
Citations total:
Author - title
details Early Miocene USSR(Azerbaijan SSR) Andreeva,E.M. et al. Palaeopalynology. (Three Volumes: Volume I: Methods. Volume II: Complexes of palynomorphs of the Precambrian-Holocene of the USSR. Volume III: Figures and Plates. Editor-I.M. Pokrovskaya) 1966
details Early Miocene Late Miocene Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. et al. Micropaleobotanical investigations of the Tertiary in the Bojnice-Novaky Region. 1970
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Baranova,Y.P. et al. Stratigraphy of the Tertiary sediments of the northern coast of Penzhin Inlet 1990
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene Mexico(Chiapas) Graham,A. The Tertiary history of the northern temperate element in the northern Latin America biota. 1999
details Early Aquitanian Early Serravallian France Bessedik,M. The Early Aquitanian and Upper Langhian - Lower Serravallian environments in the Northwestern Mediterranean Region. (In: Comptes Rendus: Interim Colloq sur les Paleoenvironements Continentaux en Mediterranee au Neogene et l'Evolution Paleoclimatique) 1984
details Danian Oligocene USSR(Amurskaya Oblast) Ziva,M.V. Palynological characteristic of Paleogene deposits of the Amur-Seya Depression. 1973
details Dacian Romania Petrescu,I. et al. Contributions to the study of geology and palynology Neogene formations with coal in the Brasov-Tirlugeni area 1986
details Clarendonian Arizona Gray,J. Late Tertiary microflora from the Basin and range Province, Arizona. 1960
details Claiborne Alabama Gray,J. Temperate pollen genera in the Eocene, (Claiborne), flora, Alabama. 1960
details Claiborne USA(Gulf of Mexico) Elsik,W.C. Differentiating the Middle Eocene Claibornian Stage in the "Wilcox Facies" of the southeastern United States. 1975
details Apsheronian USSR(Turkmen SSR) Ivanova,N.G. Palynologic characteristics of Apsheronian deposits of the Kum-Dag Region. 1980