
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Danian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Rotman,R.N. Palynological investigations of a stratigraphic section of Danian-Paleocene deposits of the Crimea 1973
details Late Paleocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Rotman,R.N. Palynological investigations of a stratigraphic section of Danian-Paleocene deposits of the Crimea 1973
details Early Paleocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Korallova,V.V. Lower Paleocene spores and pollen from the Black Sea Basin. 1973
details Late Cretaceous India(West Bengal) Baksi,S.K. On the palynological biostratigraphy of Cenophytic sediments of Bengal Basin. 1973
details Danian Oligocene USSR(Amurskaya Oblast) Ziva,M.V. Palynological characteristic of Paleogene deposits of the Amur-Seya Depression. 1973
details Eocene USSR(Far East) Kulkova,I.A. Palynological characterization of Eocene deposits of the Yana-Indigirka Lowland. 1973
details Late Paleocene Oligocene Spitsbergen Vakulenko,A.S. The Paleogene spore-pollen complexes of Spitsbergen. 1973
details Early Paleocene Late Neogene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Mikhelis,A.A. The Chief Regularities of the changes of palynological assemblages of Paleogene-Neogene of Donbass. 1973
details Early Paleogene Czechoslovakia Rakosi,L. et al. Common features of the Paleogene vegetation of Hungary and Czechoslovakia. 1973
details Late Eocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Abuzyarova,R.Y. New facts about the Paleogene flora Shintuzsy (Central Kazakhstan). 1973
details Early Oligocene Late Oligocene USSR(WSL) Semochkina,T.G. Palynological characteristic of Oligocene sediments in the South-Western Part of West-Siberian Lowland. 1973
details Late Tertiary USSR(WSL) Drozhashchikh,N.B. Concerning the stratigraphic subdivision of Neogene deposits of the Omsk Irtysh River area, according to spore-pollen analytical data. 1973
details Early Miocene Late Miocene USSR(Far East) Fradkina,A.F. et al. Palynological characteristic of Miocene deposits from a section of Mamontovaya Mountain in the Aldan. 1973
details Late Paleocene USSR(Tadzhik SSR) Penkova,A.M. The distribution of the pollen of Ephedra in the Upper Paleogene and Neogene deposits of the South-Western Tadjikistan. 1973
details Early Sarmatian Late Tortonian USSR(Azerbaijan SSR) Dzhabarova,K.S. Stratigraphic subdivision of Middle Miocene deposits of the Central Kura Basin, according to palynological data. 1973
details Late Miocene Early Pliocene USSR(Sakhalin Oblast) Taboyakova,L.A. Palynological complexes of the Upper Miocene and Pliocene deposits of Sakhalin and their stratigraphical significane. 1973
details Late Oligocene Late Miocene USSR(Sakhalin Oblast) Brutman,N.J. Spore and pollen assemblages of Neogene deposits of North Sakhalina and their significance for stratigraphy 1973