Palynostratigraphy and depositional history of the Palaeocene Ormesby/Thanet depositional sequence set in southeastern England and its correlation with Continental West Europe and the Lista Formation, North Sea.
Jolley,D.W. (1998) Palynostratigraphy and depositional history of the Palaeocene Ormesby/Thanet depositional sequence set in southeastern England and its correlation with Continental West Europe and the Lista Formation, North Sea. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology Vol. 99 # 3 P. 265- 315
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Momipites Momipites tenuipolus England(Norfolk) Paleocene
Cribroperidinium Cribroperidinium wetzelii England(Norfolk) Paleocene
Membranosphaera Membranosphaera maastrichtica England(Norfolk) Paleocene
Leiotriletes Leiotriletes adriennis England(Norfolk) Paleocene
Platycaryapollenites Platycaryapollenites platycaryoides England(Norfolk) Paleocene
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium patulum England(Norfolk) Paleocene
Impletosphaeridium Impletosphaeridium densicomatum England(Norfolk) Paleocene
Achomosphaera Achomosphaera ramulifera England(Norfolk) Paleocene
Intratriporopollenites Intratriporopollenites microreticulatus England(Norfolk) Paleocene
Palaeotetradinium Palaeotetradinium minusculum England(Norfolk) Paleocene
Compositoipollenites Compositoipollenites rhizophorus England(Norfolk) Paleocene
Hystrichosphaeridium Hystrichosphaeridium tubiferum England(Norfolk) Paleocene
Fromea Fromea fragilis England(Norfolk) Paleocene
Operculodinium Operculodinium bellulum England(Norfolk) Paleocene
Operculodinium Operculodinium centrocarpum England(Norfolk) Paleocene
Thalassiphora Thalassiphora delicata England(Norfolk) Paleocene
Spiniferites Spiniferites cornutus England(Norfolk) Paleocene