
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Pliocene France(Herault) Planchais,N. The Latest Tertiary palynoflora of Sete, (Herault). 1974
details Middle Eocene Late Eocene Texas Elsik,W.C. Characteristic Eocene palynomorphs in the Gulf Coast, USA. 1974
details Late Miocene Oregon Taggart,R.E. et al. History of vegetation and paleoecology of Upper Miocene Sucker Creek Beds of eastern Oregon. (In: Symposium on Stratigraphic Palynology) 1974
details Late Miocene Idaho Taggart,R.E. et al. History of vegetation and paleoecology of Upper Miocene Sucker Creek Beds of eastern Oregon. (In: Symposium on Stratigraphic Palynology) 1974
details Early Miocene E.Germany Raniecka-Bobrowska,J. Vegetational associations of Polish Neogene as stratigraphic Indices and their facies aspects. 1974
details Early Miocene Poland Raniecka-Bobrowska,J. Vegetational associations of Polish Neogene as stratigraphic Indices and their facies aspects. 1974
details Late Pliocene Pleistocene USSR(Georgian SSR) Shatilova,I.I. Correlation of the Late Pliocene and Pleistocene flora of Western Georgia with Synchronous floras of Southern Europe. 1974
details Late Neogene Belgium Vanhoorne,R.E. The Lignites of Mol (Belgium). 1974
details Late Neogene France(Herault) Suc,J.-P. Pollen attributable to the Agavaceae from the Pliocene of Languedoc. 1974
details Late Pliocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Ovander,M.G. Finds of relics of unconsolidated Pre-Quaternary sediments in the Verkhoyansk Mountains. 1974
details Tertiary China(Tibet) Wang,K. et al. On the Tertiary sporo-pollen assemblages from Lunpola Basin of Xizang, China and their palaeogeographic significace. 1975
details Late Miocene Early Pliocene USSR(Yamalo-Nenets) Danilov,I.D. et al. Neogene sediments in Northwestern Siberia 1975
details Late Oligocene Middle Miocene USSR(Siberia) Dort-Golts,Y.E. et al. New data on the stratigraphy of Oligoce-Miocene Non-Marine deposits of the Kutinsk Depression of Anadir River Basin 1975
details Late Miocene USSR(Stalingrad) Zastrozhnov,S.I. Onstructure and age of Ilvlinskaya-Gurovskaya Stages of Volga-Khoper Interfluve. 1975
details Miocene Early Pliocene Canada(British Columbia) Hopkins,W.S. Palynological study of Shell Anglo Harlequin D-86 Well (Nts 102-0), offshore British Columbia 1975
details Middle Miocene Late Miocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Muzis,A.I. Late Cenozoic section of R.Sedidem (Kolyma River Lowland) 1975
details Miocene Late Neogene USSR(Siberia) Volkova,V.S. et al. Palynological characteristic of Neogene deposits of the Western Siberian Plain. (In: Palynology of the Cenozoic of Siberia. V.S.Volkova, editor) 1975