Year First author Citations link
1970 Nichols,D.J. Nichols,D.J. (1970) Palynology in relation to depositional environments of lignite in the Wilcox Group (Early Tertiary) in Texas. Thesis, Pennsylvania State University. details
1970 Doran,R.J.P. Doran,R.J.P. (1970) Palynological evidence for the age of the Old Red Sandstone near Cappagh White, County Tipperary. Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society,Series A. 343- 350 details
1970 Jachowicz,A. Jachowicz,A. (1970) The Upper Carboniferous Geology of Poland. Stratigraphy, Precambrian and Palaeozoic.. 417- 457 details
1970 Reyre,Y. et al. Reyre,Y. et al. (1970) The stratigraphic interest of some species of the genus Classopollis (Pflug) Reyre. Revue de Micropal©ontologie. 146- 154 details
1970 Pawlowska,K. Pawlowska,K. (1970) The Extra-Salinary Facies Geology of Poland. Stratigraphy, Precambrian and Palaeozoic.. 539- 546 details
1970 Peppers,R.A. et al. Peppers,R.A. et al. (1970) A comparison of the floras of the Colchester (No.2) Coal and Francis Creek Shale. (In: Depositional environments in parts of the Carbondale Formation: Western and northern Illinois) Illinois State Geological Survey, Guidebook Series. 61- 74 details
1970 Vyalukhin,G.I. Vyalukhin,G.I. (1970) On the age of deposits of the upper part of the Urtazymsk Suite (Southern Urals). (In: Upper Paleozoic Terrigenous Deposits of the Urals.) Trudy Institut Geologiya i Geokhimiya Goryuchikh,Uralskii Filial,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 74- 90 details
1970 Loboziak,S. Loboziak,S. (1970) Palynological comparison (megaspores) between the Coal Basins of Nord de la France and La Campine, Belgium. Annales des Mines de Belgique. 711- 719 details
1970 Jenkins,W.A.M. Jenkins,W.A.M. (1970) Chitinozoa Geoscience and Man. 1- 21 details
1970 Leisman,G.A. Leisman,G.A. (1970) A Petrified Sporangiostrobus and its spores from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Kansas. Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 166- 177 details
1970 Scholl,D.W. et al. Scholl,D.W. et al. (1970) Eocene age of Adak "Paleozoic(?)" rocks, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 3582- 3591 details
1970 Suomalainen,T. et al. Suomalainen,T. et al. (1970) Pre-Quaternary microfossils in Clay occurrences of Kaljala on the Karelian Isthmus. Bulletin de la Commission Geologique de Finlande,(Ontaniemi). 1- 81 details
1970 Clapham,W.B. Clapham,W.B. (1970) Permian miospores from the Flowerpot Formation of western Oklahoma Micropaleontology. 15- 36 details
1970 Srivastava,S.K. et al. Srivastava,S.K. et al. (1970) Systematic revision of Aquilapollenites Rouse 1957. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1591- 1601 details
1970 Roche,E. Roche,E. (1970) Flores of the Paleocene and Early Eocene of the sedimentary Basin Belgium and Paris; climatic and Phytogeogrpahic implications Association Nationale des Professeurs de Biologie de Belgique. 109- 134 details
1970 Watts,W.A. Watts,W.A. (1970) Tertiary and Interglacial floras in Ireland. Irish Geographical Studies.Queen's University,Department of Geography,Belfast. 17- 33 details
1970 Guernet,C. et al. Guernet,C. et al. (1970) New data on the Neogene of the Pikermi and Raphina Region, (Attica, Greece). Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France, 7e s©rie. 241- 245 details
1970 Lammons,J.M. Lammons,J.M. (1970) Pentapsis, a new palynomorph genus from the Cretaceous (Aptian) of Peru Micropaleontology. 175- 178 details
1970 Soumalainen,T. et al. Soumalainen,T. et al. (1970) The Pre-Quaternary microfossil inventory of the Pleistocene Clays Beds at Kaljala, Karelian Isthmus Bulletin de la Commission Geologique de Finlande,(Ontaniemi). 1- 81 details
1970 Urban,J.B. Urban,J.B. (1970) Ancyrospora fallacia, a new sporomorph exhibiting deceptive variations in preservation. Micropaleontology. 221- 226 details
1970 Habib,D. Habib,D. (1970) Gondwana spore and pollen assemblages from the Permian of Central India. International Congress on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology,Compte Rendu,6th. 846- 861 details
