Veryhachium sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Toarcian W.Germany(Baden) Prauss,M. et al. Organic matter and palynomorphs in the "Posidonienschiefer" (Toarcian, Lower Jurassic) of Southern Germany. (In: Modern and Ancient Continental Shelf Anoxia. R.V.Tyson and T.H.Pearson, editors) 1991
details Late Santonian Campanian W.Germany(Bavaria) Kirsch,K.-H. Dinoflagellate cysts of the Upper Cretaceous of the Helvetic and Ultrahelvetic of the Upper Bavaria 1991
details Late Norian Hauterivian Australia(Offshore) Burger,D. Results of a preliminary palynological examination of Mesozoic grab samples from the Northwest Shelf. 1991
details Tremadocian Caradocian Belgium Herbosch,A. et al. Study of the lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and sedimentology of the Lessines borehole (Southern Boarder of the Brabant Massive, Belgium) 1991
details Late Rupelian Early Chattian Germany(Niedersachsen) Kжthe,A. Paleogene dinoflagellates from Northwest Germany; biostratigraphy and paleoenvironment. 1991
details Aalenian Denmark Dybkjaer,K. Palynological zonation and palynofacies investigation of the Fjerritslev Formation (Lower Jurassic-Basal Middle Jurassic) in the Danish Subbasin 1991
details Cenomanian Santonian Canada(Saskatchewan) Gilboy,C.F. et al. Preliminary palynological investigations of the Upper Cretaceous strata, southwestern Saskatchewan. 1991
details Oligocene Miocene India(Assam) Kumar,A. et al. Palynology of the Tertiary sediments of Southern Assam, India. 1991
details Paleocene Scotland(Hebrides) Batten,D.J. Reworking of plant microfossils and sedimentary provenance. (In: Developments in Sedimentary Provenance Studies. A.C.Morton et al, editors) 1991
details Griesbachian Norway(Offshore) Vigran,J.O. et al. Palynological evidence of Lower Triassic rocks Subcropping offshore Mid-Norway 1991
details Strunian Courceyan Wales(Glamorgan) Davies,J.R. et al. Palaeoenvironments and palynofacies of a pulsed transgression; The Late Devonian and Early Dinantian (Lower Carboniferous) rocks of southeast Wales. 1991
details Early Albian Greenland …rhus,N. Dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of some Aptian and sections from North Greenland, southeastern Spitsbergen and the Barents Sea. 1991
details Middle Albian Arctic Ocean …rhus,N. Dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of some Aptian and sections from North Greenland, southeastern Spitsbergen and the Barents Sea. 1991
details Late Cenomanian Early Turonian W.Germany(Helgoland) Batten,D.J. et al. Palynology of Upper Cretaceous "Black Shales" from Helgoland, South North Sea. (In: The Cretaceous of the North Sea, Helgoland. F.Schmid and C.Spaeth, editors) 1991
details Ludlovian Early Pridolian Colombia Grosser,J.R. et al. First evidence of the Silurian in Columbia; palynostratigraphic data from the Quetame Massif Cordillera Oriental 1991
details Smithian Norway(Offshore) Vigran,J.O. et al. Palynological evidence of Lower Triassic rocks Subcropping offshore Mid-Norway 1991
details Late Albian Cenomanian Canada(Arctic) Burden,E.T. et al. Palynology of Cretaceous and Tertiary strata, northeast Baffin Island, Northwest Territories Canada; Implications for the history of rifting in Baffin Bay 1991