details |
Oligocene |
Indian Ocean |
Kemp,E.M. et al. The palynology of Early Tertiary sediments Ninetyeast Ridge Indian Ocean. |
1977 |
details |
Oligocene |
Bulgaria |
Chernyavska,S. On the stratigraphy of Paleogene deposits of Bulgaria, (palynological data). |
1973 |
details |
Oligocene |
Pliocene |
India(Assam) |
Kumar,M. et al. Palynostratigraphy of the subsurface sediments of Upper Assam Basin, India. |
2001 |
details |
Oligocene |
S.Ireland(Cork) |
Simms,M.J. et al. Oligocene cave sediments in County Cork: Implications for reconstructing the Tertiary landscape of southwest Ireland. |
2000 |
details |
Olenikian |
Norian |
Barents Sea |
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1993 |
details |
Norian |
Liassic |
Australia(Queensland) |
McKellar,J.L. Biostratigraphy of spore-pollen floras from the Caloundra to Nambour area, Nambour Basin. |
1985 |
details |
Norian |
Rhaetian |
China(Szechwan) |
Lei,Z.-Q. Upper Triassic sporo-pollen assemblage from Longdong of Baoding, Sichuan. |
1986 |
details |
Norian |
Pacific Ocean |
de Jersey,N.J. et al. Palynofloras from the Permian, Triassic and Jurassic of New Caledonia. |
1989 |
details |
Norian |
Rhaetian |
Canada(NWT,Franklin) |
Dolby,G. et al. The micropalaeontology, palynology and stratigraphy of the Panarctic Dome, Tenneco et al.Louise 0-25 Well. |
1977 |
details |
Norian |
Sinemurian |
New Zealand(S.I.) |
Zhang,W. et al. Late Triassic-Early Jurassic palynofloral assemblages from Murihiku Strata of New Zealand, and comparisons with China. |
2001 |
details |
Norian |
Early Sinemurian |
Germany(Niedersachsen) |
Arp,G. et al. Excursion 6: The Triassic and Jurassic of Gжttingen and Umgebung. |
2004 |
details |
Ngaterian |
Haumurian |
New Zealand |
Crampton,J. et al. Integrated biostratigraphy of the Raukumara Series (Cenomanian-Coniacian) at Mangaotane Stream, Raukumara Peninsula, New Zealand. |
2001 |
details |
Neocomian |
India(Madras) |
Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Palynology of the Cretaceous sediments from the subsurface of Vridhachalam area, Cauvery Basin. |
1974 |
details |
Neocomian |
Australia(Queensland) |
Evans,P.R. The palynology of Amerada Newlands No.1 Well, Queensland. |
1966 |
details |
Nd |
Australia(Offshore) |
Martin,H.A. et al. Palynology of Sites 815 and 823: The Neogene vegetation history of Coastal Northeastern Australia. |
1993 |
details |
Nd |
Canada(NWT,Franklin) |
Jackson,G.D. et al. Bylot Island Map-Area, District of Franklin. |
1975 |
details |
Montian |
Hungary |
Kedves,M. Spore-pollen investigations on the Paleocene sediments of Oiching. |
1970 |