Palynological investigations of the Oligocene and the Early Miocene of the Central and Western Paratethys.
Foreign title:
Palynologische untersuchungen im Oligoz¤n und Untermiozan der Zentralen und Westlichen Paratethys.
Hochuli,P.A. (1978) Palynological investigations of the Oligocene and the Early Miocene of the Central and Western Paratethys. [ Palynologische untersuchungen im Oligoz¤n und Untermiozan der Zentralen und Westlichen Paratethys. ] Beitraege zur Palaeontologie von Oesterreich Vol. 4 P. 1- 132
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Abiespollenites Abiespollenites latisaccatus Europe Oligocene Early Miocene
Aceripollenites Aceripollenites sp Europe Oligocene Early Miocene
Achomosphaera Achomosphaera ramulifera Europe Oligocene Early Miocene
Adnatosphaeridium Adnatosphaeridium multispinosum Europe Oligocene Early Miocene
Aglaoreidia Aglaoreidia cyclops Europe Oligocene Early Miocene
Alangiopollis Alangiopollis barghoornianum Europe Oligocene Early Miocene
Alangiopollis Alangiopollis sp Europe Oligocene Early Miocene
Arecipites Arecipites brandenburgensis Europe Oligocene Early Miocene
Arecipites Arecipites oligocaenicus Europe Oligocene Early Miocene
Arecipites Arecipites symmetricus Europe Oligocene Early Miocene
Areosphaeridium Areosphaeridium diktyoplokum Europe Oligocene Early Miocene
Areosphaeridium Areosphaeridium multicornutum Europe Oligocene Early Miocene
Baculatisporites Baculatisporites gemmatus Europe Oligocene Early Miocene
Baculatisporites Baculatisporites nanus Europe Oligocene Early Miocene
Baculatisporites Baculatisporites primarius Europe Oligocene Early Miocene
Baculatisporites Baculatisporites quintus Europe Oligocene Early Miocene
Bombacacidites Bombacacidites palaeogenis Europe Oligocene Early Miocene