Year First author Citations link
1958 Plactova,B. Plactova,B. (1958) Interesting results of the palynological investigation of the structural Bore-Hole in Budejovice Basin in Southern Bohemia. Casopis pro Mineralogii a Geologii. 419- 421 details
1958 KalibovЎ-KaiserovЎ,M. KalibovЎ-KaiserovЎ,M. (1958) Paleontological and palynological investigation of Coal overlying beds in Masarykove Jubilejnim Coal Mine, (now the Coal Mine of Peace Defenders) Zbuchov (Plzin Coal Basin) Casopis pro Mineralogii a Geologii. 261- 275 details
1958 Wilson,L.R. Wilson,L.R. (1958) Photographic Illustrations of fossil spore types from Iowa. Oklahoma Geology Notes. 99- 101 details
1958 Klaus,W. Klaus,W. (1958) Some Lower Mesophytic microsporites of Europe with remarks on their relation to the Gondwana-Microflora. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India. 151- 155 details
1958 PacltovЎ,B. PacltovЎ,B. (1958) Plant microfossils (Mainly sporomorphae), from the Lignite deposits near Mydlovary in the Ceske Budejovice Basin (South Boemia) Sbornik Ustredniho љstavu Geologickeho,Paleontologicky.(Prague). 109- 176 details
1958 Meyer,B.L. Meyer,B.L. (1958) Palynological investigation of some samples from Nahorkatiya, AS. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India. 156- 157 details
1958 Ishchenko,A.M. Ishchenko,A.M. (1958) Spore and pollen analysis of the Lower Carboniferous deposits of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. Trudy Instituta Geologicheskikh,Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoy SSR,Transactions of the Institute of Geological Sciences,Academy of Science of the Ukrainian SSR,(Kiev). 33- 99 details
1958 Chandra,D. Chandra,D. (1958) Microfossils in Lignites of India and Pakistan. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India. 211- 213 details
1958 M¤dler,K.A. M¤dler,K.A. (1958) New microbotanical studies on the Posidonian Shale. Pal¤eontologische Zeitschrift. 13- 14 details
1958 M¤dler,K.A. M¤dler,K.A. (1958) Mesozoic representatives of the genus Concavisporites. Pal¤eontologische Zeitschrift. 14- 14 details
1958 Pant,D.D. Pant,D.D. (1958) Structure of some roots and spores from the Lower Gondwana, (Permo-Carboniferous), of East Africa. Vijnana Parishad Anusandhan Patrika,Allahabad,India. 231- 244 details
1958 Wetzel,O. Wetzel,O. (1958) New microfossils from the Lias, especially from the Posidonian Shale. Pal¤eontologische Zeitschrift. 15- 15 details
1958 Chaloner,W.G. Chaloner,W.G. (1958) Polysporis mirabilis Newberry, a fossil Lycopod cone. Journal of Paleontology. 199- 209 details
1958 Nilsson,T. Nilsson,T. (1958) On the occurrence of a Mesozoic oil shale in Schonen. Publications from the Institutes of Mineralogy, Paleontology and Quaternary Geology, University of Lund. 1- 112 details
1958 de Jekhowsky,B. de Jekhowsky,B. (1958) The use of organic microfossils in the problems of petroleum stratigraphy. Revue de l'Institut Francais du Petrole et Annales des Combustibles Liquides. 1391- 1418 details
1958 Weyland,H. et al. Weyland,H. et al. (1958) Investigations of the spore and pollen floras of some Yugoslav and Greek Brown Coals Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 75- 99 details
1958 Finko,V.I. et al. Finko,V.I. et al. (1958) On the stratigraphy of the Porous Formations of the Zeysko-Bureinskaya Depression Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya. 25- 43 details
1958 Nagy,E. Nagy,E. (1958) Palynological investigations of the Upper Pannonian Brown Coal in the Foot Hills of the Matra Mountains. A Magyar Allami Fжldtani Int©zet ‰vi Jelent©se, ‰vrжl. 1- 353 details
1958 Weyland,H. et al. Weyland,H. et al. (1958) Celtoidanthus Pseudorobustus n. g. n. sp., an Ulmacian Bud from the Brown Coal of the Niederlausitz Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 67- 74 details
1958 Chaloner,W.G. Chaloner,W.G. (1958) The Carboniferous Upland flora Geological Magazine. 261- 261 details
1958 Verbitskaya,Z.I. Verbitskaya,Z.I. (1958) The spore-pollen complexes in Cretaceous deposits of the Suchan Coal Basin. Trudy Laboratoriya Geologii Uglya,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 314- 322 details
