Year First author Citations link
1979 Nicorici,E. et al. Nicorici,E. et al. (1979) A contribution on the Lower to Middle Miocene of Coasta Cea Mare, (Cluj-Napoca). Studii si Cercetari de Geologie, Geofizica, Geografie. Seria Geologie. 103- 137 details
1979 Verbitskaya,N.G. et al. Verbitskaya,N.G. et al. (1979) Basic stratigraphic units of the Upper Paleozoic of Siberian Platform Sovetskaya Geologiya. 18- 33 details
1979 Tuzhikova,V.I. Tuzhikova,V.I. (1979) On the age and Extent of the Surakaisk Suite and Bukobaisk series of the Southern Cis-Urals. (In: Triassic Stratigraphy of the Urals and Cis-Urals. Symposium on the Problems of Stratigraphy. #27). V.I.Tuzhikova and G.N.Papulov, editors) Trudy Uralskii Nauchnyi Tsentralnykh,Instituta Geologii i Geokhimii,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 26- 51 details
1979 Harker,S.D. Harker,S.D. (1979) Archeopyle formation in Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides, Deflandre,1935. Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Monatshefte. 369- 377 details
1979 Elsik,W.C. et al. Elsik,W.C. et al. (1979) Classopollis from the Upper Triassic Mine Group, Southwest Japan. Pollen et Spores. 365- 370 details
1979 Golubeva,L.P. Golubeva,L.P. (1979) Miospore complexes of Triassic deposits of the stratotype sections of the Bolshesenininsk Depression of the Cis-Urals Trough. (In: Stratigrafiya Triasa Urala i Predural'ya.Sbornik po Voprosam Stratigrafii. #27. V.I. Tuzhikova and G.N.Papulov, editor) Trudy Uralskii Nauchnyi Tsentralnykh,Instituta Geologii i Geokhimii,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 87- 143 details
1979 Jarzen,D.M. Jarzen,D.M. (1979) Spore morphology of some Anthocerotaceae and the occurrence of Phaeoceros spores in the Cretaceous of North Americ. Pollen et Spores. 211- 231 details
1979 Playford,G. et al. Playford,G. et al. (1979) Taxonomy and distribution of some trilete spores in Carboniferous Strata of the Canning Basin, Western Ausralia. Pollen et Spores. 371- 394 details
1979 Boytsova,E.P. et al. Boytsova,E.P. et al. (1979) Miospores of some ancient plants in the USSR. Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Neftyanogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologorazvedochnogo Instituta, Leningrad(VNIGRI). Novaya Seriya. 1- 101 details
1979 Wang,Z.-Z. et al. Wang,Z.-Z. et al. (1979) Discussions on the palaeography and palaeoclimatology of the Late Eocene Epoch and Oligocene Epoch, North Jiansu. Acta Botanica Sinica (Chih Wu Hsueh Pao). 149- 156 details
1979 Tuzhikova,V.I. Tuzhikova,V.I. (1979) Palynological charactieristics of the Yushatyrsk Suite of the Southern Cis-Ural. (In: Triassic Stratigraphy of the Urals and Cis-Urals. Symposium on the Problems of Stratigraphy. #27). V.I.Tuzhikova and G.N.Papulov, editors) Trudy Uralskii Nauchnyi Tsentralnykh,Instituta Geologii i Geokhimii,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 60- 71 details
1979 Urban,J.B. Urban,J.B. (1979) Biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy of the Plio-Pleistocene Beds in the Lower Rhine. (In: Studies on Loess. E.Szadeczky-Kardoss, editor) Acta Geologica Academiae. 153- 160 details
1979 Kimyai,A. Kimyai,A. (1979) Devonian spores from the Hassanakdar area, Iran. Pollen et Spores. 481- 498 details
1979 Damassa,S.P. Damassa,S.P. (1979) Eocene dinoflagellates from the Coastal Belt of the Franciscan Complex, northern California. Journal of Paleontology. 815- 840 details
1979 Khaitser,L.L. et al. Khaitser,L.L. et al. (1979) New information on the Basalts of the Pechora Coal Basin. (In: Triassic Stratigraphy of the Urals and Cis-Urals. Symposium on the Problems of Stratigraphy. #27). V.I.Tuzhikova and G.N.Papulov, editors) Trudy Uralskii Nauchnyi Tsentralnykh,Instituta Geologii i Geokhimii,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 72- 82 details
1979 Ravn,R.L. Ravn,R.L. (1979) An introduction to the stratigraphic palynology of the Cherokee Group (Pennsylvanian) coals of Iowa. Iowa Geological Survey,Technical Paper. 1- 117 details
1979 Pocock,S.A.J. Pocock,S.A.J. (1979) Palynology at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in North America. Fourth International Palynology Conference, Lucknow, 1976-1977, Proceedings. 377- 385 details
1979 Chaiffetz,M.S. Chaiffetz,M.S. (1979) Devonian, North American; USA biostratigraphy, palaeoecology, descriptive Palaeontology: Systematics. Chitinozoan Newsletter. 11- 11 details
