Triletes glabratus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Pottsville West Virginia Cross,A.T. Spore floras of the Pennsylvanian of West Virginia and Kentucky 1947
details Late Pottsville Kentucky Cross,A.T. Spore floras of the Pennsylvanian of West Virginia and Kentucky 1947
details Late Westphalian C Belgium PiĀ©rart,P. Preliminary note on the megaspores of the Upper Westphalian C in the Belgian Campine. 1957
details Middle Carboniferous USSR(Kazakh SSR) Oshurkova,M.V. Megaspores from the Carboniferous sediments of Karaganda 1961
details Namurian Westphalian C England(Hampshire) Dijkstra,S.J. Carboniferous megaspores in Tertiary and Quaternary deposits of S.E.England. 1950
details Namurian B Netherlands Dijkstra,S.J. et al. A monographic revision of Carboniferous megaspores with special consideration to South Limburg, (Netherlands). 1946
details Nd Nd Schopf,J.M. et al. An annotated synopsis of Paleozoic fossil spores and the definition of generic groups. 1944
details Nd Nd Loboziak,S. The micro and megaspores of the western part of the Bassin Houiller of northern France, stratigraphic applicationsin the study of several boreholes. 1969
details Nd Nd Loboziak,S. The micro and megaspores of the western part of the northern Coal Basin of France. 1971
details Stephanian Spain Dijkstra,S.J. Spanish Carboniferous megaspores and their use in stratigraphic correlation. 1955
original Stephanian Poland Zerndt,J. Megaspores of a Seam at Libiaz (Stephanian). 1930
details Stephanian Poland Ishchenko,A.M. et al. Megaspores of the Carboniferous age and their stratigraphic importance 1962
details Stephanian Poland Potonie,R. et al. The sporae dispersae of the Ruhr Carboniferous, their morphography and stratigraphy with reviews of species of other areas. Part 1. 1955
details Westphalian Netherlands Dijkstra,S.J. The stratigraphical value of megaspores 1952
details Westphalian Poland Dijkstra,S.J. The stratigraphical value of megaspores 1952
details Westphalian A Spain Bonet,M.C. et al. Carboniferous megaspores from Lacamocha, (Spain). 1956
details Westphalian A Stephanian Europe Brzozowska,M. et al. Remarks on stratigraphical range of some types of Carboniferous megaspores 1958