1958 Dibner,A.F. Dibner,A.F. (1958) On the age of the Upper Paleozoic deposits of the Nordvik Region according to data from palynological analysis Nauchno-Issledovatelskii Institut Geologii Arktiki,Sbornik Statey po Geologii i Gidrogeologii,Min.Geokhrany Nedr SSR. 77- 86 details
1958 PacltovЎ,B. PacltovЎ,B. (1958) Palynological investigation of the Tertiary in the of Handlova Slovakia. Casopis pro Mineralogii a Geologii. 289- 300 details
1958 PacltovЎ,B. PacltovЎ,B. (1958) Palynological investigation of the Cretaceous-Tertiary and Quaternary deposits in the Basins of Southern Bohemia Vestnik Ustredniho љstavu Geologickeho,(Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Prague). 330- 339 details
1958 Wilson,L.R. Wilson,L.R. (1958) A chitinozoan faunule from the Sylvan Shale of Oklahoma. Oklahoma Geology Notes. 66- 69 details
1958 Firtion,F. Firtion,F. (1958) Palynology. Memoires de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle d'Auvergne,P,In Contribution A l'Etude de la Paleontologie Vegetale du Massif du on (Ardeche)(Sud-Est du Massif C Entral Francais),By Pierre Gon. 275- 278 details
1958 Sittler,C. Sittler,C. (1958) Palynological stratigraphy of the Miocene in France. Pollen analysis of various layers. Congres National des Societes Savantes,Comptes Rendu,Section de Geologie. 279- 293 details
1958 Eisenack,A. Eisenack,A. (1958) Microplankton from the north German Aptian. Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Abhandlungen. 383- 422 details
1958 Gerhard,J.E. Gerhard,J.E. (1958) Paleocene miospores from the Slim Buttes area, Harding County, South Dakota. PhD Thesis, Pennsylvania State University. 1- 171 details
1958 Cookson,I.C. et al. Cookson,I.C. et al. (1958) Some Trilete spores from Upper Mesozoic deposits in the eastern Australian Region. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 95- 128 details
1958 Lantz,J. Lantz,J. (1958) Palynologic study of some Mesozoic samples from Dorset (Great Britain). Revue de l'Institut Francais du Petrole et Annales des Combustibles Liquides. 917- 943 details
1958 Thomson,P.W. Thomson,P.W. (1958) Pseudo-Allochthony and partial Autochthony. Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Monatshefte. 263- 270 details
1959 Krutzsch,W. Krutzsch,W. (1959) Spores of the "Schizaea-pusilla character" in the Pliocene of Ruterberg, (Wendisch-Wehningen). Archiv der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg. 36- 55 details
1959 Carton,T.L. Carton,T.L. (1959) Pennsylvanian spores from the Sandia Formation, Santa Fe County, New Mexico. MSc Thesis, University of New Mexico. 1- 51 details
1959 Lundblad,B. Lundblad,B. (1959) Rhaeto-Liassic floras and their bearing on the stratigraphy of Triassic-Jurassic Rocks. Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, Stockholm Contributions in Geology. 83- 102 details
1959 de Jekhowsky,B. et al. de Jekhowsky,B. et al. (1959) On the presence of numerous chitinozoans in the Silurian-Devonian of the Sahara. Compte-Rendu Sommaire et Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France. 17- 18 details
1959 Potonie,R. Potonie,R. (1959) The taxonomy of fossil plants, (inclusive sporae dispersae) in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, 1956. The Palaeobotanist. 32- 42 details
1959 Jachowicz,A. Jachowicz,A. (1959) Spore associations and stratigraphical position of Coal Seam at Kolzlowa Gora, (Upper Silesian Basin). Kwartalnik Geologiczny (Instytut Geologiczy). 883- 897 details
1959 Krutzsch,W. Krutzsch,W. (1959) Some new form genera and species of spores and pollen from the Middle European Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary Pal¤eontographica Abteilung B. 125- 157 details
1959 Mackв,S. Mackв,S. (1959) Pollen grains and spores from Miocene Brown Coals in Lower Silesia.I. Prace Wroclawskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego, ser.13. 1- 178 details
1959 Crohn,P.W. Crohn,P.W. (1959) A contribution to the geology and Glaciology of the western part of Australian Antarctic Territory. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin. 1- 103 details
1959 Varentsov,I.M. Varentsov,I.M. (1959) The stratigraphy and facies of the Upper and Middle Devonian deposits in the Tuva Trough Institut Nefti,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 3- 69 details
