Year First author Citations link
1978 Whiteley,M.J. Whiteley,M.J. (1978) Frasnian and Givetian miospores from the Key Point Well, Parry Islands, Arctic Canada. (In: A Field Guide to Selected Outcrop Area of the Devonian of Scotland, the Welsh Borderland and South Wales. P.F.Friend and B.P.L.Williams, editors) International Symposium on the Devonian System. The Palaeontological Association, Abstract.. 58- 58 details
1978 Sarjeant,W.A.S. Sarjeant,W.A.S. (1978) A guide to the identification of Jurassic dinoflagellate cysts. Louisiana State University, School of Geoscience, Miscellaneous Publication. 1- 107 details
1978 Conway,B.H. Conway,B.H. (1978) Microplankton from the Upper Bathonian of Zohar 5 and Yinnon 1 boreholes in Southern Israel. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 337- 362 details
1978 Kedves,M. Kedves,M. (1978) Ultrastructure investigations into fossil Salviniaceae spores. Acta Biologica,(Szeged). 19- 22 details
1978 Oehler,D.Z. Oehler,D.Z. (1978) Microflora of the Middle Proterozoic Balbirini Dolomite, (McArthur), of Australia. Alcheringa. 269- 309 details
1978 Wilson,G.J. Wilson,G.J. (1978) The dinoflagellate species Isabelia druggii (Stover), and Isabelia seelandica (Lange). New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 75- 80 details
1978 Kedves,M. Kedves,M. (1978) Palynological investigations into sediments of the Lower Palaeogene Period in Bulgaria. Acta Biologica,(Szeged). 23- 30 details
1978 Wilson,G.J. Wilson,G.J. (1978) Kaiwaradinium, a new dinoflagellate genus from the Late Jurassic of North Canterbury, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 81- 84 details
1978 Kedves,M. et al. Kedves,M. et al. (1978) The sporomorphae of an Angolan Brown Coal. Acta Botanica, Acad©miae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 69- 89 details
1978 Goodman,D.K. et al. Goodman,D.K. et al. (1978) Comments on the paratabulation of "Angustidinium" acribes. Penrose Conference,Colorado Springs,(Unpublished Report). 1- 1 details
1978 Banks,M.R. Banks,M.R. (1978) Correlation chart for the Triassic system of Australia Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin. 1- 39 details
1978 Evitt,W.R. Evitt,W.R. (1978) Reevaluation of Gonyaulacysta jurassica (Deflandre) Norris and Sarjeant. Penrose Conference,Colorado Springs,(Unpublished Report). 1- 1 details
1978 Bortoluzzi,C.A. et al. Bortoluzzi,C.A. et al. (1978) Geologic investigations of the Santa Catarina Coal Basin, stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleontology and petrography of coals. Pesquisas - Instituto de GeociЄncias. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. 33- 192 details
1978 Portnyagina,L.A. Portnyagina,L.A. (1978) Evolution of angiosperm pollen in the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene flora of the Carpathians Paleontologicheskii Sbornik. 72- 75 details
1978 Goodman,D.K. Goodman,D.K. (1978) A fusiform pyrodinioid dinocyst from the Atlantic Coastal Plain of Maryland and Virginia. Penrose Conference,Colorado Springs,(Unpublished Report). 1- 1 details
1978 Schumacker-Lambry,J. Schumacker-Lambry,J. (1978) Palynology of Lower Landenian (Paleocene) at Gelinden-Overbroek, Belgium. Relationship between the microfossils and the sediment. Universit© de LiЁge, Laboratoire de Pal©obotanique et de Pal©opalynologie, LiЁge, Belgium.. 1- 157 details
1978 Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. (1978) New palynological contributions to the paleoclimatic and paleophytogeographic knowledge of the Eocene from the Ango-Paris Basin. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad©mie des Sciences, S©rie II. 591- 593 details
1978 Doyle,J.A. Doyle,J.A. (1978) Origin of angiosperms. Annual Review of Ecological Systems. 365- 392 details
1978 Zhang,Y. Zhang,Y. (1978) Eucaryotic unicellular microfossils in the Mid-Proterozoic Wumishan Formation, (Sinian System), from Western Hopei Province, China. Acta Botanica Sinica (Chih Wu Hsueh Pao). 293- 304 details
1978 Wood,G.D. Wood,G.D. (1978) Palynology and paleobotany of the Jave and Lowermost Canadaway Formations, Upper Devonian, (Senecan/Chautauquan ), New York State. PhD Thesis, Michigan State University. 1- 243 details
1978 Zhang,Z. Zhang,Z. (1978) Eucaryotic unicellular microfossil about 1300 million years old. Chinese Science Bulletin (Kexue Tongbao). 230- 235 details
