Year First author Citations link
1981 Bochkarev,V.S. et al. Bochkarev,V.S. et al. (1981) The role of climate and environmental factors in the establishment and expansion of land plants (With and example of the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous of Western Siberia). (In: Life on Ancient Continents: Its Establishment and Expansion.) Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Paleontologicheskogo Obshchestvo, 23rd Sessii,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 16- 26 details
1981 Ziembinska-Tworzydlo,M. et al. Ziembinska-Tworzydlo,M. et al. (1981) A palynological subdivision of the Neogene in Western Poland Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Earth Science. 29- 43 details
1981 Michaux,J. et al. Michaux,J. et al. (1981) The Pliocene of Montpellier:New palynological analyses and stratigraphic correlations. Bulletin du Bureau des Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres (DeuxiЁme s©rie). 207- 214 details
1981 Nandi,B. Nandi,B. (1981) Miofloral investigation on the Neogene Formations of Moran and Nahorkatiya wells, Upper Assam, India. Geophytology. 27- 40 details
1981 Champigny,N. et al. Champigny,N. et al. (1981) New evidence for the age of the Skonun Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 1900- 1903 details
1981 Koksharov,V.A. et al. Koksharov,V.A. et al. (1981) Biostratigraphy and correlation of sections of Devonian deposits from the Leninoyorsk Graben in Rudnyi Altai Proceedings,Academy of Sciences of Kazakh SSR. 15- 23 details
1981 Fugle,R. et al. Fugle,R. et al. (1981) Devonian megaspores from northwest Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 55- 72 details
1981 Holub,V. et al. Holub,V. et al. (1981) Correlation of the Rotliegendes of Europe. Geologisch-Pal¤ontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck. 195- 242 details
1981 Allen,P.A. et al. Allen,P.A. et al. (1981) Depositional environments and palynology of the Devonian South-East Shetland Basin. Scottish Journal of Geology. 257- 273 details
1981 de Reneville,P. et al. de Reneville,P. et al. (1981) Palynology of the stratotype of the Barremian Stage. Bulletin des Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production Elf-Aquitaine. 1- 29 details
1981 Crepet,W.L. Crepet,W.L. (1981) The status of certain families of the Amentiferae during the Middle Eocene and some hypotheses regarding the evolution of wind pollination in Dicotyledonous angiosperms. Paleobotany,Paleoecology and Evolution. (Karl J.Niklas,editor). Praeger, New York. 103- 128 details
1981 Vidal,G. Vidal,G. (1981) Micropalaeontology and biostratigraphy of the Upper Proterozoic and Lower Cambrian sequence in East Finnmark, Northern Norway. Norges geologiske undersиkelse Bulletin. 1- 53 details
1981 Stevens,J. Stevens,J. (1981) Palynology of the Callide Basin, East-Central Queensland Papers Department of Geology, University of Queensland. 1- 35 details
1981 Knoll,A.H. et al. Knoll,A.H. et al. (1981) Early Proterozoic microfossils and Penecontemporaneous Quartz Cementation in the Sokoman Iron Formation, Canada Science. 478- 480 details
1981 Kemp,E.M. Kemp,E.M. (1981) Tertiary palaeogeography and the evolution of Australian climate. Ecological Biogeography of Australia. 33- 49 details
1981 Vidal,G. Vidal,G. (1981) Lower Cambrian acritarch stratigraphy in Scandinavia. Geologiska fжreningens i Stockholm fжrhandlingar. 183- 192 details
1981 Knobloch,E. Knobloch,E. (1981) New paleobotanic investigation in the Pannonian and Pontian of the Morovian Part of the Vienna Basin Sbornik Narodniho Muzea v Praze. 205- 227 details
1981 Kedves,M. Kedves,M. (1981) Palynological investigations of Prequaternary sediments of Egypt.Neogene.I. Grana. 119- 130 details
1981 Vidal,G. Vidal,G. (1981) Micropalaeontology and biostratigraphy of the Lower Cambrian sequence in Scandinavia. United States Geological Survey, Open-File Report. 232- 235 details
1981 Arthurton,R.S. et al. Arthurton,R.S. et al. (1981) Ordovician and Silurian. (In: Geology of the Country around Penrith.) Memoir of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. 4- 21 details
