
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Aptian Early Albian Argentina(San Luis) PrЎmparo,M.B. Palynostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous of the San Luis Basin, Argentina. Its place in the Lower Cretaceous floral provinces pattern 1990
details Cuisian France(Seine-Maritim) Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. Eocene dinoflagellate stratigraphic markers from the Paris Basin and eastern La Manche. 1976
original Early Bathonian France(Normandie) Staplin,F.L. et al. Evaluation of some acritarchous Hystrichosphere genera. 1965
details Early Cambrian Greenland Talyzina,N.M. et al. Affinities of Early Cambrian acritarchs studied by using microscopy, fluorescence flow cytometry and biomarkers. 2000
details Early Eocene England Davies,E.H. et al. The application of dinoflagellates to paleoenvironmental problems. 1982
details Early Gothlandian Pennsylvania Desimone,L.A. et al. The role of palynomorphs in the interpretation of the paleoecology of the Lower Silurian Tuscarora Formation 1989
details Eocene England Kumar,A. Fossil Dinophyceae and its uses in Petroleum exploration with special reference to India. 1980
details Late Arenigian Czechoslovakia(Bohemia) Strother,P.K. Acritarchs. (Principles and Applications. Applications. J.Jansonius and D.C.McGregor, editors.) 1996
details Late Cenozoic China(Liaoning) Xu,K. et al. Late Cenozoic paleovegetation and paleoclimate in the North of Liaodong Bay 1997
details Late Famennian Tournaisian Poland Filipiak,P. Devonian and Carboniferous palynomorphs from the western Holy Cross Mountains (Poland) and their palaeoenvironmental significance. (In: Commision Internationale de microflore du Paleozoique (CIMP) Acritarch Subcommision: O.Fatka and T.Servais, editors) 1996
details Late Frasnian Early Famennian Belgium Bouckaert,J. et al. The Frasnian-Famennian boundary in Belgium 1972
details Late Proterozoic Namibia Germs,G.J.B. et al. Latest Proterozoic microfossils from the Nama Group, Namibia (Southwest Africa). 1986
details Late Riphean Spitsbergen Butterfield,N.J. et al. Exceptional preservation of fossils in an Upper Proterozoic Shale 1988
details Late Riphean Canada(NWT,Franklin) Butterfield,N.J. Diverse organic walled fossils, including "possible dinoflagella" from the Early Neoproterozoic of Arctic Canada. 1998
details Late Sinian China(Hupei) Zhang,Z. Doushantuo (Late Sinian) microflora of China and its significance 1984
details Late Vendian Australia(N.Territory) Zang,W.L. et al. Latest Proterozoic plankton from the Amadeus Basin in Central Australia 1988
details Middle Jurassic Nd Downie,C. Observations on the nature of the acritarchs 1973