1970 Boulouard,C. et al. Boulouard,C. et al. (1970) Appendix III: 5. Concerning the palynological data on the Kanshi Drillhole. (In: New findings on the Bushimay System. P.Raucq) Annales Musee Royal de l'Afrique Centrale,(Tervuren, Belgium) Serie in 8, Sciences Geologiques. 149- 149 details
1970 Taylor,T.N. Taylor,T.N. (1970) The morphology of Bowmanites Dawsoni spores Micropaleontology. 243- 248 details
1970 Navale,G.K.B. et al. Navale,G.K.B. et al. (1970) Palyno-petrographic studies on the genesis of Coal Seams of the Talchir Coalfield (Lower Gondwanas), India. International Congress on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology,Compte Rendu,6th. 1223- 1233 details
1970 Gocht,H. Gocht,H. (1970) Bathonian dinoflagellate cysts of the Aldorf Oil Fields (northwest Germany). Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 125- 165 details
1970 Loeblich,A.R.,Jr. Loeblich,A.R.,Jr. (1970) Dicommopalla, a new acritarch genus from the Dillsboro Formation (Upper Ordovician) of Indiana, USA. Phycologia. 39- 43 details
1970 Kirichenko,L.A. Kirichenko,L.A. (1970) Carboniferous rocks in the northeastern part of the Kola Peninsula Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 30- 32 details
1970 Stidd,B.M. et al. Stidd,B.M. et al. (1970) The natural affinity of the Carboniferous seed, Callospermarion. American Journal of Botany. 827- 836 details
1970 Leisman,G.A. et al. Leisman,G.A. et al. (1970) A new Pteridosperm male fructification from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Illinois. American Journal of Botany. 867- 873 details
1970 Clapham,W.B. Clapham,W.B. (1970) Evolution of Upper Permian terrestrial floras in Oklahoma as determined from pollen and spores. Proceedings of the North American Paleontological Convention. Field Museum of Natural History. Chicago, September 1969. 411- 427 details
1970 Urban,J.B. Urban,J.B. (1970) Palynology of the mineral Coal, Desmoinesian Oklahoma and Texas. Oklahoma Geology Notes. 61- 62 details
1970 Szaniawski,H. Szaniawski,H. (1970) Jaw apparatuses of the Ordovician and Silurian polychaetes, from Nielnik borehole. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 445- 472 details
1970 Marques-Toigo,M. Marques-Toigo,M. (1970) Anabaculites, nov.gen., a new miospore genus from San Gregorio Formation of Uruguay. Ameghiniana. 79- 82 details
1970 Hart,G.F. Hart,G.F. (1970) Micropalaeontology of the Karroo deposits in South and Central Africa. International Symposium on Gondwana Stratigraphy,1st,Proceedings. 161- 172 details
1970 Syabryaj,S.V. Syabryaj,S.V. (1970) The Pannonian flora of the Transcarpatian Region and its age. Paleontologicheskii Sbornik. 81- 86 details
1970 Dryagina,L.L. Dryagina,L.L. (1970) Spore and pollen assemblages in the Kolchugina series of the Kuznetz Basin and their possible use for correlation of stratigraphic sections and Coal Seams. (In: Late Paleozoic coal bearing Formations of Central Siberia.) Trudy Sibirskogo Nauchno-Issledovatelskogo Instituta Geologii Geofiziki i Mineralnogo Syrya (SNIIGGIMS). Ministerstva Geologii SSSR,Vypusk. 41- 49 details
1970 Ercegovac,M. Ercegovac,M. (1970) Palynologic and petrologic characteristics and the genesis of Coal in the Kreka Basin. Geological Year Books of the Balkan Peninsula,(Beolgrad). 211- 280 details
1970 Orlowska-Zwolinska,T. et al. Orlowska-Zwolinska,T. et al. (1970) Flora of the Triassic. Geology of Poland. Catalogue of Fossils. Mesozoic. 17- 18 details
1970 Chabot,A. Chabot,A. (1970) Description of a borehole drilled at Gages in the vicinity of the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary Bulletin de la Soci©t© Belge de G©ologie, de Pal©ontologie et d'Hydrologie. 5- 10 details
1970 Leffingwell,H.A. et al. Leffingwell,H.A. et al. (1970) A study of the fossil pollen Wodehouseia spinata I. Ultrastructure and comparisons to selected modern taxa Ii. Optical miroscopic recognition of Foot Layers in differentially stained fossil pollen and their significance. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology. 238- 262 details
1970 Grabowska,I. et al. Grabowska,I. et al. (1970) Flora of the Lower and Middle Jurassic. Geology of Poland. Catalogue of Fossils. Mesozoic. 47- 53 details
