Cyathidites australis

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Barremian Aptian China(Kirin) Yu,J. et al. Early Cretacous spores and pollen assemblage of Yanbian District 1983
details Middle Berriasian Maryland Doyle,J.A. Palynological evidence for Berriasian age of Basal Potomac Group sediments, Crisfield Well, Eastern Maryland. 1983
details Bajocian Bathonian USSR(Moldavian SSR) Yanovskaya,G.G. Palynostratigraphy of Jurassic assemblages of the Dniester-Prut Interfluve. (In: Stratigraphy and Correlation of Sediments Using Palynology Methods. Materials IV All-Union Palynological Conference. G.N.Papulov, editor) 1983
details Berriasian USSR(Ryazin) Vakhrameev,V.A. et al. Palinological characteristics of the Berriasian (Ryazanskii horizon) in Podmoscowe 1983
details Late Hauterivian Early Barremian Atlantic Ocean Udintseva,O.G. Characteristics of the formation of spore-pollen spectra in Lower Cretaceous strata at Site 398, DSDP, North Atlantic, Galicia Bank. 1983
details Early Albian Hungary Csaszar,G. et al. Cretaceous rocks drilled at Nagybaracska (South Hungary) 1983
details Jurassic China Su,D. et al. Late Mesozoic biostratigraphy of nonmarine ostracoda and pollen and spores in China. 1983
details Oxfordian Zaire Cahen,L. The Stanleyville Group, (Late Jurassic and Wealdian of the Interior of the Republic of Zaire), revision of knowledge. 1983
details Middle Eocene Early Pliocene Indian Ocean Quilty,P.G. et al. Microfossil evidence for the age and environment of deposition of sediments of Heard and McDonald Islands. (In: Antarctic Earth Science. R.L. Oliver et al, editors) 1983
details Eocene Early Miocene Chile Palma-Heldt,S. Palynological study of the Tertiary sediments of Longuimay, Malleco Province, Chile. 1983
details Late Aptian Portugal Pais,J. et al. Contribution on the stratigraphic and paleobotanical study of the "Gres Grosseiros Inferiores", (Carrasel Sandstones) 1. The Almas do Juncal Deposit. 1983
details Middle Albian Cenomanian France(Sarthe) Fauconnier,D. Palynological study. (In: Study of three boreholes in the type area of the Cenomanian. The Albian-Cenomanian limit in Larthe (France). P. Juignet and R. Damotte et al) 1983
details Late Triassic Early Jurassic China(Hunan) Qian,L. et al. Fossils of the Mesozoic coal-bearing strata of Hunan (Xiang) and Jiangxi (Gan) District. Part 3; Pollen and Spore assemblages. 1983
details Late Triassic Early Jurassic China(Kiangsi) Qian,L. et al. Fossils of the Mesozoic coal-bearing strata of Hunan (Xiang) and Jiangxi (Gan) District. Part 3; Pollen and Spore assemblages. 1983
details Kimmeridgian Hauterivian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Fensome,R.A. Miospores from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds, Aklavik Range, Northwest Territories, Canada. (Incorporating taxonomic reviews of several Groups of Mid-Late Mesozoic miospores) 1983
details Campanian India Dutta,S.K. Cretaceous of Northeastern India. (In: Cretaceous of India : Proceedings of the Symposium on "Cretaceous of India - Palaeoecology, Palaeogeography and Time Boundaries". K.H.Maheshwari, editor) 1983
details Wealden India(Uttar Pradesh) Singh,R.Y. et al. A geo-analytical study of the Tal Problem. (In: Cretaceous of India : Proceedings of the Symposium on "Cretaceous of India - Palaeoecology, Palaeogeography and Time Boundaries". K.H.Maheshwari, editor) 1983