Deltoidospora sp

Citations total:
Author - title
original Aptian Early Albian India(Tamil Nadu) Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Palynology of the Cretaceous sediments from the subsurface of Vridhachalam area, Cauvery Basin. 1974
details Neocomian Aptian India(Andhra Pradesh) Venkatachala,B.S. Fossil floral assemblages in the east coast Gondwana -a critical review. (In: Oil Exploration in the East Coast of India; Stratigraphic and Palaeontological Aspects.) 1977
details Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous India(Orissa) Venkatachala,B.S. Fossil floral assemblages in the east coast Gondwana -a critical review. (In: Oil Exploration in the East Coast of India; Stratigraphic and Palaeontological Aspects.) 1977
details Rhaetian Hungary Venkatachala,B.S. et al. The spore-pollen flora of the Hungarian "Kossen Facies" 1964
details Gzelian W.Germany(Bavaria) Veld,H. et al. Aspects of Permian palaeobotany and palynology XIII. On the Stephanian age of a Rotliegend deposit near Weiden, Oberpfalz, Germany. 1992
details Neocomian Alaska Vandergon,M.A. Microfossil compilation of Mesozoic and Cenozoic units Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Northeastern Alaska. 1986
details Neocomian Alaska Vandergon,M.A. Microfossil compilation of Mesozoic and Cenozoic units Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Northeastern Alaska. 1986
details Neocomian Alaska Vandergon,M.A. Microfossil compilation of Mesozoic and Cenozoic units Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Northeastern Alaska. 1986
details Neocomian Alaska Vandergon,M.A. Microfossil compilation of Mesozoic and Cenozoic units Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Northeastern Alaska. 1986
details Late Aptian USSR(Uzbek SSR) Vakhrameev,V.A. et al. Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Central Kyzylkum 1985
details Late Siegenian Early Eifelian Canada(Gaspe Area) Utting,J. Palynology. (In: Analytical Investigation of the Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Palynology and reflectome try of the "Gaspe Sandstone" Series of Central Gaspe Quebec. J.L.Pittion, editor) 1975
original Cenomanian Coniacian Wyoming Upshaw,C.F. Palynologic zonation of the Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation near Dubois, Wyoming. (In: Palynology in Oil Exploration, Aureal T. Cross, editor) 1964
details Late Albian Alaska(North Slope) Ufnar,D.F. et al. High latitude meteoric d18O compositions: Paleosol siderite in the Middle Cretaceous Nanushuk Formation, North Slope, Alaska. 2004
details Ladinian USSR(Bashkir ASSR) Tuzhikova,V.I. Palynological charactieristics of the Yushatyrsk Suite of the Southern Cis-Ural. (In: Triassic Stratigraphy of the Urals and Cis-Urals. Symposium on the Problems of Stratigraphy. #27). V.I.Tuzhikova and G.N.Papulov, editors) 1979
details Late Cretaceous New Mexico Tschudy,R.H. The Gasbuggy Core. A palynological appraisal. 1973
details Paleocene New Mexico Tschudy,R.H. The Gasbuggy Core. A palynological appraisal. 1973
details Late Campanian Montana Tschudy,B.D. Palynology of the Upper Campanian, (Cretaceous) Judith River Formation, north-central Montana. 1973