1978 Christopher,R.A. Christopher,R.A. (1978) Quantitative palynologic correlation of three Campanian and Maastrichtian Sections, (Upper Cretaceous), from the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Palynology. 1- 27 details
1978 Tingey,J.C. Tingey,J.C. (1978) Palynology of the Lower Cretaceous Bear River Formation in the Overthrust Belt of southwestern Wyoming. PhD Thesis, Michigan State University. 1- 167 details
1978 Givulescu,R. et al. Givulescu,R. et al. (1978) Palynological profile of Pannonian plant deposits of Chiuzbaia, (Maramures Department, Roumania). Muzeul Brukenthal-Studii si Comunicari(Sibiu). 37- 41 details
1978 Jarzen,D.M. Jarzen,D.M. (1978) Some Maastrichtian palynomorphs and their phytogeographical and paleoecological implications. Palynology. 29- 38 details
1978 Coetzee,J.A. Coetzee,J.A. (1978) Late Cainozoic Palaeonvironments of Southern Africa. INQUA Congress,10th,Antarctic Glacial History and World Palaeoenvironments,(E.M.Van Zindebakker,Ed.),Proc.Symposium,Aug.1977,10th Inqua Congress,Biham,U.K.. 115- 127 details
1978 Perch-Neilsen,K. Perch-Neilsen,K. (1978) Eocene to Pliocene archaeomonads, ebridians and endoskeletal dinoflagellates from the Norwegian Sea, DSDP Leg 38. Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington, Initial Reports, (U.S.Gov't Print.Office). 147- 175 details
1978 Bergad,R.D. Bergad,R.D. (1978) Ultrastructural studies of selected North American Cretaceous megaspores of Minerisporites, Erlandsonisporites, Horstiporites, and Ricinospora, nov.gen. Palynology. 39- 51 details
1978 Coetzee,J.A. Coetzee,J.A. (1978) Climate and biological changes in Southwestern Africa during the Late Cainozoic. Palaeoecology of Africa and the Surrounding Islands. 13- 29 details
1978 da Costa,N.M. da Costa,N.M. (1978) Palynologic and stratigraphic correlation of Paleozoic sediments of the extreme Northeast of the State of Mata Grosso. Anais do Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, 30th.. 937- 947 details
1978 Fauconnier,D. et al. Fauconnier,D. et al. (1978) Possible role of dinoflagellates in Phosphate sedimentation Bulletin du Bureau des Recherches G©ologiques et MiniЁres (DeuxiЁme s©rie). 191- 200 details
1978 Utting,J. Utting,J. (1978) Lower Karroo pollen and spore assemblages from the Coal Measures and underlying sediments of the Siankondobo Coalfield, Mid-Ambezi Valley, Zambia. Palynology. 53- 68 details
1978 Legoux,O. Legoux,O. (1978) Some characteristic species of pollen from the Neogene of Nigeria. Bulletin des Centres de Recherches Exploration-Production Elf-Aquitaine. 265- 317 details
1978 Owens,B. et al. Owens,B. et al. (1978) Palynological subdivision of the Dinantian to Westphalian deposits of Northwest Europe and the Donetz Basin of the USSR. Palynology. 69- 91 details
1978 Nichols,D.J. et al. Nichols,D.J. et al. (1978) Biostratigraphy and evolution of the Momipites-Caryapollenites Lineage in the Early Tertiary in the Wind River Basin, Wyomig. Palynology. 93- 112 details
1978 Erkmen,U. Erkmen,U. (1978) Acritarch biofacies of Bedinan Formation in southeastern Anatolia and its paleogeographical interpretation. Petroleum Congress of Turkey,Proceedings,4th. 133- 141 details
1978 Frederiksen,N.O. et al. Frederiksen,N.O. et al. (1978) Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous and Paleogene Triatriate pollen from South Carolina. Palynology. 113- 145 details
1978 Whitaker,M.F. et al. Whitaker,M.F. et al. (1978) Palynology of Arnsbergian, (Upper Carboniferous) Strata in County Leitrim, Ireland. Journal of Earth Sciences,Royal Dublin Society. 163- 171 details
1978 Olaru,L. Olaru,L. (1978) New forms of microflora of Senonian deposits between Bistrita and Trotus Rivers. (The eastern Carpathians.) Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "Al. I. Cuza" din Iasi (serie noua), Sectiunea IIb, Geologie-Geografie. 37- 40 details
1978 Byvsheva,T.V. et al. Byvsheva,T.V. et al. (1978) Stratigraphical palynology of the Tournaisian to Stephanian deposits of the USSR and Western Europe International Congress on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology,Compte Rendu,8th,Moscow,1975. 209- 215 details
1978 Whitaker,M.F. et al. Whitaker,M.F. et al. (1978) Palynology of Carboniferous strata from the Ballycastle area, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. Palynology. 147- 158 details
