
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Cretaceous Late Maastrichtian North America Streel,M. et al. Occurrence and significance of reworked palynomorphs 1980
details Late Maastrichtian Netherlands Streel,M. et al. Occurrence and significance of reworked palynomorphs 1980
details Late Cretaceous Brazil de Lima,M.R. Palynological considerations in regard to the stratigraphic correlation between Cretaceous Formations in Northeastern Brazil 1980
details Late Jurassic Neocomian USSR(WSL) Bezrukova,T.S. et al. Correlation of dissimilar deposits of the Late Jurassic and Neocomian of the West Siberian Basin by palinological data. (In: Ecostratigraphy and Ecological Systems of the Geological Past.) 1980
details Toarcian Bajocian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Kirichkova,A.I. et al. The reconstruction of the Aalenian vegetation of the Trans-Caspian and the problems of correlation of dissimilar deposits. (In: Ecostratigraphy and Ecological Systems of the Geological Past.) 1980
details Bathonian Callovian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Genkina,R.A. et al. Bathonian deposits of Southern Fergana 1980
details Hettangian Callovian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Timoshina,N.A. et al. Contemporary significance of palynology in stratigraphy, correlating facialy diverse deposits paleogeograph. Reconstruction. (From results microfossil studies Jurassic study of the east Precaspian). (In: Mikrofitofossilii v neftyanoi geologii. N. A. Timoshina, editor) 1980
details Early Cretaceous Peru Volkheimer,W. Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous microfloras of Latin America. 1980
details Valanginian Hauterivian Brazil Volkheimer,W. Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous microfloras of Latin America. 1980
details Berriasian Barremian Argentina(Chubut) Archangelsky,S. et al. Primary results of the Lower Cretaceous biozonation in Chubut and Santa Cruz on the basis of palynological studies. 1981
details Aptian Argentina(Chubut) Archangelsky,S. et al. Primary results of the Lower Cretaceous biozonation in Chubut and Santa Cruz on the basis of palynological studies. 1981
details Berriasian Barremian Argentina(Santa Cruz) Archangelsky,S. et al. Primary results of the Lower Cretaceous biozonation in Chubut and Santa Cruz on the basis of palynological studies. 1981
details Aptian Argentina(Santa Cruz) Archangelsky,S. et al. Primary results of the Lower Cretaceous biozonation in Chubut and Santa Cruz on the basis of palynological studies. 1981
details Neocomian Brazil de Lima,M.R. et al. Comparative study of the evolution of African and South American microfloras. I.Lowe Cretaceous. 1981
details Barremian Brazil de Lima,M.R. et al. Comparative study of the evolution of African and South American microfloras. I.Lowe Cretaceous. 1981
details Neocomian Africa de Lima,M.R. et al. Comparative study of the evolution of African and South American microfloras. I.Lowe Cretaceous. 1981
details Liassic Arguijo,M.H. et al. A palynological study of the Piedra Pintada Formation, Lower Jurassic of the Neuqu©n Basin (Argentina). 1981