Year First author Citations link
1968 Sarjeant,W.A.S. Sarjeant,W.A.S. (1968) Microplankton from the Upper Callovian and Lower Oxfordian of Normandy. Revue de Micropal©ontologie. 221- 242 details
1968 Jain,R.K. Jain,R.K. (1968) Middle Triassic pollen grains from Minas de Petroles Beds of the Cacheuta Formation (Upper Gondwana) Argentina. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 1- 47 details
1968 Lanninger,E.P. Lanninger,E.P. (1968) Spore assemblages from the Ems of the SW Eifel, (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge) Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 95- 170 details
1968 Chўteauneuf,J.-J. Chўteauneuf,J.-J. (1968) Palynologic and planktonic studies of the Paleogene of Cormeilles-en-Parisis. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 938- 948 details
1968 Schultz,G. Schultz,G. (1968) A Lower Devonian microflora from the Klerf Beds of the Eifel (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 5- 42 details
1968 Zelichowski,A.M. Zelichowski,A.M. (1968) Carboniferous deposits in the Marginal zone of the Sawatycze Elevation Kwartalnik Geologiczny (Instytut Geologiczy). 251- 260 details
1968 Rauscher,R. Rauscher,R. (1968) Chitinozoans in the Silurian-Devonian Drift of Pas-de-Calais Annales de la Soci©t© G©ologique du Nord. 123- 128 details
1968 Nakoman,E. Nakoman,E. (1968) Contribution to the study of the Tertiary Micro-Flora of the Lignites of Seyitomer (Turkey) Pollen et Spores. 521- 556 details
1968 Corna,O. Corna,O. (1968) Some spores and pollen from Aptian-Albian of West Carpathians. Geologicky Zbornik(Geoligica Carpathica). 225- 254 details
1968 Kaiser,H. Kaiser,H. (1968) The photographic presentation of transparent micro-objects in transmitted-light as well as on the Scanning Electron Microscope with fossil spore examples. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 121- 123 details
1968 Krutzsch,W. Krutzsch,W. (1968) Two new extreme Oculopollis species (Normapolles, angiosperms) from the Santonian of Southern France Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 144- 146 details
1968 Pant,D.D. et al. Pant,D.D. et al. (1968) On the structure of stems and leaves of Phyllotheca indica Bunbury, and its affinities. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 102- 121 details
1968 Brito,I.M. Brito,I.M. (1968) Contribution to the knowledge of Silurian and Devonian microfossils from the State of Maranhao LII. genus Veryhachium (Acritarchs). Boletim de Geologia - Instituto de GeociЄncias, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. 11- 17 details
1968 Ting,W.S. Ting,W.S. (1968) Fossil pollen grains of Coniferales from Early Tertiary of Idaho, Nevada and Colorado Pollen et Spores. 557- 598 details
1968 Pisannikova,Y.L. et al. Pisannikova,Y.L. et al. (1968) New information on the stratigraphy of Upper Bavly deposits in the Upper Kama -Upper Vyatka River Basin Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 110- 112 details
1968 Hall,J.W. et al. Hall,J.W. et al. (1968) Megaspore assemblages in the Cretaceous of Minnesota. Micropaleontology. 456- 464 details
1968 Chўteauneuf,J.-J. et al. Chўteauneuf,J.-J. et al. (1968) Palynologic study of the Paleogene from four Drillings in the Paris Basin (Chaignes, Montjavoult, Le Tillet, Lude). M©moires du Bureau des Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres (BRGM). 113- 158 details
1968 Pant,D.D. et al. Pant,D.D. et al. (1968) On the genus Gangamopteris Mccoy. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 83- 101 details
1968 Korotkevich,V.D. Korotkevich,V.D. (1968) Some new spores from Triassic deposits of the Lena-Oleneks Interfluve. Uchenye Zapiski(Science Notes), Paleontologiya i Biostratigrafiya (NIIGA) Ministerstvo Geologii SSR. 76- 82 details
1968 Evitt,W.R. et al. Evitt,W.R. et al. (1968) Dinoflagellate studies. Stanford University Publications, Geological Sciences. 1- 15 details
