian, Southern Russian Platform. Byulleten Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskii. 81- 84 details
1964 Alpern,B. et al. Alpern,B. et al. (1964) Relationships between palynologic and petrographic Zonal sequence in the Coal Seams. Fortschritte in der Geologie von Rheinland und Westfalen. 303- 316 details
1964 Grebe,H. et al. Grebe,H. et al. (1964) The spore content of the Seams between the Baldur and Iduna No.1 (Westphalian C) at the Second and Third level of the Franz Hniel Mine near Battrop Fortschritte in der Geologie von Rheinland und Westfalen. 239- 246 details
1964 Chalyshev,V.I. et al. Chalyshev,V.I. et al. (1964) New information of the age of the Coal deposits along Suraka Stream in Bashkiria Byulleten Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskii. 67- 70 details
1964 Roblot,M.-M. Roblot,M.-M. (1964) Sporomorphs of the Precambrian Armoricain Annales de Pal©ontologie. 105- 110 details
1964 Wijmstra,T.A. et al. Wijmstra,T.A. et al. (1964) Palynological data on the age of the Bauxite in British Guiana and Surinam Geologie en Mijnbouw. 143- 143 details
1964 Lapteva,A.M. Lapteva,A.M. (1964) Palynologic characteristic of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the northern edge of the Donetsk Basin Geologicheskii Zhurnal. 88- 93 details
1964 Stuchlik,L. Stuchlik,L. (1964) Pollen analysis of the Miocene deposits at Rypin, (northwest of Warsaw). Acta Palaeobotanica. 3- 111 details