Triletes glabratus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Allegheny USA(Appalachian Bn.) Abbott,M.L. Lycopod fructifications from the Upper Freeport (No.7) Coal in southeastern Ohio. 1963
details Bashkirian Moscovian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Ishchenko,A.M. et al. Megaspores of the Carboniferous age and their stratigraphic importance 1962
details Carboniferous Poland Jachowicz,A. Flora of the Carboniferous:Microflora 1972
details Carboniferous Permian Czechoslovakia KalibovЎ-KaiserovЎ,M. Note on palynological research in the Permo-Carboniferous Basins of Bohemia. 1955
details Carboniferous Poland Zerndt,J. Megaspores of the Zwickau and Lugau-Oelsnitz Carboniferous. 1932
details Carboniferous Nd Potonie,R. On the paleobiology of the Carboniferous plant world. Ecological evidence of the Coal flora on the Coal Biogeny. 1953
details Carboniferous Permian Gondwanaland Pi©rart,P. Some remarks concerning the megaspores of Gondwana. 1978
details Early Pennsylvanian Indiana Wood,J.M. The morphology and relationships of Sigillarian fructifications from the Lower Pennsylvanian of Indiana. 1957
details Late Carboniferous USSR(Kazakh SSR) Oshurkova,M.V. Megaspores from the Upper coal strata of the Karaganda. (In: Problems on the Geology of Coal) 1962
details Late Carboniferous W.Germany(N.Rhine) Stach,E. et al. Spores in the Flame, Gasflame and Gascoal of the Ruhr Coal. 1931
details Late Carboniferous England Chaloner,W.G. On the megaspores of Sigillaria 1953
details Late Carboniferous North America Chaloner,W.G. On the megaspores of Sigillaria 1953
details Late Carboniferous France(Rhin,Bas) Lachkar,G. Megaspores of the Saar-Lorraine Coal Basin. a systematic study and statistical application to the Upper Carboniferous stratigraphy. 1975
details Late Carboniferous W.Germany(Saarland) Lachkar,G. Megaspores of the Saar-Lorraine Coal Basin. a systematic study and statistical application to the Upper Carboniferous stratigraphy. 1975
details Late Pennsylvanian Late Pennsylvanian Illinois Winslow,M.R. Upper Mississippian and Pennsylvanian megaspores and other plant microfossils from Illinois. 1959
details Late Pennsylvanian Illinois Peppers,R.A. Palynology of the McLeansboro Group of Illinois and equivalent strata of Western Kentucky 1961
details Late Pennsylvanian Kentucky Peppers,R.A. Palynology of the McLeansboro Group of Illinois and equivalent strata of Western Kentucky 1961