1981 Zavada,M.S. et al. Zavada,M.S. et al. (1981) Investigations of angiosperms from the Middle Eocene of North America American Journal of Botany. 924- 933 details
1981 Retallack,G.J. et al. Retallack,G.J. et al. (1981) Arguments for a Glossopterid ancestry of angiosperms. Paleobiology. 54- 67 details
1981 Ercegovac,M.D. Ercegovac,M.D. (1981) Organic matter and degree of its thermal change in Mokranja Flysch, (Timocka Krajina). Geologija. 129- 135 details
1981 Alvarez Ramis,C. et al. Alvarez Ramis,C. et al. (1981) Paleobotany of the Miocene Bed of Bunol (Valencia, Spain). Bolet­n de la Real Sociedad Espaбola de Historia Natural: Secciгn Geolog­a. 173- 179 details
1981 Koloda,N.A. et al. Koloda,N.A. et al. (1981) Miospores. (In: Permian deposits of Novaya Zemlya. N.V. Kalashniko et al, editors) Trudy Komi Filial,Institut Geologii,Izdatelstvo,Akademiya Nauk SSR,Nauka. 120- 156 details
1981 Cocchio,A.M. Cocchio,A.M. (1981) Lower Paleozoic microflora of (Corbieres, Aude, France). PhD Thesis, Universite Paul-Sabatier de Toulouse, Lab.Geologie Terraneenne Associe au CNRS( Eng.Summary). 1- 132 details
1981 Mandal,J. et al. Mandal,J. et al. (1981) Palaeobotany of Tattitola Bed in Pachwara Coalfield, Santhal Pargana, Bihar, with remarks on the age of the Bed The Palaeobotanist. 12- 31 details
1981 Yin,L.-M. Yin,L.-M. (1981) Precambrian microfossils and pseudofossils from the Gaoyuzhuang Formation in Quyang of Hebei. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica (Gushengwu Xuebao). 188- 197 details
1981 KonzalovЎ,M. KonzalovЎ,M. (1981) Boehlensipollis and other microfossils from the Bohemian Tertiary (Volcanic Layers) Sbornik Geologickych Ved: Paleontologie. 135- 162 details
1981 Stockey,R.A. Stockey,R.A. (1981) Some comments on the origin and evolution of Conifers. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1932- 1940 details
1981 Wang,F. et al. Wang,F. et al. (1981) Filamentous fossil Taeniatum and its pseudoanalogues. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Geological Science. 134- 136 details
1981 Broutin,J. Broutin,J. (1981) Paleobotanical and palynological studies of the Carboniferous-Permian boundary in the Continental Basins of the Southeastern Ossa-Morena zone (Guadalcanal area, Southern Spain). Paleogeographical and stratigraphic implications. PhD Thesis, Pierre et Marie Curie University(Paris).. 1- 234 details
1981 Phillips,T.L. et al. Phillips,T.L. et al. (1981) Paleoecology of Middle Pennsylvanian age coal swamps in Southern Illinois/Herrin Coal Member at Sahara Mine No.6. Paleobotany,Paleoecology and Evolution. (Karl J.Niklas,editor). Praeger, New York. 231- 285 details
1981 Jerzykiewicz,J. Jerzykiewicz,J. (1981) Present status of palynological researchs of the Lower Permian of the Middle Sudet Depression Kwartalnik Geologiczny (Instytut Geologiczy). 241- 242 details
1981 Mendelson,C.V. Mendelson,C.V. (1981) Studies in micropaleontology: Proterozoic microfossils, Ordovician microphytoplankton and recent agglutinated foraminifera. Dissertation,Abstracts International. 1- 1 details
1981 Han,X.-P. et al. Han,X.-P. et al. (1981) Middle Cretaceous sporo-pollen assemblage of Huichang Basin, Jiangxi Province. Acta Botanica Sinica (Chih Wu Hsueh Pao). 405- 412 details
1981 Brangulis,A.P. et al. Brangulis,A.P. et al. (1981) Vendian and Cambrian paleogeography of the East European Platform. (In: Short Papers for the Second International Symposium on the Cambrian System. M.E.Taylor, editor.) United States Geological Survey, Open-File Report. 26- 28 details
1981 Retallack,G.J. Retallack,G.J. (1981) Two new approaches for reconstructing fossil vegetation with examples from the Triassic of eastern Australia. (In: Communities of the Past. A.J.Boucot and W.B.N.Berry, editors) Communities of the Past. (A.J.Boucot and W.B.N.Berry,editors). Hutchinson Ross Publishing Company,(HRPC) Stroudsburg. 271- 295 details
1981 Azcuy,C.L. et al. Azcuy,C.L. et al. (1981) Palynology of the Noroeste Basin of Argentina 1 characteristics of the Carboniferous associations. Problems and interpretation. (In: The Geology of the Province of San Luis) Congreso Geolгgico Argentino,8th Actas,IV, (San Luis). 823- 838 details
