The history of the Plio-Pleistocene of Italy in some lacustrine and marine vegetational sequences.
Foreign title:
La Storia del Plio-Pleistocene Italiano in Alcune sequenze vegetazionali Lacustri e Marine.
Lona,F. et al. (1973) The history of the Plio-Pleistocene of Italy in some lacustrine and marine vegetational sequences. [ La Storia del Plio-Pleistocene Italiano in Alcune sequenze vegetazionali Lacustri e Marine. ] Atti Della Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei,Memorie, Serie 8,Sezione 3(Ish Summary) Vol. 11 # 1 P. 1- 45
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Abies Abies sp Italy Late Pliocene
Cedrus Cedrus Italy Late Pliocene
Tsuga Tsuga sp Italy Late Pliocene
Carya Carya sp Italy Late Pliocene
Pterocarya Pterocarya Italy Late Pliocene
Quercetum Quercetum Italy Late Pliocene
Juglans Juglans Italy Late Pliocene
Platycarya Platycarya sp Italy Late Pliocene
Juglandaceae Juglandaceae sp Italy Late Pliocene Early Pleistocene
Ulmus Ulmus Italy Late Pliocene
Tilia Tilia sp Italy Late Pliocene
Acer Acer Italy Late Pliocene
Zelkova Zelkova sp Italy Late Pliocene
Ilex Ilex sp Italy Late Pliocene
Salix Salix Italy Late Pliocene
Ostrya Ostrya Italy Late Pliocene
Corylus Corylus Italy Late Pliocene