1979 Smith,D.G. Smith,D.G. (1979) The distribution of Trilete spores in Irish Silurian Rocks. Geological Society, London. 423- 431 details
1979 Takahashi,K. Takahashi,K. (1979) Phytoplankton from the Upper Cretaceous Quiriquina Formation, central Chile. Bulletin of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Nagasaki University, Natural Science. 31- 37 details
1979 Paris,F. Paris,F. (1979) The Lower Paleozoic of the Massif Armoricain and the Montagne Noir. (In: Geological excursions in the Massif Armoricain) Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique et Min©ralogique de Bretagne, Nouvelle s©rie. 102- 106 details
1979 Singh,R.Y. et al. Singh,R.Y. et al. (1979) Palynology of the rocksalt deposits of Mandi and its implications on the age of the Shali Formations. (In: Upper Palaeozoics of the Himalaya. V.J.Gupta, editor) Contributions To Himalayan Geology. 97- 105 details
1979 Ault,C.H. et al. Ault,C.H. et al. (1979) Geology of the Springfield Coal Member in Indiana: A review. (In: Depositional and structural history of the Pennsylvanian system of the Illinois Basin. Part 2. Invited Papers. J.E.Palmer and R.R.Dutcher, editors) International Congress on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology,Compte Rendu,9th,Field Trip. 43- 49 details
1979 Chaloner,W.G. et al. Chaloner,W.G. et al. (1979) Brasilodendron, gen.nov., and Brasilodendron pedroanum (Carruthers), comb.nov., a Permian Lycopod from Brazil. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 117- 136 details
1979 Aldridge,R.J. et al. Aldridge,R.J. et al. (1979) Microfossil distribution in the Silurian of Britian and Ireland. Geological Society, London. 433- 438 details
1979 Ragozina,A.L. et al. Ragozina,A.L. et al. (1979) Stratigraphy and correlation of Riphean and Vendian deposits of the Kola Peninsula. (In: Upper Proterozoic Stratigraphy of the USSR (Riphean and Vendian). (V.M.Keller and M.A.Semikhatov, editors) Izdatelstvo Nauka, Moscow, USSR.. 129- 132 details
1979 Mihaltz-Farago,M. Mihaltz-Farago,M. (1979) Palaeoflora of borehole Ke-3 of Kecskemet (Great Hungarian Plain) in light of palynological analysis A Magyar Allami Fжldtani Int©zet ‰vi Jelent©se, ‰vrжl. 153- 162 details
1979 Hueber,F.M. et al. Hueber,F.M. et al. (1979) Serrulacaulis furcatus, sp.nov., a new Zosterophyll from the Lower Upper Devonian of New York State. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 169- 189 details
1979 Volkova,V.S. Volkova,V.S. (1979) Climates of West Siberia in the Upper Pliocene and Quaternary. (In: Stratigraphy and Palynology of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Siberia. V.S.Volkova, editor) Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Trudy Institut Geologii i Geofiziki, Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Novosibirsk.(Stratigraphy and Palynology of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Siberia). 62- 73 details
1979 Pant,D.D. et al. Pant,D.D. et al. (1979) On some megaspores from the Triassic of Nidhpuri, India. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 203- 221 details
1979 Az©ma,C. Az©ma,C. (1979) Cenomanian sediments from Western France. Pal©obiologie Continentale. 1- 1 details
1979 Jacobson,S.R. Jacobson,S.R. (1979) Acritarchs as paleoenvironmental indicators in Middle and Upper Ordovician rocks from Kentucky, Ohio and New York. Journal of Paleontology. 1197- 1212 details
1979 Durand,S. Durand,S. (1979) Cenomanian Drillhole of Loudun. Pal©obiologie Continentale. 6- 6 details
1979 Guy-Ohlson,D. Guy-Ohlson,D. (1979) A new species of Sensoisporites (Weyland and Krieger) Dettman in the Jurassic of Southern Sweden. Grana. 129- 131 details
1979 Choubert,G. et al. Choubert,G. et al. (1979) First results of acritarch research in the Precambrian of the Anti-Atlas. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 191- 194 details
1979 Cramer,F.H. et al. Cramer,F.H. et al. (1979) Note on the Cretaceous palynoflora of northern Spain. Pal©obiologie Continentale. 1- 13 details
1979 Laufeld,S. Laufeld,S. (1979) Chitinozoans. Sveriges Geologiska Undersжkning, Serie C. 70- 76 details
1979 Fauconnier,D. Fauconnier,D. (1979) Middle to Upper Cretaceous of the Paris Basin and Western Regions. Pal©obiologie Continentale. 14- 14 details
1979 Bonnefille,R. Bonnefille,R. (1979) Pslynolohivsl, Mryhof; paleoclimatic reconstruction of the Cenozoic in the East African Rift. Bulletin de la Soci©t© G©ologique de France, 7e s©rie. 31- 342 details