1968 Popova,L.L. Popova,L.L. (1968) Spore-pollen assemblages from Upper Cretaceous deposits in the Middle Course of the Solena River (Yenisey Estuary District) Uchenye Zapiski(Science Notes), Paleontologiya i Biostratigrafiya (NIIGA) Ministerstvo Geologii SSR. 36- 39 details
1968 Bondarenko,N.M. Bondarenko,N.M. (1968) Spores and pollen from deposits of the Datsk (?) Stage of the depression of the Yenisei Estuary and their stratigraphic significance. Uchenye Zapiski(Science Notes), Paleontologiya i Biostratigrafiya (NIIGA) Ministerstvo Geologii SSR. 83- 94 details
1968 Pocock,S.A.J. Pocock,S.A.J. (1968) Zonalapollenites Pflug 1953, and related genera. Taxon. 639- 641 details
1968 Muller,J. Muller,J. (1968) Palynology of the Pedawan and Plateau Sandstone Formations (Cretaceous-Eocene) in Sarawak, Malaysia. Micropaleontology. 1- 37 details
1968 Doubinger,J. Doubinger,J. (1968) Contribution to the palynological study of the Permo-Carboniferous of Autun. Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle d'Autun. 6- 6 details
1968 PacltovЎ,B. PacltovЎ,B. (1968) Some new pollen grains from the Bohemian Cenomanian. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 99- 106 details
1968 Hall,J.W. et al. Hall,J.W. et al. (1968) Studies on fossil Azolla American Journal of Botany. 1055- 1061 details
1968 Norris,G. Norris,G. (1968) Plant microfossils from the Hawks Crag Breccia, South-West Nelson, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 312- 344 details
1968 Roche,E. Roche,E. (1968) New species of spores and pollen of the Upper Landenian of Belgium (Borehole of Kallo). Bulletin de la Soci©t© Belge de G©ologie, de Pal©ontologie et d'Hydrologie. 145- 165 details
1968 Evitt,W.R. et al. Evitt,W.R. et al. (1968) The Cretaceous microfossil Ophiobolus lapidaris O.Wetzel and its flagellum-like filaments. Stanford University Publications, Geological Sciences. 1- 9 details
1968 McQueen,D.R. et al. McQueen,D.R. et al. (1968) Palaeobotanical evidence for changes in the Tertiary climates of New Zealand. Tuatara. 49- 56 details
1968 Boureau,E. et al. Boureau,E. et al. (1968) Paleobotanical Treatise. 2. Bryophyta, Psilophyta, Lycophyta. Guides Geologiques Regionaux.(Masson and Cie,editors.Paris). 845- 845 details
1968 Gocht,H. Gocht,H. (1968) Morphology and ontogeny of Thalassiphora (Dinoflagellate). Pal¤eontographica Abteilung A. 149- 156 details
1968 Corradini,D. et al. Corradini,D. et al. (1968) Preliminary report on the discovery and initial study of large amount of "scolecodonts" and polychaete jaw apparatuses from Mesozoic formations. Bollettino della Societ  Paleontologica Italiana. 3- 5 details
1968 Sarjeant,W.A.S. Sarjeant,W.A.S. (1968) The Tappan-Loeblich review on dinoflagellate and acritarch Publications Journal of Paleontology. 599- 601 details
1968 Akyol,E. Akyol,E. (1968) Palynological correlation of the Sulu and supposed Sulu Veins at Gelik. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Turkey,(Turkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bulteni). 30- 50 details
1968 Deunff,J. et al. Deunff,J. et al. (1968) Tunisphaeridium, a new acritarch genus from the Silurian and Devonian. Stanford University Publications, Geological Sciences. 1- 13 details
1968 Cramer,F.H. Cramer,F.H. (1968) Palynologic microfossils of the Middle Silurian Maplewood Shale in New York. Revue de Micropal©ontologie. 61- 70 details
1968 Srivastava,S.K. Srivastava,S.K. (1968) Azolla from the Upper Cretaceous Edmonton Formation, Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 915- 919 details
1968 Srivastava,S.K. Srivastava,S.K. (1968) Rosannia manika, sp.nov., from the Edmonton Formation (Maestrichtian), Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Botany. 949- 950 details
1968 Burger,D. Burger,D. (1968) Relationship of palynology to stratigraphy in the Lower Cretaceous of the Surat Basin in Queensland. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Australia, Record. details
