Palynological elaborations in the Miocene Layers of the Mecsek Mountains.
Foreign title:
A Mecsek Hegyseg Miocen Retegeinek palynologiai Vizsgalata.
Nagy,E. (1969) Palynological elaborations in the Miocene Layers of the Mecsek Mountains. [ A Mecsek Hegyseg Miocen Retegeinek palynologiai Vizsgalata. ] Annales Instituti Geologici Publici Hungarici,(Budapest) Vol. 52 # 2 P. 237- 649
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites microhenrici Hungary Helvetian Pannonian
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites microhenrici Hungary Early Helvetian Sarmatian
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites minimus sp. nov. Hungary Helvetian Sarmatian
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites porasper Hungary Helvetian Sarmatian
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites satzveyensis Hungary Helvetian
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites steinensis Hungary Pannonian
Tricolporopollenites Tricolporopollenites villensis Hungary Helvetian
Triletes Triletes grandis Hungary Tortonian
Trilites Trilites sp Hungary Helvetian
Trilobosporites Trilobosporites bernissartensis Hungary Early Pannonian
Triplexisporites Triplexisporites triplex sp. nov. Hungary Early Helvetian
Triporopollenites Triporopollenites coryloides Hungary Helvetian
Triporopollenites Triporopollenites coryloides Hungary Helvetian
Triporopollenites Triporopollenites megagranifer Hungary Early Helvetian
Triporopollenites Triporopollenites megagranifer Hungary Pannonian
Triporopollenites Triporopollenites rhenanus Hungary Late Helvetian
Triporopollenites Triporopollenites robustus Hungary Helvetian