Callaiosphaeridium asymmetricum

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Hauterivian Early Albian North Sea Heilmann-Clausen,C. Lower Cretaceous dinoflagellate biostratigraphy in the Danish Central Trough 1987
details Early Aptian Early Cenomanian England(Isle of Wight) Batten,D.J. et al. Palynomorphs. (In: Cretaceous. In the Isle of Wight in Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphical Micropalaeontology of the Dorset coast and Isle of Wight, Southern England. Field guide for the XXth European Micropalaeontological Colloquium. A.R.Lord and P.R.Bown, editors) 1987
details Late Albian Early Turonian England(Isle of Wight) Batten,D.J. et al. Palynomorphs. (In: Cretaceous. In the Isle of Wight in Mesozoic and Cenozoic stratigraphical Micropalaeontology of the Dorset coast and Isle of Wight, Southern England. Field guide for the XXth European Micropalaeontological Colloquium. A.R.Lord and P.R.Bown, editors) 1987
details Late Turonian France(Aisne) Foucher,J.-C. Dinocysts and acritarchs of the flint from the Turonian of Vaux-Andigny, (Aisne), and the Coniacian of Marcoing, (Nord). 1987
details Late Cenomanian Early Turonian W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Marshall,K.L. et al. Dinoflagellate cyst associations in Cenomanian-Turonian "Black Shale" sequences of northern Europe. 1988
details Early Cenomanian England(Devonshire) Jarvis,I. et al. The Cenomanian-Turonian, (Late Cretaceous), anoxic event in Southwest England -Evidence form Hooken Cliffs near Beer, Sotheast Devon 1988
details Aptian England(Sussex) Lister,J.K. et al. Stratigraphic and palaeoenvironment distribution of Early Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts in the Hurlands Farm Borehole, West Sussex, England. 1988
details Late Aptian Albian New Guinea(Papua) Davey,R.J. Palynological zonation of the Lower Cretaceous, Upper and Uppermost Middle Jurassic in the northwestern Papuan Basin of Papua, New Guinea. 1988
details Cenomanian Coniacian South America Riccardi,A.C. The Cretaceous System of southern South America. 1988
details Vraconian Middle Cenomanian Atlantic Ocean Masure,E. Albian-Cenomanian dinoflagellate cysts from Sites 627 and 635, Leg 101, Bahamas. 1988
details Middle Barremian India(Tamil Nadu) Garg,R. et al. Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts from India with some remarks on the concepts of Upper Gondwana. (In: Concepts, limits and extension of the Indian Gondwana. B.S.Venkatachala and H.K.Maheshwari, editors) 1988
details Middle Aptian Late Aptian Argentina(Santa Cruz) Pжthe de Baldis,E.D. et al. Additional microplankton fossils from the Aptian of Rio Fosiles Lago San Martin, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina and correlation with Australia. 1988
details Middle Aptian Late Aptian Argentina(Santa Cruz) Pжthe de Baldis,E.D. et al. Additional microplankton fossils from the Aptian of Rio Fosiles Lago San Martin, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina and correlation with Australia. 1988
details Middle Albian Late Albian Canada(British Columbia) Broatch,J. A summary of the results of a palynological investigation of British Columbia's Northeast Coalfield 1988
details Hauterivian Early Barremian Spain Leereveld,H. et al. Stratigraphic evaluation of spore-pollen assemblages from the Lower Creatceous of the Alpine Mediterranean Realm 1989
details Late Barremian Aptian France(Pyrenees,Orient.) Leereveld,H. et al. Stratigraphic evaluation of spore-pollen assemblages from the Lower Creatceous of the Alpine Mediterranean Realm 1989
details Late Campanian Early Maastrichtian South Carolina Habib,D. et al. Dinoflagellate species and organic facies evidence of marine transgression and regression in the Atlantic Coastal Plain 1989