1968 Harland,R. Harland,R. (1968) A microplankton assemblage from the post Pleistocene of Wales. Grana Palynologica. 536- 554 details
1968 Binda,P.L. et al. Binda,P.L. et al. (1968) Silicified megaspores from Upper Cretaceous beds of Southern Alberta, Canada. Micropaleontology. 105- 113 details
1968 Abbott,M.L. Abbott,M.L. (1968) Lycopsid stems and roots and Sphenopsid fructifications and stems from the Upper Freeport County of southeastern Ohio. Palaeontographica Americana. 5- 46 details
1968 Srivastava,S.K. Srivastava,S.K. (1968) Eight species of Mancicorpus from the Edmonton Formation (Maestrichtian), Alberta, Canada. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1485- 1490 details
1968 Alpern,B. et al. Alpern,B. et al. (1968) Palaeobotany and palynology in France: a historical review. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 149- 199 details
1968 Vakulenko,A.S. Vakulenko,A.S. (1968) Palynological characteristics of Lower Cainozoic deposits of the Lower Reaches of the Indigirsk River Uchenye Zapiski(Science Notes), Paleontologiya i Biostratigrafiya (NIIGA) Ministerstvo Geologii SSR. 111- 118 details
1968 Emberger,L. Emberger,L. (1968) Fossil plants in relationship to living ones (Comparison of elements of paleobotany and morphology). Guides Geologiques Regionaux.(Masson and Cie,editors.Paris). 758- 758 details
1968 Ilyina,V.I. Ilyina,V.I. (1968) Comparitive analysis of spore-pollen complexes of Jurassic deposits of the Southern Part of Western Siberia. Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Trudy Institut Geologii i Geofiziki, Izdatelstvo, Akademiya Nauk SSSR. "Nauka". 1- 111 details
1968 Brzozowska,M. Brzozowska,M. (1968) The genus Setosisporites (Ibrahim 1933) Potonie and Kremp,1954, from the Carboniferous of the Lublin Basin. Prace Instytut Geologiczny,(Warsaw). 5- 58 details
1968 DybovЎ-Jachowiczowa,S. et al. DybovЎ-Jachowiczowa,S. et al. (1968) Spores of fossil fungi from the deposits of marginal beds in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Prace Instytut Geologiczny,(Warsaw). 59- 80 details
1968 Takahashi,N. Takahashi,N. (1968) Pollen analytical studies of the Murayama Coal Field in Yamagata Prefecture. Bulletin of Okitama Agricultural High School, Yamagata Prefecture. 1- 3 details
1968 Ahrens,H. et al. Ahrens,H. et al. (1968) On the Plio/Pleistocene boundary in the German Democratic Republic International Geological Congress,23rd. 65- 77 details
1968 DybovЎ-Jachowiczowa,S. DybovЎ-Jachowiczowa,S. (1968) Microspores of the Rotaspora from the Marginal Beds of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Prace Instytut Geologiczny,(Warsaw). 81- 90 details
1968 Jachowicz,A. Jachowicz,A. (1968) The occurrence of some Diatomozonotriletes species in the Marginal Beds of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Prace Instytut Geologiczny,(Warsaw). details
1968 Ohnishi,I. Ohnishi,I. (1968) Fossil pollen and spores from the Kazusa Group of the Boso Peninsula. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan(Chishitsugaku Zasshi). 1- 122 details
1968 Doubinger,J. Doubinger,J. (1968) A contribution to the palynological study of the Permo-Carboniferous of the Autunian. Bulletin Trimestriel de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle des Amis du Museum d'Autun. 13- 18 details
1968 Bulatov,D.I. Bulatov,D.I. (1968) Agapovskaya strata -Permian deposits of Magnitogorsk Megasynclinorium Byulleten Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskii. 46- 50 details
1968 Boneham,R.F. Boneham,R.F. (1968) Palynology of three Tertiary Coal Basins in South-Central British Columbia PhD Thesis, University of Michigan. 1- 105 details
1968 Rao,M.G. et al. Rao,M.G. et al. (1968) A note on the Tertiary Clays in Birbhum District, West Bengal. Current Science. 1- 17 details