1959 Wilson,L.R. Wilson,L.R. (1959) The use of fossil spores in the resolution of Mississippian stratigraphic problems. Biennial Geological Symposium,6th,Norman,Oklahoma,1959. 41- 49 details
1959 Kuzichkina,Y.M. et al. Kuzichkina,Y.M. et al. (1959) Trial stratigraphic separation of Lower Mesozoic Continental deposits of Central Asia. (In: Problems of Biostratigraphy of the Continental Massif) Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Paleontologicheskogo Obshchestvo,3rd Sessii,1957,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 174- 183 details
1959 Korolova,V.S. Korolova,V.S. (1959) Significance of floristic complexes for stratigraphic separation of Tertiary layers of the Turgai Depression and Pavlodarsh Pre-Irtysh. (In: Problems of Biostratigraphy of the Continental Massif) Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Paleontologicheskogo Obshchestvo,3rd Sessii,1957,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 208- 213 details
1959 Chlonova,A.F. Chlonova,A.F. (1959) Significance of individual forms of spores and pollen for correlation of continental deposits. (In: Problems of Biostratigraphy of the Continental Massif) Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Paleontologicheskogo Obshchestvo,3rd Sessii,1957,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 139- 142 details
1959 Pavlov,V.V. Pavlov,V.V. (1959) Some aspects of the dependence of spore-pollen assemblages on lithological composition. Nauchno-Issledovatelskii Institut Geologii Arktiki, Leningrad, Sbornik Statei po Paleontologii i Biostratigrafii, #16. 94- 105 details
1959 Vialov,O.S. et al. Vialov,O.S. et al. (1959) First find of ancient spores in Antarctica Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi RRS,Seriya B. Geologichi Khimichi ta Biologichni Nauki. 1133- 1135 details
1959 Golubtsov,V.K. et al. Golubtsov,V.K. et al. (1959) On the discovery of deposits of the Yasnaya Polyana Substage of the Lower Carboniferous in the Chernigov deep well Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 159- 161 details
1959 Dzhabarova,K.S. Dzhabarova,K.S. (1959) Some data about Upper Miocene vegetation on the basis of spore-pollen analysis in the Region of Yalama, (Azerbaidzhan). Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1143- 1146 details
1959 Cookson,I.C. Cookson,I.C. (1959) Fossil pollen grains of Nothofagus from Australia Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 25- 30 details
1959 Dronov,V.I. et al. Dronov,V.I. et al. (1959) On the age of the coals in the eastern Pamir. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 634- 636 details
1959 Krutzsch,W. Krutzsch,W. (1959) Problems in connection with further spore-Palaeontologic studies of the Tertiary in Lausitz. Freiberger Forschungshefte,Geologie. 42- 62 details
1959 Michniak,R. Michniak,R. (1959) Notes on the petrography and micropalaeophytology in the oldest strata of the Holy Cross Mountains Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres,Serie des Sciences Geologiques et Geographiques. 457- 462 details
1959 Kosanke,R.M. Kosanke,R.M. (1959) Wilsonites, new name for Wilsonia, Kosanke,1950. Journal of Paleontology. 700- 700 details
1959 KalibovЎ,M. KalibovЎ,M. (1959) Valvisisporites (Ibrahim 1933) Potonie and Kremp,1954, (Triletes auritus (Zerndt 1930, Type 11 Zerndt), and its species in the Bohemia Permo - Carboniferous. Vestnik Ustredniho љstavu Geologickeho,(Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Prague). 429- 436 details
1959 Leschik,G. Leschik,G. (1959) Spores of the Karoo Sandstone of Norronaub (Southwest Africa). Senckenbergiana Lethaea. 51- 95 details
1959 Dibner,V.D. et al. Dibner,V.D. et al. (1959) Data on geology and biostratigraphy of Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic deposits of Franz-Joseph Land. (In: Symposium of Articles on Arctic Geology. B.V.Ikatshenko, editor) Nauchno-Issledovatelskii Institut Geologii Arktiki. 16- 43 details
1959 Kedo,G.I. Kedo,G.I. (1959) Significance of spore-pollen analysis in the stratigraphy of the continental deposits of the Lower horizons of the Carboniferous of Byelorussia. Voprosy Biostratigrafii Kontinental'nykh Tolschch. 20- 20 details
1959 Steeves,M.W. et al. Steeves,M.W. et al. (1959) The pollen of Ephedra. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum. 221- 255 details