
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Paleocene Colorado Newman,K.R. Redeposited Cretaceous palynomorphs in Paleocene rocks, Moffat and Rio Blanco Counties, Colorado. 1966
details Maastrichtian Eurasia Zaklinskaya,E.D. Pollen morphology of angiosperms and paleofloristic areas and Provinces at the boundary of the Cretaceous and Paleogene 1966
details Campanian Late Paleocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Blyakhova,S.M. On the relations between Early Paleocene and Upper Cretaceous floras of eastern Kizilkum. (In: The Importance of Palynological Analysis for the Stratigraphic and Paleofloristic Investigations. M.I. Nejshtadt, editor. Papers for the Second International Palynology Conference., Utrecht,1966) 1966
details Cenomanian Santonian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Ponomarenko,Z.K. The age and paleogeographical environments of Bauxite Formation Kazakhstan. (In: The Importance of Palynological Analysis for the Stratigraphic and Paleofloristic Investigations. M.I. Nejshtadt, editor. Papers for the Second International Palynology Conference., Utrecht,1966) 1966
details Late Turonian Early Senonian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Polumiskova,K.A. et al. Changes in floras during the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene Tim the Territory of Kazakhstan. (In: The Importance of Palynological Analysis for the Stratigraphic and Paleofloristic Investigations. M.I. Nejshtadt, editor. Papers for the Second International Palynology Conference., Utrecht,1966) 1966
details Santonian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Bolkhovitina,N.A. et al. Devolopment of vegetation in the Southern Region of Central Asia during the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods (from palynological data). (In: Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Mesozoic and Paleogene-Neogene Continental deposits of the Asiatic Part of the USSR.) 1967
details Late Cretaceous Europe GгczЎn,F. et al. The genera of "Stemma Normapolles Pflug 1953B" (Angiospermae). 1967
details Early Paleocene Danian USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Zaklinskaya,E.D. Early Paleogene flora of the northern Hemisphere and paleofloristic Provinces of this age. 1967
details Maastrichtian USSR(Siberia) Srivastava,S.K. Upper Cretaceous palynology-A review 1967
details Nd Nd Skarby,A. Extratriporopollenites (Pflug) emend. from the Upper Cretaceous of Scania, Sweden. 1968
details Tertiary USSR(Sakhalin Oblast) Barbashinova,V.N. Pollen from Old angiosperms in Tertiary deposits in some Far eastern Districts. 1968
details Danian USSR(Sakhalin Oblast) Budrin,V.S. A Paleopalynologic description of the key Upper Cretaceous section in the Nayba River Gasin, Southern Sakhalin. 1969
details Late Eocene Early Oligocene Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. et al. Micropaleobotanical investigations of the Tertiary in the Bojnice-Novaky Region. 1970
details Turonian USSR(Urals) Papulov,G.N. Change of floras at the Early-Late Cretaceous boundary of the Urals as revealed by palynological evidence. 1971
details Middle Eocene USSR(Carpathians) Portnyagina,L.A. Palynology of the Upper Senonian and Paleogene deposits from the Skibivayazone of the Carpathians. 1971
details Middle Eocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Portnyagina,L.A. Palynology of the Upper Senonian and Paleogene deposits from the Skibivayazone of the Carpathians. 1971
details Middle Cretaceous Late Cretaceous India(West Bengal) Baksi,S.K. On the palynological biostratigraphy of Bengal Basin. 1972