Planktonic algal microfossils from Early Silurian of northern Guizhou, South China
Li,J. et al. (1999) Planktonic algal microfossils from Early Silurian of northern Guizhou, South China Program of the 7th International Symposium on Fossil Algae Nanjing P. 41- 42
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Dactylofusa Dactylofusa sp China(Guizhou) Late Aeronian Early Telychian
Micrhystridium Micrhystridium sp China(Guizhou) Early Telychian
Leiosphaeridia Leiosphaeridia sp China(Guizhou) Late Rhuddanian Early Telychian
Chlorophyceae Chlorophyceae sp China(Guizhou) Late Aeronian
Acanthomorph Acanthomorph sp China(Guizhou) Early Telychian
Tylotopalla Tylotopalla sp China(Guizhou) Early Telychian
Diexallophasis Diexallophasis sp China(Guizhou) Early Telychian
Prasinophycea Prasinophycea sp China(Guizhou) Late Rhuddanian Late Aeronian
Scolecodont Scolecodont sp China(Guizhou) Late Rhuddanian Early Telychian