Spiniferites ramosus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Albian Canada(British Columbia) Anan-Yorke,R. et al. Microfloras from Upper Albian Neogastroplites zone Sikanni Chief River, Northeastern British Columbia. 1978
details Late Albian Canada(British Columbia) Anan-Yorke,R. et al. Microfloras from Upper Albian Neogastroplites zone Sikanni Chief River, Northeastern British Columbia. 1978
details Albian Cenomanian France(Ardennes) Fauconnier,D. et al. Possible role of dinoflagellates in Phosphate sedimentation 1978
details Late Campanian Texas Thompson,L.B. et al. Stratigraphic relationships of the Annona Chalk and Gober Chalk (Upper Campanian) type localities in Northeast Texas and Southwest Arkansas 1978
details Late Campanian Arkansas Thompson,L.B. et al. Stratigraphic relationships of the Annona Chalk and Gober Chalk (Upper Campanian) type localities in Northeast Texas and Southwest Arkansas 1978
details Albian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Norris,D.K. et al. Sites 2, 3 and 4. Bedrock Quarries in the Inuvik area. (In: Geological and Geographical Guide to the MacKenzie Delta Area. F.G.Young, editor) 1978
details Early Aquitanian Portugal Pais,J. Notes on the geology and paleontology of the Miocene of Lisbon XXI. First characteristics of the dinoflagellates of the lowermost beds of the Miocene series of Lisbon. 1978
details Priabonian France(Savoie,Haute) Charollais,J. et al. On the age of the "Gres intermediaires" in the Thones Syncline, (Haute Savoie). 1978
details Late Eocene France(Savoie,Haute) Charollais,J. et al. On a "Ultrahelvetic" Flysch of the Sulens Klippe (Haute-Savoie) 1978
details Late Eocene France(Savoie,Haute) Charollais,J. et al. On a "Ultrahelvetic" Flysch of the Sulens Klippe (Haute-Savoie) 1978
details Late Eocene France(Savoie,Haute) Charollais,J. et al. On a "Ultrahelvetic" Flysch of the Sulens Klippe (Haute-Savoie) 1978
details Late Rupelian Romania Antonescu,E. et al. Contributions to the knowledge of the stratigraphy and the tectonics of the Singeorz Bai-Lunca Ilvei Region 1978
details Middle Kimmeridgian Aptian Madagascar Chen,Y.Y. Jurassic and Cretaceous palynostratigraphy in the Morondava Basin of Madagaskar. 1978
details Hauterivian Aptian Madagascar Chen,Y.Y. Stratigraphical distribution of dinocysts in the Conoco Chevron et al. Ankamotra-1 Well, Madagascar. 1978
details Oligocene Early Miocene Europe Hochuli,P.A. Palynological investigations of the Oligocene and the Early Miocene of the Central and Western Paratethys. 1978
details Late Maastrichtian New Zealand(S.I.) Wilson,G.J. The dinoflagellate species Isabelia druggii (Stover), and Isabelia seelandica (Lange). 1978
details Early Landenian Belgium Schumacker-Lambry,J. Palynology of Lower Landenian (Paleocene) at Gelinden-Overbroek, Belgium. Relationship between the microfossils and the sediment. 1978