1979 M©dus,J. M©dus,J. (1979) Upper Cretaceous Normapolles from Charente. Pal©obiologie Continentale. 15- 17 details
1979 Diver,W.L. et al. Diver,W.L. et al. (1979) On the interpretation and classification of Precambrian organic-walled microfossils. Geology. 401- 404 details
1979 Srivastava,A.K. Srivastava,A.K. (1979) Studied in the Glossopteris flora of India. 44: Ranganj plant megafossils and miospores from Auranga Coalfield, Bihar. The Palaeobotanist. 72- 94 details
1979 Kedves,M. Kedves,M. (1979) Stratigraphic data on the Upper Cretaceous angiosperms of Europe. Pal©obiologie Continentale. 18- 22 details
1979 Foster,C.B. Foster,C.B. (1979) Tertiary miospores from the Rundle Oil-Shale deposit. Queensland Government Mining Journal. 442- 443 details
1979 Khosbayar,P. Khosbayar,P. (1979) Lower Cretaceous coalbearing deposits of Tchoiren Depression and their paleontological characteristic. (In: Mesozoic and Cenozoic faunas of Mongolia.) Trudy Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongol'skaya Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya. 100- 107 details
1979 Burger,D. et al. Burger,D. et al. (1979) A revision of the sedimentary and palynological history of the Northeastern Eromanga Basin,Queensland. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia. 121- 132 details
1979 Cookson,I.C. et al. Cookson,I.C. et al. (1979) Some algae from Cretaceous sediments of Australia. Neues Jahrbuch fмr Geologie und Pal¤ontologie. Monatshefte. 77- 82 details
1979 Kumar,P. et al. Kumar,P. et al. (1979) Palynostratigraphical studies of Carbonaceous shales from Kotri, Narsinghpur District, Madhya Pradesh, India. Geophytology. 52- 61 details
1979 Holland,C.H. et al. Holland,C.H. et al. (1979) Silurian rocks of the Capard Inlier, County Laois. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. 99- 110 details
1979 Hofmann,H.J. et al. Hofmann,H.J. et al. (1979) Late Precambrian microfossils, southeastern Newfoundland. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper. 83- 98 details
1979 Smith,D.G. Smith,D.G. (1979) New evidence for the age of the Ahenny Formation, Slievenamon Inlier, County Tipperary. Journal of Earth Sciences,Royal Dublin Society. 61- 63 details
1979 Arslan,R. Arslan,R. (1979) The palynologic examination of core specimens around Kutahya-Tuncbilek area Bulletin of the Geological Society of Turkey,(Turkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bulteni). 135- 140 details
1979 Singh,H.P. et al. Singh,H.P. et al. (1979) Palynological zonation of the Subathu Formation in the Kalka-Simla area of Himachal Pradesh. Himalayan Geology. 33- 46 details
1979 Kogbe,C.A. Kogbe,C.A. (1979) Review of the Continental Intercalaire and Continental terminal in the Iullemmeden Basin of West Africa Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt. 363- 376 details
1979 Baksi,S.K. et al. Baksi,S.K. et al. (1979) On Crotonipollis. A new genus from the Paleocene - Eocene of India. Indian Journal of Earth Sciences. 232- 236 details
1979 Moreau-Benoit,A. Moreau-Benoit,A. (1979) Spores of the Devonian of Libya. (Part One) Cahiers de Micropal©ontologie, Nouvelle s©rie. 1- 58 details
1979 Semenova,E.V. Semenova,E.V. (1979) Stratigraphy of the Upper Triassic Boundary in the North-West Part of the Don Basin. Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR,(Kiev). Palynological Characteristics of Stratigraphic Boundaries of the Mesozoic and Paleogene in the Ukraine and Moldaviya. 7- 17 details
1979 Piasecki,S. Piasecki,S. (1979) Hauterivian dinoflagellate cysts from Milnland East Greenland. Geological Society of Denmark, Bulletin (Meddelelser Fra Dansk Geologisk Forening). 31- 37 details
1979 Yanovskaya,G.G. Yanovskaya,G.G. (1979) Stratigraphy of the Vyshnevsk Series in Moldaviya and the South-West Ukraine, based on palynology. Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR,(Kiev). Palynological Characteristics of Stratigraphic Boundaries of the Mesozoic and Paleogene in the Ukraine and Moldaviya. 18- 26 details
1979 Voronova,G.G. Voronova,G.G. (1979) Palynological characteristics of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary of some Regions in the Ukraine. Akademiya Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR,(Kiev). Palynological Characteristics of Stratigraphic Boundaries of the Mesozoic and Paleogene in the Ukraine and Moldaviya. 27- 36 details