Dinoflagellates, sporomorphs and other palynomorphs from the upper Pliocene St. Erth Beds of Cornwall, Southwestern England.
Head,M.J. (1993) Dinoflagellates, sporomorphs and other palynomorphs from the upper Pliocene St. Erth Beds of Cornwall, Southwestern England. Journal of Paleontology, Memoir # 31 P. 1- 62
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Genus Species Country(Region) From To
Cicatricosisporites Cicatricosisporites sp England(Cornwall) Tiglian
Symplocos Symplocos sp England(Cornwall) Tiglian
Porocolpopollenites Porocolpopollenites triangulus sp. nov. England(Cornwall) Tiglian
Rhizophagites Rhizophagites cerasiformis England(Cornwall) Tiglian
Sigmopollis Sigmopollis sp England(Cornwall) Tiglian
Nuphar Nuphar sp England(Cornwall) Tiglian
Scolecodont Scolecodont sp England(Cornwall) Tiglian
Debarya Debarya glyptosperma England(Cornwall) Tiglian
Mougeotia Mougeotia sp England(Cornwall) Tiglian
Lecaniella Lecaniella sp England(Cornwall) Tiglian
Planctonites Planctonites sp England(Cornwall) Tiglian
Dictyosporium Dictyosporium heptasporum England(Cornwall) Tiglian
Tetraploa Tetraploa aristata England(Cornwall) Tiglian
Ericipites Ericipites sp England(Cornwall) Tiglian
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae England(Cornwall) Tiglian
Gramineae Gramineae England(Cornwall) Tiglian
Cyperaceae Cyperaceae England(Cornwall) Tiglian