Elaeagnus sp

Citations total:
Author - title
original Late Eocene USSR(Georgian SSR) Panova,L.A. et al. Miospores and nannoplankton of Eocene-Oligocene deposits of the northern border of the Akhaltsikhskoi Depression. (In: Spores and pollen of Phanerozoic deposits. L.A. Panova et al, editors) 1984
original Early Oligocene USSR(WSL) Ushakova,M.V. et al. Lower Oligocene. (In: Stratigraphy of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of the Western Siberian Lowlands. V.F.Kozyreva, editor) 1957
original Late Pliocene Early Pleistocene Japan(Yamagata Pref.) Yamanoi,T. Pollen stratigraphy of the Shinjyo Group, Northeast Honshu, Japan. (In: Natural History of the Backbone Range of Northeast Honshu and the Neighbouring Districts) 1983
original Oligocene USSR(Primorsk Kray) Gromova,I.S. Palynological characteristics of the coal layers of the Kainozoisk Region Rettikhovki (South Primorsk). (In: Spores and pollen of Phanerozoic deposits. L.A. Panova et al, editors) 1984
original Reuverian W.Germany(Hesse) Mohr,B.A.R. The microflora of the Lower Pliocene of Willershausen (Kreis Northeim, Niedersachsen). 1986
original Miocene Poland Stuchlik,L. Pollen analysis of the Miocene deposits at Rypin, (northwest of Warsaw). 1964
details Late Miocene Early Pliocene Japan(Nara Pref.) Shimakura,M. Pollenstratigraphic studies of Japanese Formation VII. The Jigokudani Formation. 1963
details Early Miocene China(Kansu) Hu,C. Lower Miocene sporo-pollen assemblage from Fengsha Formation in Sihong Region, margine of northern Jiangsu-South Yellow Sea Basin. 1987
details Maastrichtian USSR(WSL) Grigoreva,K.N. Spore-pollen assemblages of Maestrichtian deposits of the Western Siberian Lowland. 1966
details Late Pliocene Japan(Iwate Pref.) Takeuti,S. Geology and palynology of the hilly area southeast of Ichinoseki City, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. 1974
details Late Miocene Washington Ballog,R.A. et al. Palynology of the Montesano Formation (Upper Miocene) of Western Washington. 1972
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Baranova,Y.P. et al. New data on the Miocene of Mount Mamontovaya (Aldan) 1970
details Early Pleistocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Shchekina,N.A. The history of the vegetative Cover of the Southern Ukraine in the Late Pliocene (as to the data of spore-pollen analyis). 1971
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene Japan(Osaka Pref.) Matsuoka,K. The Early Middle Miocene Inland paleoclimate around the Central Kinki, Southwest Japan. (In: Pacific Neogene Events, their timing nature and interrelationship. R.Tsuchi, editor) 1990
details Early Paleocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Zaklinskaya,E.D. On the problem of the Paleogene flora of Karatau 1960
details Early Oligocene Middle Oligocene USSR(Urals) Li,P.F. et al. Continental deposits of the Paleogene and Neogene of the eastern Slopes of the Urals and Trans-Urals 1967
details Early Oligocene Middle Oligocene USSR(Trans-Urals) Li,P.F. et al. Continental deposits of the Paleogene and Neogene of the eastern Slopes of the Urals and Trans-Urals 1967