1970 Lefeld,J. et al. Lefeld,J. et al. (1970) Cretaceous microorganisms. Geology of Poland. Catalogue of Fossils. Mesozoic. 160- 161 details
1970 Komarova,N.I. et al. Komarova,N.I. et al. (1970) Spores and pollen assemblages of Paleozoic and Mesozoic in several areas of Egypt Geological Society of Egypt, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 8th Annual Meeting. 7- 7 details
1970 Cookson,I.C. et al. Cookson,I.C. et al. (1970) Cretaceous microplankton from the Eucla Basin, Western Australia Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 137- 157 details
1970 Mamczar,J. Mamczar,J. (1970) Flora of the Cretaceous. Geology of Poland. Catalogue of Fossils. Mesozoic. 161- 163 details
1970 Harland,R. et al. Harland,R. et al. (1970) Fossil freshwater microplankton (dinoflagellates and acritarchs), from Flandrian (Holocene) sediments of Victoria and Western Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 211- 234 details
1970 de Jersey,N.J. de Jersey,N.J. (1970) Early Triassic miospores from the Rewan Formation. Geological Survey of Queensland, Palaeontological Papers. 1- 29 details
1970 M©dus,J. M©dus,J. (1970) Contribution to the knowledge of pollen associations at the end of the Cretaceous in Southeast France and Northast Spain. Revue de Micropal©ontologie. 45- 50 details
1970 Menner,V.V. et al. Menner,V.V. et al. (1970) Correlation of the Middle Devonian of the Siberian Platform Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 106- 108 details
1970 Tanai,T. Tanai,T. (1970) The Oligocene floras from the Kushiro Coal Field, Hokkaido, Japan Journal of the Faculty of Science Hokkaido University,Series IV,Geology and Mineralogy. 383- 514 details
1970 Marshall,A.E. Marshall,A.E. (1970) Palynology of the Yoredale Series in the Roman Wall District of Western Northumberland, northern England. International Congress on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology,Compte Rendu,6th. 1147- 1157 details
1970 Clendening,J.A. Clendening,J.A. (1970) Laevigatosporites dunkardensis, new name for Laevigatosporites plicatus Clendening,1969. Journal of Paleontology. 788- 788 details
1970 Jachowicz,A. Jachowicz,A. (1970) Tournaisian and Upper Visean microfloras of the Swiety Krzyz Mountains (Central Poland), their stratigraphical and Paleogeographical value. International Congress on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology,Compte Rendu,6th. 983- 1008 details
1970 Schuler,M. et al. Schuler,M. et al. (1970) Palynologic observations in the Amaga Basin (Colombia). Pollen et Spores. 429- 450 details
1970 Papulov,G.N. et al. Papulov,G.N. et al. (1970) Paleofloral Provinces of the eastern Slope of the Urals during Upper Jurassic. (In: Biostratigraphic and Paleobiofacies Studies their Practical Significance. I.E.Zanina, editor) Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Paleontologicheskogo Obshchestvo,Izdatelst.Nedra,Moscow,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 204- 210 details
1970 Coquel,R. et al. Coquel,R. et al. (1970) Confirmation of Westphalian age for the Coal Basin of Le Plessis (Manche) After palynological study of some Coal samples. Annales de la Soci©t© G©ologique du Nord. 15- 21 details
1970 Zimmerman,R.P. Zimmerman,R.P. (1970) The ultrastructure of Paleozoic megaspores membranes. Pollen et Spores. 451- 468 details
1970 Oshurkova,M.V. Oshurkova,M.V. (1970) Correlation of the flora from the Upper Carboniferous Stages in Karagada Basin, based on the studies of megaspores and megafossils. (In: Biostratigraphic and Paleobiofacies Studies their Practical Significance. I.E.Zanina, editor) Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Paleontologicheskogo Obshchestvo,Izdatelst.Nedra,Moscow,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 166- 170 details
1970 Taylor,T.N. Taylor,T.N. (1970) Lasiostrobus, gen.nov., a Staminate Strobilus of Gymnospermous affinity from the Pennsylvanian of North America. American Journal of Botany. 670- 690 details
1970 Ybert,J.P. Ybert,J.P. (1970) Polarisaccites, nov. gen. Pollen et Spores. 469- 481 details