Camerosporites secatus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Carnian USA(Atlantic Coast.Pl.) Litwin,R.J. et al. Regional correlation of Lower Mesozoic continental strata in eastern Mesozoic Basins (Atlantic Coast) Gulf Coast, and Colorado Plateau, USA. 1989
details Carnian USA(Gulf Coast) Litwin,R.J. et al. Regional correlation of Lower Mesozoic continental strata in eastern Mesozoic Basins (Atlantic Coast) Gulf Coast, and Colorado Plateau, USA. 1989
details Carnian USA(Midwest) Litwin,R.J. et al. Regional correlation of Lower Mesozoic continental strata in eastern Mesozoic Basins (Atlantic Coast) Gulf Coast, and Colorado Plateau, USA. 1989
details Ladinian Carnian Syria Yaroshenko,O.P. et al. Palynology and stratigraphy of the Middle and Late Triassic deposits of Syria. (In: Paleoflora and Stratigraphy of the Phanerozoic. M.A.Akhmetev, editor) 1989
details Middle Triassic Late Triassic Arctic Ocean(Barents Sea) Smirnova,S.B. et al. Possibilites of Triassic deposits correlations of Barents Sea and Precaspian. (In: Palynological material). (In: Stages and Zonation scale of the Boreal Mesozoic of the USSR. V.A.Solovev, editor) 1989
details Late Ladinian Spain Calvet,F. et al. Middle Triassic Carbonate ramp systems in the Catalan Basin, Northeast Spain; Facies, systems tracts, sequences and controls. (In: Carbonate Platform Sequences and Evolution -M.E.Tucker et al-Eds) 1990
details Carnian Israel Gerry,E. et al. The Carnian salinity crisis: Ostracods and palynomorphs as indicators of palaeoenvironments. 1990
details Middle Carnian Late Carnian Maryland Cornet,B. et al. Early to Middle Carnian (Triassic) flora and fauna of the Richmond and Taylorsville Basins, Virginia and Maryland, USA. 1990
details Ladinian Carnian Spain Doubinger,J. et al. Pollen and spores form the Permian and Triassic sediments of the southeastern Iberian ranges, Cueva de Hierro (Cuenca) to Chelva-Manzanera, (Valencia-Teruel), Region, Spain. 1990
details Late Ladinian Spain Doubinger,J. et al. Pollen and spores form the Permian and Triassic sediments of the southeastern Iberian ranges, Cueva de Hierro (Cuenca) to Chelva-Manzanera, (Valencia-Teruel), Region, Spain. 1990
details Carnian Spain Doubinger,J. et al. Pollen and spores form the Permian and Triassic sediments of the southeastern Iberian ranges, Cueva de Hierro (Cuenca) to Chelva-Manzanera, (Valencia-Teruel), Region, Spain. 1990
details Late Ladinian Carnian W.Germany(N.Rhine) Hauschke,N. et al. Lithology and palynology of Well USB3, (Horn-Bad Meinberg, eastern North-Rhine Westphalia); A contribution to the facies development in the Keuper. 1990
details Ladinian Carnian Israel Eshet,Y. Palynological aspects of the Permian-Triassic succession in the subsurface of Israel. (In: Paleozoic-Mesozoic Palynology of Israel) 1990
details Scythian Rhaetian North Sea Lervik,K.S. et al. Outline of Triassic stratigraphy and structure in the Central and northern North Sea. (In: Correlation in Hydrocarbon Exploration. J.D.Collinson, editor). 1990
details Early Jurassic Middle Bajocian Israel Conway,B.H. Paleozoic-Mesozoic palynology of Israel Ii. Palynostratigraphy of the Jurassic succession in the subsurface of Israel 1990
details Carnian Israel Conway,B.H. et al. Palynozones at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary in Israel 1990
details Late Carnian Tuvalian Italy(Sicily) Cirilli,S. et al. Palynomorphs from the Lercara Formation (Sicily): New biostratigraphic data. 1990