details |
Toarcian |
USSR(Mangyshlak ASSR) |
Kirichkova,A.I. et al. Phytostratigraphy of Jurassic deposits beneath the Manyshlak Peninsula |
1989 |
details |
Early Liassic |
USSR(Yakut ASSR) |
Ilina,V.U. Palynological characteristics of Jurassic Layers of Siberia. |
1971 |
details |
Early Liassic |
USSR(Mordovian ASSR) |
Ilyina,V.I. Stratigraphy and palynological characterization of Paleozoic and Mesozoic deposits of the Kuznetsk Basin. Palynological charaterization of Jurassic deposits. |
1971 |
details |
Early Jurassic |
Poland |
Rogalska,M. Spore and pollen analysis of the Liassic Coal of Blanowice in Upper Silesia |
1954 |
details |
Liassic |
Poland |
Rogalska,M. Spore and pollen analysis of the Liassic deposits of the Mroczkow-Rozwady area in the Opoczno Distri Ct. |
1956 |
details |
Early Jurassic |
West Pakistan |
Jain,K.P. et al. A Lower Jurassic miospore assemblage from the Variegated Shale, Nammal Gorge, Salt Range, (West Pakistan). |
1969 |
details |
Early Jurassic |
USSR(Siberia) |
Ilyina,V.I. Comparitive analysis of spore-pollen complexes of Jurassic deposits of the Southern Part of Western Siberia. |
1968 |
details |
Mesozoic |
Japan |
Krassilov,V.A. A critical review of the taxonomy of fossil ferns of the USSR with spores in situ. |
1969 |
details |
Middle Liassic |
Late Liassic |
USSR(Kemerovskaya) |
Ilyina,V.I. Age of Jurassic deposits on the Left Bank of the River Tom |
1965 |
details |
Early Jurassic |
Ilyina,V.I. Spore and pollen assemblages of Lower Jurassic deposits of Middle Course of the Viljui River |
1969 |
details |
Early Jurassic |
Ilyina,V.I. Spore and pollen assemblages of Lower Jurassic deposits of Middle Course of the Viljui River |
1969 |
details |
Early Jurassic |
Middle Jurassic |
Poland |
Grabowska,I. et al. Flora from the Lower and Middle Jurassic microflora |
1970 |
details |
Rhaetian |
Hettangian |
Poland |
Grabowska,I. et al. Flora from the Lower and Middle Jurassic microflora |
1970 |
details |
Early Liassic |
USSR(Novosibirskaya) |
Ilyina,V.I. Palynological characteristic of Jurassic deposits of the Central Syncline of the Kuznetsk Basin. (In: Contributions to Paleophytology of Siberia. A.F.Khlonova, editor) |
1976 |
details |
Hettangian |
Sinemurian |
USSR(Kemerovskaya) |
Ilyina,V.I. et al. Kuznets Basin, general outline. (In: Jurassic Continental Biocoensis of Southern Siberia and adjacent Territory. A.P.Rasnitsyn, editor) |
1985 |
details |
Middle Liassic |
USSR(Yakut ASSR) |
Ilina,V.U. Palynological characteristics of Jurassic Layers of Siberia. |
1971 |
details |
Early Jurassic |
USSR(Siberia) |
Petrova,E.K. et al. Palynological characteristics of the Upper Paleozoic and the Lower Mesozoic deposits of Middle-Vilyui gas and condnsate-bearing field. (In: Mikrofossilii Drevneishikh Otlozhenii. T.F.Vozzhennikova and T.B.Timofeev, editors) |
1973 |