1978 Richardson,J.B. Richardson,J.B. (1978) Report on the Devonian contributions to the Commission International du Paleozoique Meeting in Moscow. (In: Volume 1. General problems of the Carboniferous stratigraphy) International Congress on Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology,Compte Rendu,8th,Moscow,1975. 195- 197 details
1978 Kryukov,A.V. et al. Kryukov,A.V. et al. (1978) New type section of the Base of the Upper Paleozoic sedimentary complex in the Tunguska Syneclise Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 663- 665 details
1978 Ke et al. Ke et al. (1978) Early Tertiary spores and pollen grains from the Coastal Region of Bohai Academy of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Planning Resources Ministry of Petroleum and Chemical Industry, Nanjinj Institut of Geology and Paleontology and Chinese Academy od Science, Kexue Chubanshe,Science Press,Beijing,China. 1- 177 details
1978 Sarjeant,W.A.S. Sarjeant,W.A.S. (1978) Arpylorus antiguus Calandra, emend., a dinoflagellate cyst from the Upper Silurian. Palynology. 167- 178 details
1978 Taugourdeau,P. Taugourdeau,P. (1978) Incertae sedis and various microfossils preserved in organic matter of Paleozoic Sahara. Revue de Micropal©ontologie. 149- 159 details
1978 Hill,P.J. Hill,P.J. (1978) A review of Cymbosphaeridium pilar and comparison with Multiplicisphaeridium pachymurum, sp.nov., from the Llandovery and Wenlockof Shropshire, Great Britain. Palynology. 181- 185 details
1978 Dale,B. Dale,B. (1978) Acritarchous cysts of Peridinium faeroense, Paulsen Palynology. 187- 193 details
1978 KonzalovЎ,M. KonzalovЎ,M. (1978) Some results of micropaleontological research in the East Sudetic sequence Casopis pro Mineralogii a Geologii. 389- 394 details
1978 Bradford,M.R. Bradford,M.R. (1978) Acritarchous cysts of Peridinium faeroense, Paulsen Palynology. 195- 197 details
1978 Cousminer,H.L. Cousminer,H.L. (1978) Palynoflorules of Jurassic Circum-Gulf Salt American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists,11th Annual Meeting,Program and Abstracts. 216- 216 details
1978 Kyle,R.A. Kyle,R.A. (1978) The Permian and Triassic palynology of South Victoria Land, Antarctica. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists,11th Annual Meeting,Program and Abstracts. 223- 224 details
1978 Soister,P.E. et al. Soister,P.E. et al. (1978) Eocene rocks in Denver Basin. Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists,Field Conference,Guidebook. 231- 235 details
1978 Kruchek,S.A. et al. Kruchek,S.A. et al. (1978) Biostratigraphy of Inter-Salt Upper Devonian deposits of the Southern Part of the Pripyat Depression. (In: Contempory Problems of Geology of the Byelorussian SSR. Collection of Scientific Papers) Trudy Ministerstvo Geologii SSR,Akademiya Nauk SSR. 23- 34 details
1978 Richardson,J.B. et al. Richardson,J.B. et al. (1978) Lower Devonian spores and reworked acritarchs from the Witey Borehole, southern England, and their geological implication. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists,11th Annual Meeting,Program and Abstracts. 231- 231 details
1978 Scheuring,B.W. Scheuring,B.W. (1978) Microflora of the Meride Limestone of Mount San Biorgio, (Ticino, Switzerland). E.Schweizerbart'sche Schweizerische Palaontologische Abhandlungen. 1- 205 details
1978 Sarjeant,W.A.S. et al. Sarjeant,W.A.S. et al. (1978) Cyclonephelium and Tenua: a problem in dinoflagellate cyst taxonomy. Grana. 47- 54 details
1978 Frederiksen,N.O. Frederiksen,N.O. (1978) New Paleogene pollen species from the Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plains. Journal of Research of the United States Geological Survey. 691- 696 details
1978 Batten,D.J. Batten,D.J. (1978) Distribution of biostratigraphically diagnostic dinoflagellate cysts miospores from the northwest European Continental Shelf and adjacent areas. (In: Distribution of Biostratigraphically diagnostic dinoflagellate cysts and miospores from the Northwest European continental shelf and adjacent areas. B.Thusu, editor) Continental Shelf Institute Publication. 97- 101 details
1978 Radyushkina,T.T. et al. Radyushkina,T.T. et al. (1978) Sedimentation conditions and prospects of oil and Gas presence in the Rhaetian-Lias and Lias deposits in the eastern part of Ustyurt Byulleten Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskii. 147- 153 details