1981 Jenny,J. et al. Jenny,J. et al. (1981) Middle Jurassic Red Beds of Central high Atlas (Morocco): Lithostratigraphic correlations, dating data and tectono-sedimentary framework. Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France, 7e s©rie. 627- 640 details
1981 Zheng,Y.-H. et al. Zheng,Y.-H. et al. (1981) Neogene sporo-pollen grains from northern Jiangsu and South Yellow Sea Basin. Bulletin of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology,(Academia Sinica). 29- 90 details
1981 Yang,H.-Q. et al. Yang,H.-Q. et al. (1981) Pollen and spores extracted from petroleum of Liaohe Oil-Field and their significance. Acta Botanica Sinica (Chih Wu Hsueh Pao). 52- 57 details
1981 Lu,L. Lu,L. (1981) Upper Devonian (Frasnian) sporo-pollen assemblage from the Damaidi area of Dukou, Sichuan Province. Bulletin of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology,(Academia Sinica). 91- 150 details
1981 Liu,Z.-S. et al. Liu,Z.-S. et al. (1981) Triassic and Jurassic sporo-pollen assemblages from some localities of Shaanxi and Gansu, North-West China. Bulletin of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology,(Academia Sinica). 131- 210 details
1981 Korkutis,V.A. Korkutis,V.A. (1981) Late Precambrian and Early Cambrian in the East European Platform Precambrian Research. 75- 94 details
1981 Kedves,M. et al. Kedves,M. et al. (1981) Transmission electron microscopic, (TEM) investigations on Upper Cretaceous spores from Vila Flor (Portugal). Acta Biologica,(Szeged). 105- 115 details
1981 Bujak,J.P. et al. Bujak,J.P. et al. (1981) Neogene dinoflagellate cysts from the Hunt Dome Kopanoar M-13 Well, Beaufort Sea, Canada. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology. 420- 425 details
1981 Nations,J.D. Nations,J.D. (1981) Palaeontology, paleoecology, and depositional history of the Miocene-Pliocene Verde Formation, Yavapoi County, Arizona. Arizona Geological Society Digest. 133- 149 details
1981 Kedves,M. Kedves,M. (1981) Scanning Electron Microscopic investigations on the sporomorphs of the Upper Pannonian in Hungary. Acta Biologica,(Szeged). 89- 103 details
1981 KonzalovЎ,M. KonzalovЎ,M. (1981) Some Late Precambrian microfossils from the Bohemian Massif and their correlation Precambrian Research. 43- 62 details
1981 Yang,H.P. et al. Yang,H.P. et al. (1981) The Devonian system in China Geological Magazine. 113- 224 details
1981 Volkheimer,W. et al. Volkheimer,W. et al. (1981) Stratigraphic palynology of the Middle Jurassic Lotena Formation, (Neuqu©n Basin). (In: The Geology of the Province of San Luis) Congreso Geolгgico Argentino,8th Actas,IV, (San Luis). 761- 775 details
1981 Volkheimer,W. et al. Volkheimer,W. et al. (1981) Palynology of Liassic strata at the Southern Border of the Neuqu©n Basin, (Argentina). (In: The Geology of the Province of San Luis) Congreso Geolгgico Argentino,8th Actas,IV, (San Luis). 777- 793 details
1981 Yin,C. Yin,C. (1981) Micropalaeoflora from Late Precambrian in Huainan of Anhui Province and its stratigraphic significance. Chinese Academy of Geological Science,Annual Report. 213- 215 details
1981 Volkheimer,W. et al. Volkheimer,W. et al. (1981) Palynological data from the Auquinco Formation, Upper Jurassic of the Neuqina Basin, Argentina. (In: The Geology of the Province of San Luis) Congreso Geolгgico Argentino,8th Actas,IV, (San Luis). 795- 812 details
1981 Srivastava,S.K. Srivastava,S.K. (1981) Fossil pollen genus Kurtzipites Anderson. Journal of Paleontology. 868- 879 details
1981 Lindsey,D.A. et al. Lindsey,D.A. et al. (1981) Upper Oligocene Evaporites in Basin fill of Sevier Desert Region, Western Utah. AAPG, Bulletin. 251- 260 details
1981 M©dus,J. M©dus,J. (1981) Normapolles pollen of stratigraphic sections of the Upper Cretaceous of Charentes and of the Senonian from Portugal. Comunica§еes dos Servi§os Geolгgicos de Portugal. 19- 28 details
1981 Tomskaya,A.I. Tomskaya,A.I. (1981) Palynology of Cenozoic deposits of Yakut. Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Trudy Institut Geologii, Yakutskii Filial, Akademiya Nauk SSR. 1- 221 details
1981 Bharadwaj,D.C. et al. Bharadwaj,D.C. et al. (1981) Sporae dispersae of the Barakar sediments from South Karanpura Coalfield, Bihar, India. The Palaeobotanist. 21- 94 details