Wetzeliella tenuivirgula

Citations total:
Author - title
original Nd Nd Lentin,J.K. et al. Fossil dinoflagellates: index to genera and species. 1973
original Early Eocene England(Isle of Wight) Williams,G.L. et al. Wetzeliella from the London Clay. (In: Studies on Mesozoic and Cainozoic Dinoflagellate Cysts. R.J.Davey, C.Downie, W.A.S.Sarjeant and G.L.Williams) 1966
original Early Eocene England(Kent) Williams,G.L. et al. Wetzeliella from the London Clay. (In: Studies on Mesozoic and Cainozoic Dinoflagellate Cysts. R.J.Davey, C.Downie, W.A.S.Sarjeant and G.L.Williams) 1966
original Early Eocene USA(Atlantic Coast) Fairchild,W.W. Time-stratigraphic significance of Lower Tertiary dinoflagellates Part 1. Paleoc-Middle Eocene 1972
details Early Eocene England Warrington,G. et al. Micropalaeontological biostratigraphy of offshore samples from South-West Britain. 1977
details Ypresian Belgium De Coninck,J. Ypresian organic walled microfossils from the Belgian Basin. 1975
details Nd Nd Evitt,W.R. et al. Dinoflagellate cyst terminology. 1977
details Early Eocene Middle Eocene England(Isle of Wight) Eaton,G.L. Dinoflagellate cysts from the Bracklesham Beds (Eocene), of the Isle of Wight, Southern England. 1976
details Early Eocene England(Isle of Wight) Eaton,G.L. Dinoflagellate cysts from the Bracklesham Beds (Eocene), of the Isle of Wight, Southern England. 1976
details Early Eocene W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Costa,L.I. et al. The distribution of the dinoflagellate Wetzeliella in the Paleogene of North-Western Europe. 1976
details Eocene England(Kent) Costa,L.I. et al. The distribution of the dinoflagellate Wetzeliella in the Paleogene of North-Western Europe. 1976
details Eocene England(Kent) Costa,L.I. et al. The distribution of the dinoflagellate Wetzeliella in the Paleogene of North-Western Europe. 1976
details Eocene England(Isle of Wight) Costa,L.I. et al. The distribution of the dinoflagellate Wetzeliella in the Paleogene of North-Western Europe. 1976
details Eocene England(Isle of Wight) Costa,L.I. et al. The distribution of the dinoflagellate Wetzeliella in the Paleogene of North-Western Europe. 1976
details Early Eocene Nd Costa,L.I. et al. The Wetzeliellaceae. Paleogene dinoflagellates. 1979
details Ilerdian Ypresian Switzerland Jan du ChЄne,R.E. New information on the palynostratigraphy of the Flysch of the external Pre-Alps (Switzerland). 1977
details Ilerdian Cuisian Switzerland Jan du ChЄne,R.E. New information on the palynostratigraphy of the Flysch of the external Pre-Alps (Switzerland). 1977